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Thursday, November 29, 2012

LuckyTV | Burgerslachtoffers

Wow!  Can you believe this blatent remark by this monster?  Can we just shove orgone up his ass ASAP?  Wow!  Unbelievable!

fwd: "We are trying to maximize the number of civilian casualties." Benjamin Netanyahu

This is something that will NEVER be seen on the presstitute stuporvision in the USA. Watch this now before it is pulled from circulation by Youtube.

This is a fifty second film clip of a news conference in Jerusalem with Hillary Clinton and Benjamin Netanyahu. The comments by Netanyahu are absolutely stunning in what they reveal---both a total disregard and abject contempt for human life. look closely at Hillary Clinton. Her body language reflects a great deal of stress. She looks like somebody just kicked her in the stomach. As hard boiled as she is, even Hillary is stunned by his remarks. Also, watch her face as Netanyahu lectures her on Israeli policy and his contempt for the views of both the United States and the international community.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"VACCINE FREE", by Andreas Bachmair

Vaccine Free - 111 Stories of Unvaccinated Children is a moving testament to the power of the body to take care of itself and the trust that people put in that natural process.

In this book, based on research with more than 15000 participants from all over the world, you will find stories of families who investigated the vaccine topic carefully and thoroughly because they love and want to protect their children.

These stories will educate you to not follow public opinion and propaganda but rather question what is happening and become informed when making decisions that pertain to the health of your children and our future generations.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Happy Birthday My Hubby Robert!

Happy Birthday to my best friend & hubby Robert!  This video I made for him.

Lots of love to you my dear hubby!  Have a blessed day!

This man loves me like no other ever, in this life or any other life!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Juicing and Raw Foods: Vaccine Side Effects

Juicing and Raw Foods: Vaccine Side Effects: There has been much recent concern regarding vaccines given to children, and their possible side effects. Particularly highlighted isthe link between early childhood vaccines and autism...

“Everyday millions of children are lined up and injected with toxic putrid substances grown on animal organs, cancer cells, aborted fetuses and other toxic substances. Few people are questioning how those viruses were obtained and how they were grown in a laboratory. If one would ask these sensible questions, one would become very enlightened about vaccine production. I warn you now, discussing vaccine-production will turn your stomach. Vaccines are made from the most vilest and filthiest substances on the earth. Since the definition of abomination is "anything that is filthy", the term describes vaccinations adequately and truthfully. The vaccine "cauldron" is full of putrid junk from bodies exposed to disease and excreting morbid purulence. Science gathers this junk up in hopes of making vaccines for "preventing" disease; and we are being fooled while vaccinations cause increases in diseases.”

Think For Yourself and Don't Let Others Do It For You

I like this guy!

Yeah, like vaccinating your children for one.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Death by Flu Shot. 7 Year-Old Receives Flu Vaccine; Dies 4 Days Later

For those with Facebook, here's their page:   In Loving Memory Of Kaylynne Mae Patricia Matten

It is PAST time for this to stop.  This needs to stop YESTERDAY or else!

If you're using and/or supporting of ANY kind of pharmaceutical, then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.  Sorry to say that, but it's true.

The only way that this will stop if EVERYONE becomes part of the solution and says no to pHARMaceuticals and seek alternatives.  And they ARE out there.  Myself and others have been continually posting on them.   Seek and ye shall find.

Remember this?   Biblical Sorcery and Modern Drugs  
Read it again, because people STILL AREN'T GETTING IT YET!


Here is another child who had a bad reaction to MMR and Flu shot.

I invite parents whose child has suffered a vaccine-related reaction, injury, disability or death to post their story with a photo or photos on this Facebook page to help inform other parents about the risks of vaccinating. Thank you so much for sharing your and your child's story!

Erwin Alber

PS Please also visit my 'Vaccination Information Network'(VINE and post a comment and photo on my other FB pages if appropriate, if you like:
My birth story
Vaccine free chidren photo gallery

"No more vaccinations for us!"

MMR Package Insert (Merk):

MMR Vaccine Adverse Reactions

Merck lists the following side effects on their package insert.


atypical measles 
That's what the above baby had.













diabetes mellitus



regional lymphadenopathy


Anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions

angioneurotic edema

bronchial spasms






subacute sclerosing panencephalitis

Guillian Barre Syndrome

febrile convulsions





ocular palsies


aseptic meningitis


sore throat



Stevens-Johnson syndrome

erythema multiforme




nerve deafness

otitis media


optic neuritis


retrobulbar neuritis




Death!  That's what THEY admit to their vaccines doing.  What part of "Thou Shalt Not Kill" do you all not understand?  Is it any wonder that pHARMaceuticals are linked to Sorcery?  

But that's not all.  Where do you think Type I Diabetes come from?  Read the entire insert under Adverse Reactions and LOOK what they admit.  This is what THEY admit.  Read it!  Don't take my word for it. 

The proof is in their own documents.    

Fluarix Influenza (2012-13 Formula) GlaxoSmithKline:

FluLaval Influenza (2012-13 Formula) GlaxoSmithKline:    

ALL of them:    

Quit living in fear of disease and become part of the solution TODAY!  Say NO!


Thursday, November 15, 2012


By Don Bradley


Awesome article on Water.

Andreas Moritz Releases Vaccine-nation: Poisoning The Population One Shot At A Time

Author of a dozen books, including the bestselling Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, Andreas Moritz takes on Big Pharma once again, this time to expose the Vaccine Myth. In Vaccine-nation, Moritz unravels the mother of all vaccine lies that vaccines are safe and they prevent disease. Furthermore, he reveals scientific evidence that vaccines actually cause disease or, at least, contribute to it.

Researchers Are Taking Human Surveillance To Another Level By Developing Mosquito Sized Spy Drones

With all the negative news flying around these days concerning drones – and the potential negative constitutional impact they will ultimately have on American society – now comes news that researchers are taking the surveillance society up a notch by shrinking the observation platform.


It may sound like something out of the science-fiction hopper at your local DVD rental machine, but scientists are trying to engineer a drone that is no bigger than a bug. A team of researchers at the vaunted Johns Hopkins University – in conjunction with the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Arlington, Va. – is helping develop what they are calling an MAV (micro aerial vehicle) that will no doubt have loads of uses, up to and including the usurpation of privacy rights by the Leviathan State.

Initially though, it’s thought that MAVs will be incorporated for use by the military, for situations when stealth is of the utmost importance. The tiny drones could effortlessly infiltrate urban areas, where dense concentrations of buildings and people, along with unpredictable winds and other obstacles make it impractical, if not impossible, to use a standard-sized drone. Domestic uses include search-and-rescue operations and, of course, observation.

How small, exactly? Well, a graphic on the site of the Air Force research agency features what looks to be an electronic mosquito. That’s pretty small – though officially, the agency says such micro vehicles could be larger.

They’re not bug-sized yet, but they’re out there

“A MAV is a flight vehicle about two feet in length or smaller, capable of operating below rooftop level in an urban environment. It may have a fixed wing, rotary wing (helicopter), flapping wing, or possibly no wings,” the Air Force says. “One of the primary missions driving MAV development is the need to fill the covert close-in sensing requirement. This requirement demands that MAVs be able to covertly find, track, and target adversaries while operating in complex urban environments.”

How possible is it to build such machines? Very possible. In fact, according a 2009 Air Force press release, a French researcher funded by the European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, in London, and the French ministry of defense “has designed a rugged micro air vehicle (MAV) that is attractive to the U.S. Air Force because of its high aerodynamic efficiency, even in adverse conditions.”

Dr. Jean-Marc Moschetta, professor of aerodynamics at the Institut Superieur de l’Aeronautique et de l’espace in Toulouse, France created what he calls the MAVion – a 30-centimeter fixed wing MAV that can make a rapid transition between flight and hover, both features which are attractive for military and commercial use.

“The ultimate goal of the MAVion concept is to demonstrate a two-fold capability using the same vehicle: fast forward flight and hover flight,” Moschetta said.

Since then, the focus on MAVs has evolved. Student researchers Tras Lin and Lingxiao Zheng, who are leading the Johns Hopkins contribution to MAV research, are using high-speed video cameras to examine how a butterfly moves in flight. The cameras give the team the ability to separate one-fifth of a second movement into about 600 frames, showing them how the insect maneuvers and moves its body to make the kinds of sudden moves it can make.

Concept has long been studied

Other defense agencies are working on similar technology.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency just last year released photos of a small, mega-lightweight, remote-controlled flying vehicle called a Hummingbird that was designed to mimic the bird in flight. Specifically, the vehicle was designed to give American troops the capability to see around corners and look inside buildings to spot enemy forces.

That project likely stemmed from a 1999 report by the Foreign Military Studies Office at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., detailing the military’s interest in improving combat conditions for U.S. forces in urban environments.

“From early history on, urban combat has required masses of dismounted infantrymen, a significant amount of time, combined arms and astonishing quantities of ammunition,” the report summarized. “The assaulting force runs the risk of its own attrition by combat, insufficient supplies and epidemic diseases. Assaults on cities have resulted in heavy military and civilian casualties and shattered cities. Modern, urban combat has often destroyed operations’ tempo, drained logistics stockpiles and ruined the reputations of promising commanders.”

MAVs may be under development for all the right reasons, but they sure carry with them the possibility they may be used for all the wrong reasons.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gardasil Destroys Girl’s Ovaries: It Should Have Been Predicted

A huge array of terrible effects have been attributed to Gardasil. They were predictable—and we’re likely to see many more over the next few years. Here’s why it could, and should, have been predicted.

October 18, 2012

Quit Donating to All These 3rd World Countries Save The Children, U.N.I.C.E.F., etc...

The money goes into paying for vaccines, drugs, etc... instead of being used for sanitation and food.

I have said this before. You know, they could easily fix all the 3rd world problems.. The Elite just don't want to. Money gets donated to third world countries all the time. Does it actually help people? NOT USUALLY! For example.. Gaddafi was building the Great Manmade River Project to bring water to the driest parts of Africa, but NATO killed him and destroyed it.

People like Bill Gates, Bono and Angelina Jolie supposedly donate millions of dollars to 'helping people in Africa'. Is that money being spent on supplying sustainable food and fresh water? Hell No! Its getting spent on VACCINES. (that usually sterilize people or make them ill)  If they wanted to, they COULD have fixed every 3rd world problem by now.. They CHOOSE not to.

Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population

"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

NCR Session 3

Just finished up the 3rd Session of NCR (Neurocranial Restructuring)

Here's the latest pic provided by Dr. Hillary Lampers, ND.

I can't tell alot of difference in the 2nd session and 3rd, but doc Hillary said the pinched in area around the eyes are smoothing out and widening.  That should help my eyesight, which also was damamged by childhood vaccines (DTP), which causes the eyes to move due to brain inflammation.

Again is the second session pic for comparison...

Since I had alot of movement and changes throughout the sessions from the very beginning, she has used my pics as part of her information packet.

Look at how well newborns can recover from birth trauma!....

Yes, I know it's a yucky picture and all my makeup came off, but I wanted to pose with the brochure.

Other pics (none NCR) taken during the 4 days....

My forehead did widen and smooth out during the treatments.  Look how tight the forehead is!

This pic seems to show the more promenent cheekbones.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Did Vaccines Kill? by Vaccination Liberation

This was filmed a few years ago, but we were there during the filming.  At the point where we were in the baby's room, I couldn't hold back the tears as she was describing what happening.

Every time a baby dies from vaccines, my soul screams!


My Father. No, I do not look like him at all.  No resemblance. 

He sure was a handsome dude...

Dude.... U sure Iz Handsome! by MessiahMews
Dude.... U sure Iz Handsome!, a photo by MessiahMews on Flickr.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Vaccine Hoax is Over

Freedom of Information Act ( link in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have

1. Known the vaccines don’t work

2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent

3. Known they are a hazard to children

4. Colluded to lie to the public

5. Worked to prevent safety studies

Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US.

Educated parents can either get their children out of harm’s way or continue living inside one of the largest most evil lies in history, that vaccines – full of heavy metals, viral diseases, mycoplasma, fecal material, DNA fragments from other species, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80 (a sterilizing agent) – are a miracle of modern medicine.

Freedom of Information Act filed in the US ( ) with the CDC by a doctor with an autistic son, seeking information on what the CDC knows about the dangers of vaccines, had by law to be responded to in 20 days. Nearly 7 years later, the doctor went to court and the CDC argued it does not have to turn over documents. A judge ordered the CDC to turn over the documents on September 30th, 2011.

On October 26, 2011, a Denver Post editorial expressed shock that the Obama administration, after promising to be especially transparent, was proposing changes to the Freedom of Information Act that would allow it to go beyond declaring some documents secret and to actually allow government agencies (such as the CDC) to declare some document “non-existent.”

Simultaneous to this on-going massive CDC cover up involving its primary “health” not recommendation but MANDATE for American children, the CDC is in deep trouble over its decades of covering up the damaging effects of fluoride and affecting the lives of all Americans, especially children and the immune compromised. Lawsuits are being prepared. Children are ingesting 3-4 times more fluoride by body weight as adults and “[t]he sheer number of potentially harmed citizens — persons with dental fluorosis, kidney patients tipped into needing dialysis, diabetics, thyroid patients, etc — numbers in the millions.”

The CDC is obviously acting against the health of the American people. But the threat to the lives of the American people posed by the CDC’s behavior does not stop there. It participated in designed pandemic laws that are on the books in every state in the US, which arrange for the government to use military to force unknown, untested vaccines, drugs, chemicals, and “medical” treatments on the entire country if it declares a pandemic emergency.

The CDC’s credibility in declaring such a pandemic emergency is non-existent, again based on Freedom of Information Act. For in 2009, after the CDC had declared the H1N1 “pandemic,” the CDC refused to respond to Freedom of Information Act filed by CBS News and the CDC also attempted to block their investigation. What the CDC was hiding was its part in one of the largest medical scandals in history, putting out wildly exaggerated data on what it claimed were H1N1 cases, and by doing so, created the false impression of a “pandemic” in the US.

Shaken Baby Syndrome cause by vaccines

The CDC was also covering up e financial scandal to rival the bailout since the vaccines for the false pandemic cost the US billions. And worse, the CDC put pregnant women first in line for an untested vaccine with a sterilizing agent, polysorbate 80, in it. Thanks to the CDC, “the number of vaccine-related “fetal demise” reports increased by 2,440 percent in 2009 compared to previous years, which is even more shocking than the miscarriage statistic [700% increase].

The exposure of the vaccine hoax is running neck and neck with the much older hoax of a deadly 1918-19 flu. It was aspirin that killed people in 1918-19, not a pandemic flu. It was the greatest industrial catastrophe in human history with 20-50 million people dying but it was blamed on a flu. The beginning of the drug industry began with that success (and Monsanto was part of it ). The flu myth was used by George Bush to threaten the world with “another pandemic flu that could kill millions” – a terror tactic to get pandemic laws on the books in every state and worldwide. Then the CDC used hoax of the pandemic hoax to create terror over H1N1 and to push deadly vaccines on the public, killing thousands of unborn children and others. (CDC will not release the data and continues to push the same vaccine. )

The hoax of the vaccine schedule is over, exposed by FOIAs in the UK.

The hoax of the CDC’s interest in children’s lives has been exposed by its refusal to respond to a doctor’s FOIAs around its knowledge of vaccine dangers.

The 1918-19 pandemic hoax has been exposed by Dr. Karen Starko’s work on aspirin’s role in killing people.

And despite refusing to respond to FOIAS, the CDC’s scandalous hoax of a 2009 flu pandemic and its part in creating it, was exposed by CBS NEWS.

And the Obama administration, in attempting to salvage the last vestige of secrecy around what is really happening with vaccines, by declaring agency documents non-existent, has made its claim of transparency, non-existent.

But pandemic laws arranging for unknown vaccines to be forced on the entire country are still in place with HHS creating a vaccine mixture that should never be used on anyone and all liability for vaccines having been removed.  Meanwhile, a Canadian study has just proven that the flu vaccine containing the H1N1 vaccine which kills babies in utero, actually increases the risk of serious pandemic flu.

Americans who have been duped into submitting their children to the CDC’s deadly vaccines, have a means to respond now. People from every walk of life and every organization, must

1. take the information from the UK FOIAs exposing 30 years of vaccine lies, the refusal of the CDC to provide any information on what it knows about those lies, and the Obama Administration’s efforts to hide the CDC’s awareness of those lies, and go to their state legislatures, demand the immediate nullification of the CDC vaccine schedule and the pandemic laws.

2. inform every vet. active duty military person, law enforcement people, DHS agents and medical personnel they know, of the vaccine hoax, for their families are deeply threatened, too, but they may not be aware of it or that they have been folded into agency structures by the pharmaceutical industry (indistinguishable from the bankers and oil companies) that would make them agents of death for their country with the declaration of a “pandemic” emergency or “bio-terrorist” attack. It is completely clear now that the terrorism/bioterrorism structures are scams so that any actions taken to “protect” this country using those laws would in fact be what threatens the existence of Americans.

It was aspirin that killed millions in 1918-19. Now it is mandated and unknown, untested vaccines with banned adjuvants in them that threaten the country with millions of deaths. At the same time, the CDC is holding 500,000 mega-coffins, built to be incinerated, on its property outside Atlanta. Not to put to fine a point on this, but it’s clear now that the CDC should not be involved in any way with public health.

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we know that vaccines are not a miracle of modern medicine. Any medical or government authority which insists vaccines prevent diseases is either ignorant of government documents (and endless studies) revealing the exact opposite or of the CDC’s attempts to hide the truth about vaccines from the public, or means harm to the public.

Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), we know the vaccine schedule is a hoax.

The health danger to American children and adults are vaccines.

Read full story here: