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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Court finds Hep B Vaccine caused Lupus.

Kenny Valenzuela
My new video covers the Federal Claims Courts awarding more money to people who have been injured by vaccinations. In this case the Hepatitis B vaccine caused Lupus and the courts awarded $475,000 in damages.

Vaccine Exemption Forms
Please Share This Information:)

On page 8 of the Hep B vaccine package insert by Merck, it states Lupus as an adverse reaction.
Pages 7 and 8 lists all the reported adverse reactions. Recombivax HB-Hepatitis B (recombinant)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Eight Month-Old Baby Dies Just Weeks After Hepatitis B Vaccination; His Innocent Father Is Still In Jail 20 Years Later

He's still in jail.

20 years ago, Bryant Arroyo was accused of murdering his child.
But like in so many of these stories we report, his stepson
was vaccinated shortly before he went into cardiac arrest.

Is this man guilty for harming his child? Read his story and
you can decide for yourself.

Click on the link below to read the story now!


Jeffry John Aufderheide
Editor of