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Saturday, December 28, 2013


A MUST WATCH!!!! Very good video linking the Bible with pharmacuetical drugs, however I don't agree with him including cannabis unless it's mixed with something else as cannabis is in the Holy Anointing Oil and not a psychotropic drug itself, a witches brew as well as pharmacueticals are a combination/mixture of things to bring about a psychotropic drug etc..

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Daily Messenger: A lovely day in the cathedral

The Daily Messenger: A lovely day in the cathedral: Listening to carolers as they gamboled through the streets... Tooling around the valley with Das Fro... Seeing, hearing, and feeling great love and beauty

A blessed day......


Awesome!  Had a very blessed day too, even though having done a liver/gallbladder flush.

There's nothing like a heart shaped gallstone to let me know it's a lovely day and being blessed with knowledge and health to help myself, my family and others as we continue on to the new year and beyond.

God bless all you guys.  Lots of Love and blessings to you all!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Five Month-Old Baby Dies Just Days After 8 Vaccinations – Parents Are Charged With Her Murder
Update: I am now the "Vaccine and Parental Rights Coordinator and EU Regional Director for the Natural Solutions Foundation." At the end of January the Foundation is hosting a webinar on the subject of false accusations of Shaken Baby Syndrome after a vaccine injury has occurred and have a super line up of professionals who are willing to speak out on the subject.

I will be launching my latest Ebook on the subject and a new website designed to offer support and information... to those falsely accused on the same day. This was prompted by the recent case of ' Darryl' who just weeks ago was jailed for life after his daughter suffered an adverse reaction after an MMR vaccination and died.

I currently am aware of and am trying to support five families who have a loved one in jail and the parents of BabyA who are currently on trial for murder,
Christina England

Poem About Tyranny

From Ella Moore
Oh say can you see
or are you in denial
what so proudly we boast
as we are put on trial

what rights do you think you have?
Did you ask permission for that
If you grow your own food
You are tossed in a cage like a rat
Politicians dead glare
Chemtrails polluting the air
There's proof won't you see
This is not the land of liberty

How long will we bend
until everyone breaks
Not the land of the free
This is a tyrannical charade

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Daily Messenger: 1929 or now...big differences (a reader writes)

The Daily Messenger: 1929 or now...big differences (a reader writes): Back in 1929 there was 2 billion people on Earth, now there is 7+ billion all competing for the resources that have become much less by design with so-called "Fair Trade."...