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Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Daily Messenger: It Is Now a Crime to Unlock Your Smartphone

The Daily Messenger: It Is Now a Crime to Unlock Your Smartphone: This is now the law of the land: ADVISORY BY DECREE OF THE LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS IT SHALL HENCEFORCE BE ORDERED THAT AMERICANS SHALL ...


This problem is also easy to solve.  Don't ever get a damn smartphone to begin with.  
I have lived this long without one.  Even most of my single adult life, I didn't have a landline, and most of the time, no car.  I used my bike and went everywhere on it.  Had a thing on the back to haul small stuff in.
No smart phone?  Problem solved.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The AAP has revised their Vaccine Refusal Form

Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines

The AAP has revised their Vaccine Refusal Form. Now it says:

"I know that failure to follow the recommendations about vaccination may endanger the health or life of my child and others with whom my child might come into contact. I therefore agree to tell all health care professionals in all settings what vaccines my child has not received because he or she may need to be isolated or may require immediate medical evaluation and tests that might not be necessary if my child had been vaccinated."

You certainly do not want to sign this form as is. It's just one more step toward complete control over your medical decisions, and trains parents to fear the worst if they don't vaccinate. Unless you're having an adverse vaccine reaction, there's no universal need for medical professionals to know what vaccines you have or have not had.    


NEVER EVER sign this form!  It can and most likely will be used against you at a later date.  

Better yet, stay away from drug and shot pushing pediatricians and go to a chiropractor and/or naturopath instead.    We get so many emails, calls, posts, etc... from frantic parents upset because their doctors fired them.   GOOD!  

There is no law anywhere that enforces parents to go to a regular MD for well baby visits.  If they're healthy, they don't need a damn doctor.  A good chiropractor to keep their spine in alignment (which helps immunity, btw), and a good naturopath/homeopath is all that they need.   This rampant vaccine damage and deaths can easily be soloved by just refusing to go to mainstream doctors.  How freaking hard is that to understand?  The sooner folks stop supporting them, the sooner it will stop. Spread the word!  

This problem with doctors turning away patients is so easy to solve.  Just quit supporting them and use the alternative ones.  It's really that easy.

Also See: Why Signing a Waiver to Avoid Vaccines Can Be Considered Abuse

She is referring to the Refusal To Vaccinate From developed by The American Academy of Pediatrics, not a regular religious or conscientious exemption letter or form.  However, there are a couple of states that model their state's exemption form after this deceptive form.  You can REFUSE to sign those too, or edit the form.  

Any form one affixes their initials to, dates and affixes their signature to at the end is a LEGAL document. All statements prior to your signature you must agree to fully OR restrict your signature to say that you are signing under TDC - threat, duress, and coercion. The form that Ingri's daughter was told she needed to fill out for this daycare is posted here: ChildCareExemptForm.pdf.  On this form, she crossed out all the "nots" and in her personal statement she further clarified that she understands fully the risks of vaccinating her child.

Basically, by initialing and signing this form as is, you are admitting to understanding that "vaccine preventable" diseases are extremely deadly and ALSO admitting to negligence for willfully denying your son/daughter the so called life saving protection that vaccines offer. These forms are MEANT to not only be intimidating but to catch the legally ignorant off guard.  

So if must continue supporting the mainstream insanity culture, at least consider these alternatives...  

A modified AAP form is posted here that you may wish to use with your doctor: AAPmodified.htm

AAPmodified.doc MSWord .DOC file

AAPmodified.pdf PDF file, best for printing.

You may also use one or both of these to give to your doctor:



Not all State employees are aware of the law and many exhibit the Hitler Complex. Take a firm stand. Some individuals have had difficulty getting the required forms. Such arrogance on the part of State employees should be reported to the Director of your state Department of Health.

Avocado and Guacamole


Roasted Guacamole

Makes about 4 cups

1 large poblano pepper

1/4 of a large white onion, finely chopped

3 heaping tablespoons of fire roasted tomatoes (from a small can)

Small handful of cilantro, roughly chopped, plus additional for garnish

1 fresh jalapeno, ribs and seeds removed, finely chopped

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

4 avocados

1 lime

1/2 teaspoon sea salt

Tortilla chips, for serving (blue corn is my favorite)

Heat oven to broil.

Place poblano on a rimmed baking pan and place on oven rack in the upper third of the oven. Broil until skin is blackened, turning with tongs until all sides are black. Move pepper to a heat-proof bowl and cover with aluminum foil or a plate. Allow to sit for at least 5 minutes.

Using fingers, peel away the black skin and pull out the remaining inside ribs, seeds, and stem. Cut the remaining pepper into chunks and place in a large bowl.

Add the onion, roasted tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno, and garlic.

Cut the avocados in half, remove the pit, and spoon the remaining flesh into the bowl with your vegetables. Cover with the juice from 1 lime and add salt.

Using a fork, mash together until well combined, allowing some chunks to remain. Taste and add additional salt to taste.

Serve immediately with tortilla chips.

Guacamole tends to brown quickly when allowed to sit. If storing for a longer period of time, covering the surface with a thin layer of lime juice will help.    

Note:  To me the chips are optional.  I personally don't like the chips, so I eat it by itself.    


Friday, January 25, 2013

Come Say Grace

Dogs praying for their food. So cute! Wonder if cats would?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Seven ways GMO toxicity affects animals, plants and soil

Citizens Action Network

Seven ways GMO toxicity affects animals, plants and soil

Wednesday, January 23, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson

In the aftermath of the defeat of Proposition 37 in California, many more Americans are now aware of the existence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their unlabeled presence throughout the food supply. But with this awareness has come a lot of confusion, as the processed food and b...iotechnology industries have spent a lot of money and effort spreading propaganda and lies about GMOs. So to help set the record straight, we have outlined seven specific ways in which GMOs damage animals, plants, soil, and ultimately humanity.

1) GMOs disrupt digestion. Purveyors of GMOs claim that the human body is unable to tell the difference between GMOs and natural food. But a 2004 study published in the journal Nature Biotechnology tells a different story, having found that transgenic plant DNA actually persists in the human gastrointestinal tract upon consumption. According to this important study, which is the closest thing to a human clinical trial that has ever been conducted with GMOs, genetic material from GMOs actually transfers into the DNA of living bacteria in the gut, where it reproduces indefinitely.

2) GMOs cause cancer. The most recent study to identify a link between GMO consumption and the formation of cancer, the so-called Seralini Study provides solid evidence showing that GMOs are processed by mammals far differently than natural foods. According to this study's findings, rats fed a lifetime of GMOs sprayed with the toxic Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide developed serious tumors that took over their entire bodies. An earlier study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences arrived at similar results, with the addition of organ failure as a symptom of GMO consumption.

3) GMOs increase herbicide use. Contrary to industry claims, GMOs have not reduced the need for chemical inputs, but rather greatly expanded it. According to a comprehensive, 16-year review of chemical use in conjunction with the advent of GMOs in 1996, researchers from Washington State University's Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources found that herbicide use has increased by an astounding 527 millions pounds since GMOs were first introduced. To make matters worse, Roundup, the chemical of choice for many GMOs, has been found to persist in soils, waterways, and other environmental nooks and crannies, and sometimes it even ends up contaminating water supplies.

4) GMOs damage native species. A major point of contention with GMOs is that they can very easily pass their traits onto non-GMO, organic, and native crops and other plants, effectively destroying their very integrity permanently. Hundreds of farmers have actually been sued by Monsanto and other GMO giants over the years after their crops were inadvertently contaminated by GMOs. GMOs are also responsible for killing off bees, bats, butterflies, and other pollinators, whose bodies are unable to handle the onslaught of altered DNA and chemicals that are characteristic of GMO technologies. (

5) GMOs pollute the environment. Mainstream scientists and industry spokespersons often gloat about the supposed environmental benefits of GMOs. But the truth of the matter is that GMOs and the chemicals used to grow them are a major source of environmental pollution. A 2011 study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science found that the Bacillus thuriengensis (Bt) bacteria engineered into Monsanto's GM corn can now be found in hundreds of streams and waterways throughout the U.S. Midwest. Another study published in the journal Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry revealed that Roundup herbicide is also present in many waterways and groundwater sources throughout America as well.

6) GMOs deplete soil minerals, destroy beneficial bacteria. The presence of Roundup, Bt bacteria, and other GMO byproducts in our water and soil would only be half as bad if these toxins merely persisted as innocuous pollutants. But studies have shown that these chemicals actually degrade and deplete soils of vital minerals and beneficial bacteria, both of which protect crops from pests, viruses, and other threatening elements. Glyphosate, the active component in Roundup, also does not biodegrade, which means it is continually accumulating in the environment without restraint, perpetually altering soil composition and contaminating natural resources. (

7) GMOs spawn crop-destroying 'superweeds,' 'superbugs.' The basic premise behind how GMOs work portends that artificially engineering crops with resistance to certain chemicals and exposures that would otherwise harm or kill them can improve yields and protect the environment. And this built-in resistance has allowed farmers to indiscriminately spray chemicals like Roundup on their crops without worrying about killing them. But this system is now failing, as the weeds and pests targeted by GMO technologies have mutated and developed resistance to crop chemicals and Bt toxin. As a result, pestilence and disease is on the rise due to GMOs, which spells eventual disaster for the food supply.

To learn more about the dangers of GMOs, visit the Institute for Responsible Technology:

Learn more:    




Citizens Action Network's (CAN) goal is to bring like minded people together that want to effect positive change in their communities. Power in numbers!


What kind of world do we want to live in? Do we want to live in a world governed by fear, corporate control and violence? That is one way of looking at the development of the current global agenda. Or do we want to live in a world where peace, sustainability and compassion are cultivated as vital principals for our existence? Both realities exist side by side.

On the individual level there is alw...ays a choice. Peace is a choice. Every minute of the day in all our activities choosing peace, as the underlying stream we operate from is a personal choice, like any choice we make, (an important choice that has an impact on our environment).

Yes, the people have the power to say no, to protest, to get together and stand up to injustice. The people have the power to get educated, to buy only organic, healthy products, to promote and to share news and information they believe in, to cut out the corrupted media outlets, the people have the power to turn off the TV and create new, free technologies, the people have the power to heal themselves, each other and the planet. When people get sufficiently fed up with the crap they are being fed, they will rise and let the leaders know, exactly what they think, about the way they are being treated and demand new laws. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Stem-Cell Teeth !

I would be surprised if this ever comes to reality. It's the FDA, ADA and other pharmaceutical interests that are keeping this from going forward. They make lots of money poisoning us with mercury fillings, estrogen-laden fillings, root canals, fake implants, dentures, etc...

We have to get rid of our current system before we will be allowed cutting edge tech such as this. The elite probably already has access to all cutting edge tech.

I am surprised that the stem cell tech is available for cartilage and joints from Dr. John Lieurance and his partner in FL.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


We need to do this with our various berries and we need to plant apple, pear, and cherry trees too.

Same with the onions we like to grow, which were accidental at first.

BACK TO EDEN shares the story of one man’s lifelong journey, walking with God and learning how to get back to the simple, productive methods of sustainable provision that were given to man in the garden of Eden. The organic growing system that has resulted from Paul Gautschi’s incredible experiences has garnered the interest of visitors from around the world. However, never until now have Paul’s methods been documented and shared like this!

BACK TO EDEN Film Playback Problems

Having trouble viewing Back to Eden? Common solutions to this problem.

Note:  Number 4 worked for me.

1. Make sure you let the video buffer (upload) all the way before trying to watch.

2. Turn off all virus protection and advertisement block software.

3. Check and update your Flash player from this page:

4. Turn off HD (High Definition) by clicking “HD” at the bottom right hand side of the player. This allows the video to playback in SD (Standard Definition).

5. Buy DVD

Monday, January 14, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Daily Messenger: Getting older by the seaside...another year goes b...

The Daily Messenger: Getting older by the seaside...another year goes b...:

Now 1981


Happy birthday!

Have a very blessed day and year!


Happy Birthday DB! from Messiah Mews on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

[Vaccination-Liberation] Bible Flyer


We have posted a 2 page flyer suitable for printing and sharing that shows bible prohibitions versus the vaccines that contain the prohibited substance. I.E. Consuming Blood vs vaccines containing blood products.

On side two we mention other Health Science principles mentioned in the Bible. Such as the fact that sanitation was the key to eliminating smallpox.

Titled: Biblical Wisdom, Health Science and Vaccination

it is posted at:    

The Bible Forbids Vaccinations! How many of you knew that?

* The Bible teaches that there have been times in history when evil government and government employees have attempted, through force or color of law, to intimidate, harm or destroy the children of God’s people. (Exodus 1 and 2/ Matthew 2). Therefore, if a parent feels that vaccines are not safe, it is their responsibility to defend our children from an individual or government who is attempting to subject our children to those vaccine risks.

· The Bible teaches that the body is “The temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) To inject known neurotoxins into our children, which have known health risks, would be a violation of these biblical teachings.

· The Bible teaches that there are clean and unclean animals and that God’s people are not to put the unclean into their bodies. Many vaccines are made from the blood of diseased animals, decomposed animal parts and are not sterile.

· The Bible teaches that when man’s law contradicts God’s law, His people must obey God over man. (Acts 5:29) Therefore, be it known, should any policy, edict or legislation of man decree our children must be vaccinated, we must obey God rather than man just as Moses’ parents of old, we will do so without fear. (Exodus 2)

· The Bible teaches us that we are not to harm or wrong our neighbor. (Romans 13:10 and James 2:8) Our decisions to decline vaccines do not wrong or threaten our neighbor. If vaccines were truly effective, the neighbor would not be in danger from someone who is not vaccinated.  

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" ~Hosea

Monday, January 7, 2013

Kite Surfing Kailua Bay after getting Bone Marrow & PRP for a rotator cu...

Awesome Dr. John Lieurance! Now we need to get this same tech for our teeth ASAP!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Compiled Research About The Dangers of Vaccines

Lizzi Hollanders: feel free to use any of the research I have compiled

After extensive research we have decided that there is no rational basis upon which to vaccinate. the entire premise of vaccinations is deeply flawed, the risks far outweigh the benefits and the dearth of reliable, valid and consistent scientific data in tandem with the incredible profiteering conducted by the Pharmaceutical corporations makes the entire vaccine industry (and it is an industry as it it the greatest source of profit to these companies deeply suspect and guilty of extreme skulduggery.

A robust immune system can handle almost all disease and process it so that the body recovers and the results in life long immunity---far superior to potential partial immunity and/or destroyed immunity which wanes over time in tandem with the endless negative sequalae of auto-immune disorders that can result from the over injection of toxins into children's bodies.

Below are some links i find helpful in helping me elucidate the facts as they pertain to vaccination. the fact is this is a very heated debate filled with extreme ideological differences such that i believe it is often an unbridgable divide and thus not worth engaging. it is simply up to each individual to make a choice, to use informed consent and exorcise fear from the decision making process. any choice made in fear will result in doubt and uncertainty. the only path through this mire is to gain, gather and process knowledge. information is power and that is how this battle is being waged.. i have spent the better part of three years researching the tropic and for me I am satisfied, based on the current condition of our life, where we live and our health that any benefits from vaccinations do not outweigh the risks.

here are some links to resource I have found most helpful. First though a book called "Childhood Vaccination: Answers to your questions, by Katia Bailetti" was an excellent resource to starting out on this journey of becoming informed and getting out of the dogma and ideology. the books break down each vaccine, it's ingredient, the pros and the cons of having the disease, the pros and the cons of getting vaccinated and the degree of partial immunity and the time it lasts. it is well worth the read, it is neutral in its standpoint and accessible in that it is written in average english - not academic.

I like this link as it breaks down all the myths we currently hold as true in popular culture regrading vaccine efficacy

here is a link that gives a graphic of the increase of vaccines introduced to the vaccine schedule from 1983 to 2010 - it makes me shudder when i look at it. Canada follows an almost identical schedule.

Here is a link to a table that shows a variety of vaccine schedules around the world

This is a great one for people who want to engage with pro-vax people. and another one I have found useful

Here is a link of a parent who says these questions need to be answered before she will even consider vaccinating her children.

here are some links on the Hep B vaccine. it's one i consider one of the most dangerous and insane of all vaccines (although a close tie with HPV)

And this is a fantastic article that explains how the human immune system works prior to vaccination and what happens to the immune system after vaccination... a must read for anyone

and part 2

Here is another article that helps tease apart the myth that vaccination equals immunity

and another article that goes into greater detail debunking the myth of herd immunity

And for those who really want to get into the nitty gritty here is a link of all the vaccines currently manufactured and their ingredients. It's a worth a read and educating yourself about what exactly is being injected into your and your children's bodies. and

Finally along with the known neurotoxic effects of mercury is an even more deadlier adjuvant agent.

Aluminum is a positively charged bio-conductive element, 64 times more positive than colloidal blood products (ie. anything suspended in your blood) are negative; with the properties of a coagulant. It literally draws in all other metals & toxins in its path. When injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously, this neurotoxin gets redistributed via the bloodstream (consisting of 90% water) to areas of fatty tissue (highly electrical tissues – negatively charged) throughout the body, builds up over time in these delicate centers; primarily in the Brain, Spinal cord, Myelin sheath, Meninges, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men), kidneys, liver, gut & bowels.

This “sludging” is activated when Aluminum interacts with Hemoglobin in flow, in the negatively charged environment. This causes the negatively charged blood products to “attract” towards the larger, more massive positively charged Aluminum, causing clumping or “sludging”. This restricts blood flow, and it changes the Zeta Potential to change from -15mv (minus 15 milivolts) towards -10 mv (minus 10 milivolts), or possibly closer to zero. This is an increase in Zeta Potential, from a negatively charge towards neutral. (This is somewhat analogous to a change in state of water as it turns to ice – it’s a change in viscosity, affecting blood flow).

The final link is the one that really had a significant impact on my ability to trust what I was reading. Here you have a world class toxicologist doing a meta analysis of all the autism studies and her findings are interesting in the kinds of flaws she discovers and exposes. Again a meaty and hearty read but one I certainly enjoyed and gave me great insight.

I sincerely hope this helps. I make no bones about the fact that I advocate for non-vaccination because I have come to know that vaccines are mostly bunk science riding on the coattails of some good science, and disseminating it’s veracity through a heavily indoctrinated culture of blind faith in public health policy and pharmaceutical companies... and that is why it is such a difficult terrain to navigate... when lies disguise themselves behind truth, it take a sharp mind and a clear heart to see the way through. good luck to everyone in making the choice that is right for you and your family.  

40 Children Paralyzed After New Meningitis Vaccine

This is the first of the non refrigerated vaccines the WHO has cleared for use stating that they are more cost efficient saving the manufacture .50 cents per dose. Once again instead of giving Africans access to clean food and water they spend billions to inject them with toxic vaccines that are now crippling their children.

Please Share This Information

EVDN: 40 Children Paralyzed After New Meningitis Vaccination MenAfriVac    


Dear Readers,

Breaking news, folks .

40 children (the total is likely higher) paralyzed after receiving a new vaccine.

Officials are remaining silent.

Does this surprise you?

Parents are asking for your help to get the word out.

Will you help us?

Read the article now...

Click Here! <--->


Jeffry John Aufderheide

Editor of


Toxic Light - The Dark Side of Energy Saving Bulbs

We use the old fashioned incandescent bulbs. These things are toxic and I'd rather pay more in electricity rather than destroy my health with mercury poisoning.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Daily Messenger: President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22,...

The Daily Messenger: President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22,...: John F. Kennedy vs The Federal Reserve On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest...


History as we should know it.  This tells us who the real devils were behind that.