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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Facercise Basic Carole Maggio

Carole Maggio’s Facercise.

Facercise by Carole Maggio. These exercises really do work. You do have to do them everyday, and it takes no time to finish them. If doing NCR (Neurocranial Restructuring), it would be best to let the skull settle first, and then start these back up. Wait at least two months after any NCR before starting these exercises.

The same goes if one is using the Dermal Tone (discontinued) as well.

Full video:

Snippet of the video:

Facercise from Found Footage Festival on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


It's hard to get me to laugh anymore, but when I do, it's usually something seriously funny.  For a change, I'm posting something totally different.  Something funny, for a change.

In this case it's ...

Pat-a-cake Cats


Friday, December 21, 2012

The Daily Messenger: EOTW on 12-21-12 eh?

The Daily Messenger: EOTW on 12-21-12 eh?: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


LOL!    It did get a chuckle out of me.

And I just saw this from Shit Happens' post....

The world is supposed to be end today huh? That's bad. I never have found out who let the dogs out, the way to get to Sesame Street, why Dora doesn't just use Google maps, why we don't ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery", why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed, why "abbreviated" is such a long word, why lemon juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish washing liquid is made with real lemons, why they sterilize the needle for lethal injections, why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to? Why do you sit in the stands? Why do you drive in a parkway but park in a driveway? Why did Joanie love Chachi? Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane? Does the alphabet song and twinkle twinkle little star have the same tune? And why did you just try to sing those two previous songs? And just what is Victoria's secret? You see, the world just has to keep going. I have to many questions!

LOL!  Funniest pic ever!

The Daily Messenger: Gun control precedes mass slaughter by government

The Daily Messenger: Gun control precedes mass slaughter by government: You can’t have a new world order and a totalitarian system when people have guns. In ALL socialistic/communistic/dictatorships, the FIRST thing they did was issue gun control, then a total gun ban...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Théodore broke out in severe eczema after being vaccinated...

Théodore broke out in severe eczema after being vaccinated...

From France, Théodore before first vaccines...
Audrey Lin Chatel

Théodore broke out in severe eczema after being vaccinated...

We all need to stop this insanity!  I pray that it doesn't scar his beautiful face and that the mother learned her lesson.  Surely after this, she will stop and never give him any more vaccines.

It was not mentioned which vaccines he received.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Vaccine Deaths Coverup

Vaccine Bombshell: Leaked Confidential Document Exposes 36 Infants Dead After This Vaccine

Dec 16th, 2012
By Christina England

A report to the government noted babies died after receiving a vaccine.

A confidential GlaxoSmithKline document recently leaked to the press exposed that within a two-year period, a total of 36 infants died after receiving the 6-in-1 vaccine, Infanrix Hexa. [1] According to the website Initiative Citoyenne [2] who reported the news, the 1271 page document revealed that GlaxoSmithKline received a total of 1,742 reports of adverse reactions between October 23, 2009, and October 22, 2011, including 503 serious adverse reactions and 36 deaths. Initiative Citoyenne stated:

“It’s not that 14 deaths were recorded by GSK between October 2009 and end in October 2011 as we had originally calculated but 36 (14 from 2010 to 2011 and 22 from 2009 to 2010). In addition to these 36 deaths at least 37 other deaths (sudden death mainly), bringing the total to at least 73 deaths since the launch of the vaccine in 2000, and again, this concerns only the death by sudden death, no further recovery of under-reporting.”

Using the figure of 36 deaths over a two-year period, this averages 1.5 deaths per month, which by anyone’s standard is extremely high. Note that only 1 to 10% of adverse reactions to vaccines are actually reported. Therefore, in reality, the problem could potentially be far more serious and the actual number of fatalities much higher.


The charts show that many of the babies who died passed away within the first few days of receiving the vaccine. [3] A total of three infants were reported to have died within hours of receiving the vaccine. This tragedy is hardly surprising given the vaccine’s ingredients listed on the GSK Infanrix Hexa product information leaflet, which parents are rarely given the chance to read prior to vaccination, including non-infectious substances from tetanus, diphtheria bacteria, purified proteins of pertussis bacteria, the surface protein of the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg, derived from genetically engineered yeast cells) and inactivated poliovirus. [4] Each 0.5mL dose contains:

diphtheria toxoid

tetanus toxoid

pertussis toxoid

filamentous haemagglutinin


recombinant HBsAg protein

poliovirus Type 1

poliovirus Type 2

poliovirus Type 3

purified capsular polysaccharide of Hib covalently bound to tetanus toxoid

aluminium hydroxide

aluminium phosphate

2-phenoxyethanol, lactose

Medium 199



polysorbate 80

polysorbate 20

sodium chloride



In an interesting article by Dr. Harold Buttram titled “The Ultimate Gamble: Do Childhood Vaccines Result in Genetic Hybridization from Alien Human and Animal DNA Contents?” he highlighted the problems associated with just two of these ingredients, including aluminum, which is a neurotoxin associated with Alzheimer’s disease and seizures, and formaldehyde, which is a known cancer-causing agent commonly used to embalm corpses. [5]

Dr. Harold Buttram also stated:

“It is universally recognized among toxicologists that combinations of toxic chemicals may bring exponential increases in toxicity; that is, two toxic chemicals in combination will bring a ten-fold or even a hundred-fold increase in toxicity.

A classical example of this principle was the Schubert study [21] in which it was found that the amount of lead and the amount of mercury, when each was given separately, would be lethal for one percent of rats tested, would become lethal for one hundred percent of rats tested when combined.

In vaccines this principle would apply at least to mercury and aluminum, both of which are potent neurotoxins.”


Considering this information, is it any wonder that babies are dying after receiving vaccinations containing these ingredients? GlaxoSmithKline may try and hide the facts from us but they cannot hide them forever. Infanrix Hexa should be removed from the market immediately.


Confidential To Regulatory Authorities – Biological Clinical Safety and Pharmacovgilance – GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Avenue Fleming 20 1300 Wavre Belgium

Initiative Citoyenne

Initiative Citoyenne Charts 

Infanrix Hexa product information leaflet$File/gwcinfih.pdf

Dr Harold Buttram The Ultimate Gamble: Do Childhood Vaccines Result in Genetic Hybridization from Alien Human and Animal DNA Contents?”

Monday, December 17, 2012

Vaccines and Drugs Contributing To Social Violence

The Connecticut Tragedy

Tedd Koren, DC

In 1990, Dr. Harris Coulter's book 'Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality' was published. It was one of the most powerful books ever written on the subject of vaccination damage and in it he predicated a wave of violence in our schools.

The mechanism which he discussed in detail was due to a certain type of brain damage known and acknowledged to be caused by vaccination: sub-acute encephalo-meningitis. This condition was known to cause inflammation of the base of the brain which affected personality and behavior.

This was no mere theoretical exercise. Coulter's, as one of America's most creative medical historians, did extensive research to reveal that encephalitis was an acknowledged medical reaction to all (or nearly all) vaccinations and that a very mild form left in its wake serious personality distortions and disorders. A review of the "epid emics" of infectious encephalitis which swept America and Europe in the 1920s reveals that those who survived such a condition would suffer from various conditions which we recognize today but were exceedingly rare at that time:

These conditions include ADD, ADHD, autism, Asperger's syndrome, allergies, anorexia, bulimia, impulsive violence, stuttering, mental retardation, dyslexia, sudden infant death syndrome (Crib death), processing disorders, the inability to feel empathy (seen in autism spectrum disorders but also in criminal behavior), bed-wetting, Tourette's, seizures, sexual identity disorders and many other conditions that, it must be repeated, seemed to came out of nowhere (or rarely occurred) in those times.

Coulter seemed especially concerned about the violence emanating from such diseased brains. His discussion of the health of those in US prisons, revealed that a surprisingly high number of them suffered from various neurological disorders such as tics, stuttering, dyslexia, seizures, and other conditions reflective of nervous system problems.

In "Vaccination..." Coulter discussed America's youngest serial killer, a young teen in the late 1800s whose mother stated it was the smallpox shot that changed her child's personality and turned him violent. Coulter's book includes a chilling interview with the notorious serial killed Ted Bundy. Bundy was a college student, a psychology major, erudite, thoughtful and a vicious murderer. In his own words Bundy discussed his uncontrollable urge to kill said his was not a personality disorder but a neurological disorder (uncontrollable impulses in his brain).

Remember, this was before the Columbine shootings, before school violence was even discussed as a serious problem. Coulter’s prediction that our increasing mass vaccination program would give reap us more and more violence has unfortunately come to pass.

The victims of these vaccines are damaged. Damaged brains are often prescribed psychotrophic medication which has been linked to suicide and homicide. While we don't know enough about the Connecticut killer we do know that most of those who committed school killings were on such medication.

We should not let our investigations be limited to exploring “comfortable” areas (gun laws, poor parenting, TV, video games, more secure schools) but we must be willing to ask what has turned our children into killers (no matter how uncomfortable the road traveled). How many more such acts of violence and murder must occur before we ask the question, "Are our vaccination policies making these children murderously violent?"

Are these acts of violence a medical, iatrogenic (doctor caused) phenomenon as a result of vaccination-induced chemically damaged, neurologically sick brains?

The evidence is compelling and our refusal to objectively investigate that unpleasant possibility may ensure continued tragedies of this nature.


- The Medical Assault on the American Brain

by Harris L. Coulter

Reviewed by Ann Jerome Croce, Ph.D.

North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, and The Center for Empirical Medicine, Washington, D.C., 1990.

The book's main theme is that the United States' compulsory childhood immunization programs have had far reaching and vastly underestimated effects on society as well as on individuals. Coulter's vision is characteristically expansive, encompassing a wide range of phenomena which he investigates with his customary meticulous scholarship.

Coulter himself summarizes the book's main point in his concluding chapter:

"This book advances the perhaps startling thesis that childhood vaccination programs cause a wide range of neurologic disabilities, and that these disabilities yield the bulk of the autistics, minimally brain damaged, and sociopaths who have undermined the American educational system and American society, giving this country during the past two decades the highest crime rate in its history (249)."

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Daily Messenger: 2012 lies and nonsense

The Daily Messenger: 2012 lies and nonsense: I'm going to say here what I said in late 1999 about the Y2K hoax. It's a non-event. For years, the network devils have been selling 2012 as either the end of the world or spiritual transformation or both...


Yay!  Thanks for this post.  Somehow this one got overlooked.

I'm still deeply sad though.  Because of all of the other recent events.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Okay, Something Good ...

I have to say I'm truly sorry for all of the bad news as of late.  I'm saddened that I haven't had much good news to report lately.  The fact is that I have been so deeply sad and for such a long time now.  I have good and fun days, but most are uneventful and boring.

My deepest apologies, if any of these recent posts upsets you, but I feel I have to scream at people sometimes to get them to listen and to WAKE UP!  Sadly, it's not working for the most part, as people are still maiming and injuring their children via vaccines.  Others are allowing their children to be drugged up to commit atrocities (like today's, for instance).  People are still distracted by their pastimes and useless pleasures (Football games, etc...), and NO ONE is listening, nor are they caring.

Also, I don't know what's going to happen on the 21st, as there are many people saying that different things will or could happen.  It may be a scam, or uneventful and simply just an ending to an ancient calendar, or we could have three days of darkness as mentioned in the Bible.  No one really knows, for sure, but I think the best is to prepare for anything, stay home, stay in, pray, take care of and love your family (and pets too, if you have them!)  Prepare for the worst, but always pray for the best.  Pray for forgiveness, forgive others (as well as yourself), make a conscientious choice to be the best human being in all things.

Anyhow, no matter what happens, I still love my family and friends, so I'm posting this nice pic, because really, that's all I have to offer anyone.

And I love all the cats, pets and other animals too!

Well,.... There It Is!

You saw this coming, right?

Liberals blame NRA for Connecticut school shooting, call for gun control


Yep, I saw that one coming.

The Daily Messenger: Who really killed the Connecticut children? Operat...

The Daily Messenger: Who really killed the Connecticut children? Operat...: by Kevin Barrett When something unbelievably evil happens in one of our schools, like the recent murder of 27 children and teachers at the Newtown School in Connecticut, the media always tells us the same thing: blame the lone nut(s)...

Another One....

China stabbing spree hurts 22 schoolchildren

Knife-wielding man also attacked elderly woman in central Henan province    

How The CIA Trained Shooter In Connecticut! Shooting Tied To European Court Ruling Against The CIA!

President cries today for the innocent children that died in school shooting and may GOD BLESS THEIR SOULS AND FAMILIES but he calls in these deadly drones and kills these innocent children??!??   Can you say hypocrite?

Or pretends to....



Children among 27 dead in Connecticut school shooting

This is more government orchestrated Psyops for gun control. Just like the last ones. Google MKUltra mind control and Manchurian Candidates. It's a grab for guns. They can't implement their New World Order with armed citizens. Once they get guns they can round up folks and put them in Fema Camps. Also look up Agenda 21.

Also Matthew Smith noted....

Numerology in the shooting.

27 dead 2+7= 9

9 adults

18 children 1+8 = 9


They keep changing the number of dead reported. it was this at one point...also there was a knife attack in china on 22 kids at a school today..same day opposite end of the world. they love their synchronicity.

Name synchronicity Super Storm Sandy in New York and in New Jersey.

Shooting in Newtown Connecticut at Sandy Hook Elementary School
Sandy Hurricane

Sandy Hook Elementary

New York

New-town Connecticut
Sandy Hook Elementary

Red Hook Brooklyn

Red Hook Brooklyn one of the areas affected by Sandy.   Sandy Sandy Sandy!  It's Obvious!   It's a sad day indeed!


Here's the Kid's xanga blog, where he says he was recruited by 30 year army vet:

Read it now before it get's taken down, because the feds don't want you reading the truth straight from this kid's mouth!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 Ways We’re Being Eyeballed, Indexed and Monitored to Oblivion

12 Ways We’re Being Eyeballed, Indexed and Monitored to Oblivion

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 by Zen Gardner

The latest announcement of recording capabilities being installed in American buses via their already invasive CCTV cameras has me hopping mad. It’s just sick. Yet the most astounding thing is the vast majority will swallow it as a needed feature to help fight terrorism.

After all, they have nothing to hide. They’re not doing diddly squat to stand up to anything, and have no intention to. “Obey..Obey” is what they hear.

Every possible 1984ish scenario immediately jumps into your mind as the slow mo intro of all this techno mumbo jumbo is laid on a naive and unsuspecting, weakened public.

Let Me Count the Ways

Let’s look at some of the current methods being employed to track and document our behavior,

1. Credit/Debit and RFID use: Every transaction, ID and passport use is monitored and tracked. Your buying habits are sold to corporations and your personal information given to the US Department of Justice in some form. Rely on it. Your privacy rights have vanished. RFIDs are soon to be in all forms of ID, used for medical records, are in your food and products for “tracking” and soon to be under everyone’s skin. Beware. That one’s a biggie.

2. Phone and Internet use. Forget it, they know everything. The NSA is in bed with the servers and providers so kiss internet and cellular privacy goodbye, subjects. Don’t believe that? Go googling before it disappears.

3. GPS and Drones. “Thanks for the self-bought tracking device, Philbert.” They can pinpoint anyone. GPS, phone, lowjack, OnStar…those just help. Watch for the policing drones and other technologies to follow soon. You are not alone…anywhere!

4. Smart Meters. They read all your home’s devices, track your activities and give off more radiation than a cell phone tower! Nice, eh? Clever bastards.

5. Chemtrails and EMFs. By now we’ve all inhaled, eaten and drunk enough metalic salts such a s barium, aluminum, and fluoride to be tracked from space. EMFs from cell and GWEN towers and the electrosmog stew we live in screw with your nervous system more than ever and influence your thoughts, as does your TV. Happy yet?

6. The Obvious CCTV cameras…and the Not Obvious ones. They’re now in America’s buses, as they are in the UK. In the UK they’re on the outside of the buses as well…never mind in trees in the countryside.Yes, it’s gone that far, and will continue to proliferate in the US in the same manner. Smile. There’s 8 to 12 in every intersection…don’t you wonder the hell why?

7. Scans and More Scans. Old news. Airport, transport, mobile and soon to be everywhere: Metal detectors, feel-downs and ups, and the latest: backscatter machines that unzip your DNA. Getting the picture? Highway checks have also started. Realize who they really fear yet?

8. Fingerprints and Iris scanners. Notice how many want fingerprints now? And iris scanners are already in place in many airports. In fact this was the first thing the NYPD did to anyone arrested in the Occupy demonstrations. Beware.

9. Facial recognition technology. “Yay! We’ll catch all those buggers now! But why am I suspect?” Coming “officially” soon (which means they’ve been experimenting and using it for some time already…..) and..

10. Precrime detection! Yes, movies DO come to life! They’re working fervently on detecting your MOOD and will summarily assume at will you have BAD INTENTIONS with this one! Beware being pissed or on a bummer in public…YOU could be a terrorist!! Besides, they’re looking for DNA traits that indicate the same. You are mincemeat.

11. Intention To Trespass Outside the Country? Yup. Here’s a brand new doozey. “You gonna circumvent your domesticating home country’s laws on substance regulation, you wild and crazy thing? Damn you…you get back in the house right now!”

12. “Illuminating!” – Intellistreets now rolling out. New street lights that include “Homeland Security” applications including speaker systems, microphones, motion sensors and video surveillance are now being rolled out with the aid of government funding. Orwell would be proud. This one is over the top and being put into place as fast as they can.  

Obamacare Page 1,004: You Must Have RFID Chip Implanted in Your Body

Danger !! The beast has required every man woman and child to take his mark! Do NOT take the beast chip or you will burn with the devil and his fallen angels before the Lamb and the holy angels..eternity is a long's your wake up call. In writing.

Seriously.  Can I just die peacefully in my sleep already?  I'm tired of this place.  There is NOTHING else for me to do here really.  Meh.

On Sunday March 21, 2010 the Senate Healthcare bill HR3200 was passed and signed into law the following Tuesday. Like I said before, there are a legion of horrible and just plain evil aspects to this bill and I’m sure you’ve heard a lot them by now. I don’t want to discount them but what cannot be missed here is this new law now opens a prophetic door on a magnitude not seen since the reformation of Israel.

This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”.It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it.

In just a minute I’m going to show you the black and white of the law itself and you can see it with your own eyes and wonder why an event of this magnitude which is nothing less than seismic in nature is met with little more than silence in the Christian community.

Is it now starting to dawn on you just where exactly we are in prophecy? I’ll ask that question again in a minute and follow up on it, but now I want to show you the law itself. I’ve downloaded a PDF copy of HR3200 from the government’s website so what I’m about to show you is from the bill itself its nothing that I’ve written. You can access it all and see it all for yourself straight from the source itself.

H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pg. 1001, paragraph 1.

The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘and is— ‘‘a class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”

What exactly is a class II device that is implantable? As you saw earlier, it is the device approved by the FDA in 2004.



It's been over a week since Cheerios had to remove a Pinterest App that actually exposed them for containing Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), being pro-GMO and for *General Mills' funding over $1 million to "No on Proposition 37." Consumers are still slamming Cheerios' Facebook page in their "Recent Posts by Others" section. Actually, thousands of angry comments are now visible on the "face" of their page as well their other sections for comments.

But that's not all - when Cheerios posted a retro commercial called "Grandma's Visit" it was immediately slammed and removed from their Facebook videos. Consumers followed the vid to YouTube and commented on Cheerios' YouTube page. More than 1200 users left negative comments on the Facebook vid before its removal saying things like “Nostalgic old commercials are no substitute for healthy ingredients. I won't buy Cheerios until they are GMO-free.”

We know that they got the message - they haven't posted on their Facebook page in over a week. Cheerios finally responded by patronizing consumers and carving out a special comment section for "robust conversation". So, they aren't backing down from their stance supporting GMO ingredients and their promotion.

The heart of the matter surrounds consumer rage over big food companies' deceptive health marketing, meanwhile, actively funding efforts to stop the labeling of GM foods - the paying consumers' desire for greater transparency. It's like someone smiling while flipping you the bird behind the back - or taking your money and watching you poison yourself. Profits over principles - and consumers won't forgive this time.

Alisa Gravitz, CEO and president of Green America said:

The sheer volume of comments on Cheerios' Facebook page raising concerns around genetically engineered ingredients is incredibly inspiring. GMO Inisde is credited with first stoking the comment-bomb. They also posted this vid by showing just how much genetically modified sugar is added when choosing Honey Nut Cheerios:

But some commenters still ask whether Cheerios themselves contained GMOs - mega YES. Regular Cheerios contain modified corn starch and sugar - most likely made from GM sugar beets. Other flavors contain corn syrup, corn, corn bran and canola oil - over 90% chance of GMO contamination there. Guess what else they contain among other harmful substances? Trisodium phosphate - a common and strong cleaning agent. Also a stain remover, degreaser and food additive considered by the FDA as GRAS (generally recognized as safe).


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Nothing Says It As Well As The Heart

The real intent is not in the words spoken, but rather in the unspoken words of the heart. ~me

How Terahertz Waves Used in Airport Scanners Tear Apart DNA

How Terahertz Waves Used in Airport Scanners Tear Apart DNA

A model of the way the THz waves interact with DNA explains how the damage is done and why evidence has been so hard to gather.

Great things are expected of terahertz waves, the radiation that fills the slot in the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and the infrared. Terahertz waves pass through non-conducting materials such as clothes , paper, wood and brick and so cameras sensitive to them can peer inside envelopes, into living rooms and “frisk” people at distance.

The way terahertz waves are absorbed and emitted can also be used to determine the chemical composition of a material. And even though they don’t travel far inside the body, there is great hope that the waves can be used to spot tumours near the surface of the skin.

With all that potential, it’s no wonder that research on terahertz waves has exploded in the last ten years or so.

But what of the health effects of terahertz waves? At first glance, it’s easy to dismiss any notion that they can be damaging. Terahertz photons are not energetic enough to break chemical bonds or ionise atoms or molecules, the chief reasons why higher energy photons such as x-rays and UV rays are so bad for us. But could there be another mechanism at work?

The evidence that terahertz radiation damages biological systems is mixed. “Some studies reported significant genetic damage while others, although similar, showed none,” say Boian Alexandrov at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and a few buddies. Now these guys think they know why.

Alexandrov and co have created a model to investigate how THz fields interact with double-stranded DNA and what they’ve found is remarkable. They say that although the forces generated are tiny, resonant effects allow THz waves to unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles in the double strand that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication. That’s a jaw dropping conclusion.

And it also explains why the evidence has been so hard to garner. Ordinary resonant effects are not powerful enough to do do this kind of damage but nonlinear resonances can. These nonlinear instabilities are much less likely to form which explains why the character of THz genotoxic effects are probabilistic rather than deterministic, say the team.

This should set the cat among the pigeons. Of course, terahertz waves are a natural part of environment, just like visible and infrared light. But a new generation of cameras are set to appear that not only record terahertz waves but also bombard us with them. And if our exposure is set to increase, the question that urgently needs answering is what level of terahertz exposure is safe.

Ref: DNA Breathing Dynamics in the Presence of a Terahertz Field

Photographers are now Classified as Terrorists

Yeah, it's because you freaks don't like being caught with your pants down, eh?

Homeland Security and FBI Release Document Once Again Labeling Photographers as Potential Terrorists

By Carlos Miller

Photographers are still being classified as potential terrorists in a newly released document from the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

The “Roll Call Release,” dated November 13, 2012 and titled “Suspicious Activity Reporting: Photography,” gives a vague reference to a single example where a terrorist may have used cameras to plan attacks.

“In late 2000 and early 2001, convicted al-Qaida operative Dhiren Barot took extensive video footage and numerous photographs of sites in downtown New York City and Washington DC in preparation for planned attacks.”

But then it goes on to list three other examples where people were detained for using cameras in airports, parking garages and shopping malls – which the report describes as “consistent with pre-operational activity and attack planning” – that turned out to have nothing to do with terrorist activity.

But the feds still refer to these detainments as a sign of success because they served for “awareness and training purposes” – as if they need any more training to harass innocent photographers.

And although Barot was convicted of planning attacks, authorities could not connect a video he recorded of the World Trade Center to the actual 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Barot undertook reconnaissance missions in the UK and US in 2000 and 2001, during which he filmed buildings including the International Monetary Fund and World Bank headquarters in Washington DC and the Stock Exchange and Citigroup buildings in New York.

Although there was no evidence that he had foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks on the US, one clip, played in court, showed the World Trade Centre with someone imitating the noise of an explosion in the background.

Barot was also known to visit public libraries to plan possible attacks, so perhaps visiting your local library will soon be regarded as suspicious.

Labeling photographers as potential terrorists has been rampant since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but in 2010, after forcing a man to the ground for video recording a federal courthouse in New York City, the Department of Homeland Security agreed to a settlement, acknowledging that photographing federal buildings is not a crime.

But that still didn’t stop the feds for spreading the message that photographers should be deemed suspicious, including funding municipalities to produce propaganda videos.

Two months ago, it began encouraging citizens to photograph other citizens who take suspicious photographs in order to report them to Homeland Security.

In October, the FBI visited a Houston man at home after he had been seen taking photos near a refinery. He had only been taking pictures of a brewing storm for the National Weather Service.

In 2008, security expert Bruce Schneier wrote his famous “War on Photography” article, in which he stated the following:

Since 9/11, there has been an increasing war on photography. Photographers have been harassed, questioned, detained, arrested or worse, and declared to be unwelcome. We’ve been repeatedly told to watch out for photographers, especially suspicious ones. Clearly any terrorist is going to first photograph his target, so vigilance is required.

Except that it’s nonsense. The 9/11 terrorists didn’t photograph anything. Nor did the London transport bombers, the Madrid subway bombers, or the liquid bombers arrested in 2006. Timothy McVeigh didn’t photograph the Oklahoma City Federal Building. The Unabomber didn’t photograph anything; neither did shoe-bomber Richard Reid. Photographs aren’t being found amongst the papers of Palestinian suicide bombers. The IRA wasn’t known for its photography. Even those manufactured terrorist plots that the US government likes to talk about — the Ft. Dix terrorists, the JFK airport bombers, the Miami 7, the Lackawanna 6 — no photography.

Thanks to Massachusetts Private Eye for the heads up on this story, who found it on an interesting site called Public Intelligence that collects these types of documents, including one from February 2011 where a man was detained in Seattle for “suspicious iPhone photography.”

A Sheep No More

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Court Rules FedGov can vaccinate w/out consent

Another STRONG reason to homeschool your children!  Get your children out of the Public Food System now!


New York Appeals Court: Federal Government Can Vaccinate Your Children Without Your Consent – Trumps State Laws

Posted on December 6, 2012 by Admin

Health Impact News Daily – by Brian Shilhavy

The Courthouse News Service is reporting about a case where a public health nurse inoculated kindergartner Madison Parker without her mother’s consent, and against her mother’s wish. The vaccination was Peramivir, in response to the H1N1 flu virus. The mother, Jennifer Parker, sued both the school district and the health department in St. Lawrence County Supreme Court in New York.

The state Supreme Court ruled against the health department, stating that the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) “did not extend to a situation in which a governmental entity administered a drug without consent.” The health department appealed the decision and the Appellate Division concluded on Nov. 21 that PREP pre-empts state law claims, and overturned the decision.

According to Courthouse News, the decision stated that during a declared public health emergency, “we conclude that Congress intended to preempt all state law tort claims arising from the administration of covered countermeasures by a qualified person pursuant to a declaration by the Secretary [of Health and Human Services].”

Wow. So this court is basing, at least some of its judgment, on what they view as what “Congress intended….”

I don’t know if this decision will be appealed or not. But as it stands, this decision states that the Federal Government can trump any State Law during what it considers a “public health emergency” and then inoculate or give pharmaceuticals to children as young as kindergarten age, with no consent from the parents, all in the name of “public health safety.”

What is not even apparently addressed in this case, are the following key points (besides the obvious civil rights issue):

1. Was the H1N1 flu virus any more dangerous than previous seasons’ flu strains? (See: H1N1 Swine Flu Even Milder than Seasonal Strains)

2. Did the H1N1 vaccine conclusively offer protection from the H1N1 flu virus? ( See: New Study Exposes the “60% Effective” Flu Shot as 98.5% Useless)

3. Does the flu vaccine present risks, especially for young children? (See: Confirmed! Flu Vaccine INCREASES Risk of Serious Pandemic Flu Illness; & 4,250% Increase in Fetal Deaths Reported to VAERS After Flu Shot Given to Pregnant Women)

Mom Loses Suit Over Daughter’s H1N1 Vaccine

Courthouse News Service

ALBANY, N.Y. (CN) – A mother who says public health officials in St. Lawrence County immunized her young daughter without her consent cannot sue, a New York appeals court ruled.

Upon declaration of a public health emergency, the federal Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act pre-empts state tort claims, according to the six-page ruling from the Third Judicial Department of Appellate Division.

“We must presume that Congress fully understood that errors in administering a vaccination program may have physical as well as emotional consequences, and determined that such potential tort liability must give way to the need to promptly and efficiently respond to a pandemic or other public health emergency,” Justice Karen Peters wrote for a five-judge panel.

The St. Lawrence County Public Health Department had arranged a clinic at Lisbon Central School in December 2009 amid a new flu outbreak never previously identified in animals or people.

The K-12 school is in the rural northern New York town of Lisbon, not far from Ogdensburg and the Canadian border.

Federal and state officials declared a public health emergency in response to the H1N1 influenza virus outbreak and recommended administration of the vaccine Peramivir.

A public health nurse inoculated kindergartner Madison Parker even though her mother, Jennifer Parker, had not signed a parental consent form.

Jennifer Parker then sued the school district and the health department in St. Lawrence County Supreme Court, alleging that immunization without consent amounted to negligence and battery on her daughter.

The school district subsequently was dismissed as a defendant because a cause of action was not stated. But the court declined to dismiss the claim against the health department, which had cited the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, known as PREP, and argued that federal pre-emption created a lack of subject matter jurisdiction.

It appealed when the court found the PREP protections did not extend to a situation in which a governmental entity administered a drug without consent.

The Appellate Division concluded on Nov. 21 that PREP pre-empts state law claims. PREP contains an express pre-emption clause stating that, during a declared public health emergency, “no state … may establish, enforce or continue in effect with respect to a covered countermeasure any provision of law or legal requirement that (A) is different from, or is in conflict with, any requirement applicable under this section; and (B) related to the … use, … dispensing or administration by qualified persons of the covered countermeasure,” Peters wrote.

A “qualified person” includes licensed health professionals, and liability protections in pandemics “are specifically provided for” in PREP, she added.

“Considering the breadth of the preemption clause together with the sweeping language of the statute’s immunity provision, we conclude that Congress intended to preempt all state law tort claims arising from the administration of covered countermeasures by a qualified person pursuant to a declaration by the Secretary [of Health and Human Services],” the decision states.

The justices said they were “unpersuaded” by Parker’s claim that immunity under PREP did not extend to anyone administering a drug without consent.

“The immunity provisions of the PREP Act are triggered where, as here, the vaccines are purchased pursuant to a federal contract or agreement,” Peters wrote.

PREP also created the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which handles claims by individuals who suffer adverse reactions to devices, medications or therapies that have been recommended for use in public health emergencies, the decision notes.

Peters further noted that separate federal causes of action exist for wrongful death or serious physical injury resulting from misconduct by licensed health professionals.

“The provision of these exclusive federal remedies further supports our finding of preemption,” she wrote.

Since a federal cause of action is “the exclusive remedy” under PREP, “the complaint must be dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction,” the decision states.

The St. Lawrence County attorney, Michael Crowe, argued for the health department. Mathew Duprey, of Lekki, Hill, Duprey & Bhatt in Canton, represented Parker.

Anisha Dasgupta of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District and Allyson Levine of the New York Attorney General’s Office filed amicus briefs supporting the health department.


Agenda 21 For Dummies

From A Sheep No More

Agenda 21 for Dummies video link here:

Explained very well. Including implications it will have on humanity. Opinions within the video come in some cases from those that were in on the negotiations. Truly an interesting watch.


Agenda 21 for Dummies video link here:

Here is a full version for those wanting to get more in depth

Nostalgic Cheerios commercial receives wild, anti GMO backlash

Nostalgic Cheerios commercial receives wild, anti GMO backlash

Published December 8, 2012   Grant J. Kidney — When Cheerios posted a nostalgic, holiday themed television commercial to its YouTube channel, little did General Mills, the mega corporation that produces the popular cereal brand, expect in terms of the level of protest the video would receive.

When the 31 second YouTube clip entitled, ‘Cheerios: Grandma’s Visit’ was posted to the official Cheerios Facebook page, hundreds of anti GMO protesters commented, expressing a deep concern over the poisoning of most commercial, mainstream food products like Cheerios.

The pic posted is a snapshot of just a few of the comments the post received.

The pic posted is a snapshot of just a few of the comments the post received.

The clip, as it appears on YouTube, also received similar comments from passionate consumers worried about genetically modified foods

General Mills, along with hundreds of other big named food companies, inject their products with extremely hazardous substances that have been shown to increase one’s risk for cancer.

In some parts of the world, GMOs are banned from public consumption.

Earlier this year, a French study conducted on lab rats showed how giant tumors and early death are inevitable for all who consume GMO foods. The study was later dismissed however by Monsanto, who is, naturally, the largest producer of genetically modified foods in the world.

Of course not everyone is concerned with the consumption of deadly toxins and poisons. On a Yahoo! News article, one person expressed how despite the evidence, they will continue to feed GMO foods to their family.

Tough day? Have some displaced anger to vent? Well let it out here on Cheerios FB page and let them know what you think about them and GMOs...

Friday, December 7, 2012

Vaccination Rights

Patricia Finn – “I will not, under any circumstances, give up those names… I’ll go to jail first.”

Vaccination rights attorney Patricia Finn threatened with criminal charges; New York State demands she surrender names of all clients

(NaturalNews) Vaccine rights attorney Patricia Finn is being targeted by the Ninth Judicial District of New York State, which has threatened to strip her of her license to practice law and even file criminal charges against her. Finn is one of several "vaccine rights" attorneys across America who helps parents assert their rights to protect their children from potentially deadly vaccines. She's considered a hero by many, but a villain by the status quo for daring to stand up against the vaccine-pimping medical police state that exists in America today.

I personally interviewed Patricia Finn for InfoWars Nightly News last night (February 27, 2012), and during that interview I saw and read the documents that contain the charges being leveled against her. Watch that full video interview at:

One document described her vaccine rights advocacy as "threatening the public interest," asserting that her helping parents legally and ethically avoid toxic vaccines somehow puts the public at risk. This accusation makes absolutely no logical sense, of course, given that even the vaccine pushers claim their vaccines offer absolute and total immunity against infectious disease. Therefore, how can an unvaccinated child ever threaten the health of a vaccinated child?

New York demands Patricia Finn surrender her list of clients

Perhaps even more alarmingly, a letter outlining the various charges against Patricia Finn included the demand that she immediately surrender her complete list of clients to the judiciary. When I saw this, it immediately set off alarm bells. This is not merely a gross violation of attorney/client privilege; it's also a thinly-veiled attempt for the New York judiciary to terrorize the parents who have sought legal help in opting out of dangerous vaccines.

Furthermore, it could serve as the starting point for New York State to dispatch CPS workers to the homes of all of Finn's clients, where their children might be kidnapped by CPS and sold into sex slavery (this is a common behavior of CPS workers across the country, where low-income children simply "disappear" into the system and suffer ongoing sexual abuse by state workers or even high-paying clients, similar to what happened at Penn State). I don't have the space to go into all the evidence that CPS functions as a child kidnapping and sex slavery ring, but the organization isn't called "Communist Pedophile Services" for no reason.

Patricia Finn told me during the InfoWars Nightly News interview that she would absolutely refuse to turn over the list of her clients, and that the judiciary even asking for such a list was a violation of state law. She said she would rather lose her law license than betray the trust of her clients.

Watch Patti Finn speak at the recent WV rally in this YouTube video:

Follow more updates from Patricia Finn at:

The Wakefield Effect

In an article written by Curt Linderman, Patricia describes the events that led to her being targeted for "legal termination" by New York:

This morning I was served with papers to suspend my license to practice law. The charges are bogus and come on the heels of my address to the Parental Rights Rally in WV. I am also being ordered to disclose the names of people I represent who do not vaccinate… I refuse. I would go to jail first before I give out the names. Please contact all pro vaccine choice organizations and the media… know the truth! I call this harassment the Wakefield Effect! (

The "Wakefield effect," of course, refers to the outrageous and illegal censorship and oppression dished out to anyone who takes a firm stand against the vaccine industry's lies. Merely questioning the mythology of vaccines makes you an instant target for endless ridicule and humiliation followed by a well-planned media smear campaign. Dr. Wakefield, who was viciously slandered by the British Medical Journal, has already filed a lawsuit against the BMJ to clear his name (

Robert Scott Bell interviewed Patricia Finn on NaturalNews Radio

NaturalNews Radio host Robert Scott Bell also interviewed Patricia Finn yesterday in what turned out to be a stunning audio report. You can download and listen to the entire audio interview at the RSB archives on NaturalNews Radio:

Highly relevant: Vaccines Armed and Dangerous

Robert Scott Bell and Jon Rappoport, by the way, have just published an astonishing audio course that completely dismantles the lies and mythconceptions of the vaccine industry. This audio course, which I have been listening to myself, teaches you a wealth of information you need to know in order to protect yourself from vaccine zealots and zombies who mindlessly try to push toxic chemical injections on you and your children.

Learn more:

If you have difficulties exempting your child from dangerous vaccines, you could look to someone like attorney Patricia Finn for help. But, not if it was up to the State of New York – they’re attempting to revoke her license and her client list. Why?

It’s difficult to say, but we have an idea.

Do you remember the H1N1 flu scam? As covered in the interview below, she helped protect nurses from mandatory vaccination. Consequently, experimental vaccines worth millions of dollars went unused. Think Big Pharma can keep their doors open when parents start rejecting vaccines wholesale?

It isn’t difficult to see why Ms. Finn is such a threat to their bottom line. The problem is, I don’t think they anticipated Patricia’s courage.

In life, you will find very few people willing to stand on principle as Patricia Finn does. In my opinion, she defines the word courage. During our interview she said, “I will not, under any circumstances, give up those names… I’ll go to jail first.”

We need more people like her!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gun Control

They want the guns!

This is not some fear propaganda being spread by the NRA. The NRA is part of the system anyway. No, this is out in the open. The entire NWO push against guns in America has followed what then Assistant Attorny Eric Holder said in the nineties. In this speech he claimed they would use the media to "brainwash" the public to associate guns with violence and murder. He claimed that part of everyday should be devoted to this.

Now fast forward to 2012. Prior to the 2012 presidential election something called The UN Small Arms Treaty was underway, in which the US did enter into negotiations.

Which par the UN's charter forces those nations to abide by the final draft of the treaty. ( )  Now during the presidential debates Obama played to the emotions of people by using the false flag shooting in Aurora, the same one that occurred during the first round of talks of the UN small small arms treaty. He likens the second amendment to "hunting and sportsmen". He openly calls for the ban of all semi autos here. He talks about Chicago having a problem with handgun related murders. He played to the crowds ignorance at the fact Chicago, and the Aurora theater are gun free zones. Meaning law abiding citizens can not attain firearms, ( )something the nwo wants the entire country to look like.

The latest propaganda against the second amendment coming out of the NFL with Bob Costas blaming the gun culture for the murder suicide of an NFL player. It wasn't the psychotropic drugs, it wasn't the individual, no it was the inanimate handgun that picked itself up and shot the man's girlfriend and himself. Remember Eric Holder "brainwash the public". If they come for the guns it is an undeniably FACT that would cause a civil war. The NWO wants this because under article 15 of the UN small arms treaty the UN troops will assist with disarming the public. They already did so in Venezuela.

" Article 15 International Assistance

In fulfilling the obligation of this Treaty, States Parties may seek, inter alia, legal assistance, legislative assistance, technical assistance, institutional capacity building, material assistance or financial assistance. States, in a position to do so, shall provide such assistance. States Parties may contribute resources to a voluntary trust fund to assist requesting States Parties requiring such assistance to implement the Treaty.

States Parties shall afford one another the widest measure of assistance, consistent with their respective legal and administrative systems, in investigations, prosecutions and judicial proceedings in relation to the violations of the national measures implemented to comply with obligations under of the provisions of this Treaty.

Each State Party may offer or receive assistance, inter alia, through the United Nations international, regional, subregional or national organizations, non-governmental organizations or on a bi-lateral basis. Such assistance may include technical, financial, material and OTHER forms of assistance as needed, upon request."

Lest we forget, they already confiscated guns here in America during Hurricane Katrina.

~ Morgan B

"How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy A Gun: Buying and Transferring Laws"

The Truth About Your Birth Certificate

A birth certificate is a paper establishing an ownership claim over your body, by the government. You are a slave and they have the paperwork to prove it.