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Saturday, April 30, 2016

I'm now a Producer on this Holistic Doctor Death Film

Published on 29 Apr 2016
When Brian Hammers (director in Los Angeles) approached me with this proof of concept short film- I clicked on his link - not expecting much. I didn't know him and I get many emails a day (continued....)

Then the film stopped me dead in my tracks. My jaw dropped and I shed a few tears. I learned that Brian's wife- Michelle Hammers- was basically playing the role of me. That was mind blowing.

I also learned some actors were afraid to be in the project because of the recent death and potential dangers. I wrote some of the family members of the deceased doctors and we decided this project would happen regardless, so might as well happen the right way. Brian is such a talented passionate director too - so I said yes, and I'd be a producer and help in any way I can to get the world out there. We've already had thousands donated here and know it will be done. Since mainstream ignores over 30 doctors who have gone dead and missing in a matter of months, film sometimes has the power to get the word out...!the-power-to-cure/g87ue

Friday, April 29, 2016

Breaking: Holistic doctor allegedly murders his family, turns gun on self

Another one...  :(

Ready to start praying protection over all holistic doctors, activists, truth tellers, etc.... ?   And also pray that all involved in this and others are found out and brought to justice.

Published on 28 Apr 2016
Sadly we have yet another holistic doctor found dead, with his 2 small children also found dead. His wife (also a holistic doctor) was not home at the time. This has the links including GOFUNDME Recap on ALL holistic doctor deaths

There's someone who posted in the YouTube comments who said they live near there. Here's what they said...

RoxanneVonBoxcarbutt 9 hours ago
erin... I live near there.. I haven't turned my t.v. on in years.. but, I plugged it in last week to see what lies lsm was spreading about, and the news station here was touting how they were performing active shooter drills. I wondered if false flag was coming... then a day or two later, there was a high school shooting.. shooter killed.. nice boy, nobody could believe hed hurt anybody.. then a couple days later, this murder, and the next day, another gun murder near here. theres a HAARP target area in that vicinity.. ive seen it working, and its as ugly or uglier than anything ive seen posted in pics/video. lots of thyroid cancer in that area.. lots of problems with kids and 'bath salts'....

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Pet Vaccination Adverse Events

They're just as bad for our furbabies too.

Keep that toxic shit away from me!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

It's A Catafrikindemic

WARNING about cats and dogs eating grass from outside. We'll have to just give our cat the chlorophyll instead of letting him eat grass. Like from a dropper.  The chlorophyll is much safer, and also the inside wheatgrass plants is safter for them. Hubby has been bringing in the grass from outside, but that's going to stop NOW. And then there's the damn nannites. If we have to force feed the chlorophyll down him, we will. And will buy him a wheatgrass plant to grow inside.

Juicing and Raw Foods: FDA Admits Vaccines Cause Autism, Seizures and Death...

Juicing and Raw Foods: FDA Admits Vaccines Cause Autism, Seizures and Death...

Dr. Mount shares some real eye opening information, for sure.

On Page 11 of the package insert document:


124 Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link

U.S. Supreme Court decision (February 22, 2011): vaccines have "unavoidable, adverse side effects."
"eliminates manufacturer liability for a vaccine’s unavoidable, adverse side effects." US Supreme Court Feb 22 2011
In other words, transfer liability to the victims IE taxpayers and milk the public purse.

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest - Episode 8

Episode 8: Cannabis, Nature’s Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy.

This was a good episode too.

Episode 7 is already offline, and I didn't get a chance to post it, even though it was watched.

It did touch on the "nagalase" and GcMAF, but never mentioned it coming from vaccines, or the dead doctors who found out about it  Other than that, it was still a great episode, all the same.

This is the info that I had wanted to see and hear mentioned on this episode and series.

Doctor Ted Broer compares cancer-causing nagalase to stealth bomber. And all and/or most of the murdered holistic doctors found out and/or knew that the nagalase was being introduced via the vaccines. That's what Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, MD was getting ready to blow the whistle on, according to other reports.

Nagalese blocks the GC protein from attaching itself to vitamin D, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job and therefore causing cancer and other serious diseases. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can spread rapidly.

Remarkably, there's a significant amount of research available on nagalase and the GcMAF protein.

Citing a chapter from The GcMAF Book by Dr. Tim Smith, MD, Dr. Broer said:

Nagalase is like a stealth bomber, the nagalase enzyme synthesized in or released from cancer cells or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and simply wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb.

How precise? Nagalase locates and attacks one specific two-electron bond located only at the 420th amino acid position on a huge protein molecule, one of tens of thousands of proteins, each containing millions of electrons.

This is like selectively taking out a park bench in a major city from 6,000 miles away. More astonishingly, if that is possible, nagalase never misses its target, so there is no collateral damage.
Nagalase is being found in super high concentrations in autistic children

Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues also learned that the nagalase protein was not present in children at birth but was somehow introduced into autistic children, they felt, during the immunization process.
Before his death, Dr. Bradstreet treated 1,100 patients with GcMAF with an 85 percent response rate – something that was deemed impossible by the medical community.

After reintroducing GcMAF (which had been blocked by nagalase), 15 percent of Bradstreet's autistic patients were no longer autistic, as all of their symptoms were completely eradicated.

More details are from here:

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Mom, wanted to share this with you. This is Charcoal tonight. Big difference from the brink of death! JOY JUICE!   04/19/2015

Great news on Charcoal! Got the blood work back and her red blood cell level is low normal which is a drastic improvement considering she was severely anemic a few days ago and dying. All the prayers have helped! I've posted a gofundme link on the group page because my husband and I have depleted ourselves with vet bills. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much to everyone! ~Kristen

Keep up the chlorophyll and it will continue to build her blood. Let Mamma cat have some too, every now and then. ~Me

Oh believe I will. I'm actually gonna keep her on it indefinitely because they said it is auto immune related and I don't want her to back slide. Good news too is I don't have to get her vaccinated because of it. It could kill her. If I have any legal issue they will give me a letter stating it's for medical reasons.  ~Kristen

This was Charcoal a few days ago on April 16th.
Please keep my baby girl Charcoal in prayers. She is severely anemic and declining. Doctors can't figure out what's going on. Back to the vet on Monday to check her red blood cell levels. My heart hurts so much ~Kristen

And today, she is on the mend, as you can see in her video and other pictures how much better she looks.

Charcoal now has her own GoFundMe page, as all the trips to the vet, tests, etc... depleted my daughter and husband out of their monies.

They had gotten their income tax refund back from their move and had gotten caught up, but this is another setback.

From Charcoal's GoFundMe page....

Being an animal lover, I will go above and beyond to save my animal's life. My husband and I work very hard to make ends meet but life always manages to throw you a few curve balls. My precious kitty Charcoal became deathly ill a few days ago. We have sacrificed our needs and put hers 1st. She's been back and forth to vets which has added up quickly. We need help. Every little bit counts. Please keep us in prayers. Thank you.

For those who would rather do Pay Pal, the pay pal email is

So far we donated with the natural medicines (chlorophyll and Miracle II neutralizer).  But will be sending more little by little.

Prayers are always accepted and needed too.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Christian Ministries Trust - Free Foreclosure Counseling

Christian Ministries Trust - Free Foreclosure Counseling: Christian Ministries Trust counsels anyone in the foreclosure process, always for free, on exactly how to permanently remove any person's foreclosure blemish from all 3 credit reporting agencies.

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest - Episode 6

My commentary on this episode is about this/these non toxic vaccine/s. Seriously?

REALLY? Non toxic vaccine? In what life, world or universe does that ever exist? There has never been a safe vaccine. Perhaps the injection should be called something else besides a vaccine? Like the GcMAF injections are called just GcMAF injections. I would like to see a package insert and list of ingredients of these "non toxic" vaccines.

The definitive look into the history of vaccination. From cancer, to autism, to the purposeful sterilization of innocent people around the globe, find out why all of these things are perfectly legal according to U.S. CODE - why the government considers you no different than cattle.

The rest of the steps of detoxification is good advice.  However, drawing the line when it comes to injections.  Can we say microchips?  In which all the medical supplies are loaded with these, in addition to now NANNITES!

Do the rest, but SKIP any and all vaccines.  If it breaks the skin, best avoid it period.  We have no idea the mind that is behind this so called non-toxic vaccine.  TRUST NO ONE with a vaccine.

Also, Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.A.C., O.M.D. mentions the sulfur being a detoxifier.

Sulfur deficiency triggers cancer epidemic

Can organic sulfur help overcome brain fog and early dementia?

You can get the organic sulfur from HERE.

Cellular Matrix Study

Good news!

Good news! Charcoal is on the mend. Just saw the vet. Won't know the test results until tomorrow but when they took blood they said her blood was a beautiful dark red, gums are nice and pink which is a sign that she is producing red blood cells so yay! This is her today! She was knocking on deaths door Friday and she couldn't even stand up. Vet even talked about having her euthanized. She has done a complete 180! Thank you everybody for the prayers and kind words! Means the world to us! ~Kristen Pierce

"Good news! Charcoal is on the mend." Kristen Pierce

It was the liquid chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll will replace blood pint for pint.

The chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. The red blood pigment is a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms grouped around a single atom of iron. Nature's green pigment is a similar web of the same atoms, except that its centerpiece is a single atom of magnesium.

I hazza happy for you!!!!  Told ya that the chlorophyll would rebuild the blood. When a human has low blood, and needs a transfusion, they drink one pint of it in a day's time, the next day, the blood test will show normal, whereas the day before it tested low. For anyone who gives blood, drinking a pint of chlorophyll would be the perfect thing to do right after donating.

Momma says hi ~Kristen Pierce

The Daily Messenger: Preppers Your Food Storage Could Get You Held As Terrorist flv YouTube 360p...

The Daily Messenger: Preppers Your Food Storage Could Get You Held As Terrorist flv YouTube 360p...

FYI, Youtube and Google are messing with the subscribers and stats.  I had subscribed to this channel years ago when it was first made.

I clicked out to rate (UP, of course!) and favorite the video on my own YouTube channel and I noticed that it showed that I wasn't subscribed to the channel anymore..

WTF?  I was always subscribed, but apparently they are removing subscribers now?

Dude... they're messing with our stats.  Who are the real terrorists here?


AUTISM Is Now Disclosed and Acknowledged as an Adverse Event Reported for Use of DTaP Vaccine

This is a long article with a lot of embedded videos, footnotes and other great information, so I'll just link to it.

AUTISM is listed as an “adverse event” reported for DTaP vaccine.
Tripedia is an FDA approved diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine and the Centers for Disease Control recommends that infants be injected at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. The DTaP vaccine insert, in plain text, lists autism, sudden infant death, seizures up to gran mal, AND MORE as adverse events.
(Download the full FDA insert here.)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest - Episode 5

Be sure to watch this ASAP, as they will turn it off around 24 hours after broadcast.  Be sure to go ahead and register anyway, because you will be given a chance to get the DVD set.

The Truth About Cancer – A Global Quest
Episode 5: Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions

Notes, Thoughts and Recaps:

The Mouth (toxic dentistry and dental molestation):
Everyone should have dental compatibility testing done and do not put anything in your mouth that your immune system is highly immunologically reactive to.
PS Mercury always tests "highly immunologically reactive". This testing has been around for 30 years.
Socket cavitation is always infected.  Even when a holistic dentist removes all, clear the ligament, clear infection, there is STILL bone loss and then the head collapses, then follows is the spine.  It's like we're screwed structurally, just because humans only have TWO sets of teeth, which sucks major.
Bio-oxidative therapies for failed root canals and dead teeth.  Ozone therapy anyone?  Katerina?

Genetic switch turns on inflammation and ramps up the sympathetic nervous and decreases the para-sympathetic nervous system.

Bottom line is Chronic Inflammation leads to cancer.

AVOID: Fluoride, Mercury fillings and vaccinations.

Mercury fillings outgassing

Detoxified iodine:  We need  10,000 to 20,000 mcgs (micrograms) every day.

The Spine:
Chiropractic Neurology has been a great rehabilitation for me, as well as others. Note when he said nerve impingement mimicking a fight or flight state.
Otherwords... MENINGEAL COMPRESSION and/or ADHESIONS.  And the C1 being misaligned too, compressing on the brain stem.
Well hello?  Autonomic nervous system being stuck Sympathethic Mode.  By all of these.  And vertebrae STUCK FORWARD!

Nerve Impingement Syndrome (NIS), or a Subluxation, occurs when a misalignment of one or more of the joints in the spine places pressure on a nerve. Nerves communicate from the brain through the spinal cord and nervous system. Pressure on the nerves can cause interference with the transmitted signal.

So what fixes that?


Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC)
Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR)
Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT)
Quantum Neurology

Once the pressure is off the meninges and off the brain stem, the autonomic nervous system goes back into the para-sympathetic mode.  That I can attest to, as I've dealt with this shit off and on my entire life.

Constant Fight or Flight aka autonomic nervous system stuck in sympathetic mode due to nerve impingement, meningeal compression and/or adhesions and the C-1 being out of alignment and pressing on the brain stem.  And also vertebrae being STUCK FORWARD as the primary bio-mechanical pathologies PBPs, because stuck forward position can never self correction, since there isn't any muscles on the BACK of vertebrae. There are muscles on each side and in front, but none on the back. So how to fix that without pushing it further forward?  Adjust A to P, anterior to posterior via the Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC).  See

Dr. Paul Whitcomb, DC talks about meningeal compression contributing to chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and he has developed his own technique called Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT).

Compressed cranial nerves that are compressed can be corrected by Jesse Jutkowitz's ABC's Endonasal Cranial Correction (ECC) or by Dr. Dean Howell's Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR).

Dental occlusion or malocclusion is also important in structural integrity too.  Missing teeth in the back, and/or poorly extruded teeth results in a sunken skull and cranial/facial collapse, causing compression.
See:  -

AtlasProfilax is wonderful for the C-1 (Atlas) Correction.
However, if it doesn't hold, then look to the meningeal releases and dental splints (Starecta or TMJ Stack - Dr. Brendan Stack from Virginia) to relieve meningeal adhesions and to raise the skull back up as a lever-effect.


Vaccinations are parts of the Eugenic Agenda that Hitler and the founder of Planned Parenthood are a part of. The Eugenic Agenda lives on in the United States through the Pharmaceutical Industry, and Monsanto like companies that promote Genetically Modified Organisms (G.M.O.)  and is spreading like a Pandemic - Plague.

I was mildly disappointed that this video never mentioned the "nagalase" being discovered in vaccines, or the holistic doctors being systematically murdered for knowing about nagalase and GcMAF.
Nagalase and GcMAF by Ted Broer.  Please listen to Dr. Broer explaining this about the nagalase, GcMAF and the Dead Holistic Doctors..

FDA = The Fool & Death Administration

Vaccine Mandates (Medical Fascism as in forced vaccines):  Exemptions and/or The Vaccination Notice (Lawful Notice Refusing to Contract with the CORPORATE state, AMA CORPORATE doctors, The CORPORATE Public Fool System,

Vaccine Ingredients:  From CDC Pink Book
Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary (by Ingredient)
Appendix B = Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary
Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine
So which of these ingredients belong in the body?

Proof Vaccines cause autism and SIDS:  PDF pkg inserts and videos:

Official vaccine insert from the FDA web site:
Diphtheria and Tetanus DTaP Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed Tripedia
Pp 11
...'Adverse events reported during post-approval use of Tripedia vaccine include idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy, hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea. Events were included in this list because of the seriousness or frequency of reporting. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequencies or to establish a causal relationship to components of Tripedia vaccine.

Confidential GSK report reveals that INFANRIX Hexa causes brain damage, anal leakage, autism and more

Nuremberg trails and Operation Paperclip.  Nuremberg case is still open.  Can we hang them?

SV-40 (Simian Virus 40) contributing to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, which is what my father had, btw.
PURPOSELY put in the vaccines.  Listen to Maurice Hilliman admitting to it in this video clip from In Lies We Trust documentary.

Unknown elements... you mean "nagalase", for instance?  Unknown element and purposely put in them.  Nagalase and GcMAF by Ted Broer. Please listen to Dr. Broer explaining this about the nagalase, GcMAF and the Dead Holistic Doctors..

HPV Vaccine Pkg Insert (Adverse Reactions)

Vaccines are still brain damaging the population (including animal vaccines, btw)

Emotional Component:

Anger, Fear, angry liver?, Bitterness (gallbladder)?

The power of life and death is in the tongue and you have these witch doctors pronouncing DEATH upon people. And if the people buy it, they might as well be dead.  Well, isn't that witchcraft?

Our current lamestream medical system is archaic.  Like get out of the damn dark ages already, and stop the damn greed!

People use the lamestream medical system because of fear and panic (thank you witch doctors!), and that they have no knowledge that the much safter and proven alternatives are even available?

Surgery is a major assault and attack on the body and the nervous system reacts.

A negative thought can kill you faster than a bad germ.  ~ Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D.

Homeopathy:  Like cures like.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest - Episode 4

Edit:   They turned the video off a few hours after posting this.  Which is why I posted a signup link, to be able to get the series later on, after the dates posted.

Episode 4: “Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy and Healing
Cancer with Sound & Light” is playing now and I know I’m sounding like a broken record... but you’re going to LOVE this one. smile emoticon
AVOID: Glutamate, Sugar and Soy.
It will probably go private around 9 PM tonite or tomorrow, so go view it while you can.
Be sure to go ahead and register anyway, because you will be given a chance to get the DVD set.

Some Notes:

All of this I knew already except for the blood red oranges.  Have to find some of those!

Right on about the grains! Okay, about wheat and all these other damn "whole grains".... When a piece of whole grain bread spikes someone's blood glucose to 170, there's something seriously wrong. Hell, even a snickers bar barely puts some people over 150 at 1-hour and 2-hour postprandial. You won't see blood glucose go above 130 on raw/paleo/primal foods. I'm not diabetic, but I totally understand the research given and it's very clear that microvascular damage begins to occur at blood glucose levels >140. Not to mention the un-felt downstream effects of glycation (which, by the way increases as the blood glucose level increases). We're talking oxidized LDL particles, downregulated nitric oxide activity, increased vascular permeability, and increased prothrombotic properties of the vessel walls. That, folks, is a recipe for heart disease too. So, those who want to defend wheat and these other GMO whole grains, go right ahead, but there is NO Science to secure any arguments. Today's grains are FAR from the ancient Biblical grains that were good for us back then.  And don't even get me started on high fructose corn syrup (GMO) and mainstream dairy that is full of genetically engineered (GMO) bovine growth hormones, etc....

We all know to avoid the MSGs, Aspartame, Spenda, etc...  and anything from Monsanto. Monsatan is a company dedicated to poisoning the people of the world. Boycott all GMO foods and this company of scumbags.

They mentioned... AHEM!  CHLOROPHYLL!   Oh yes they did!  What a coincidence, because we have put it to the test and so did my daughter, just TODAY!

Regards chlorophyll, it's a life saver! No kidding about that. My daughter has been upset over her beautiful black cat, and she had quit eating. The vet said she was close to death. So when my daughter told me she tested for being anemic, I told her to go to the store and give the furbaby liquid chlorophyll by dropper ASAP. That was yesterday. Today, she posted that her cat was already feeling better, got in her lap, walked about the house and even ate a little. Her posts are private, so I downloaded the pics and copied the test and reposted on one of my blogs. Her testimony in today's earlier post: .

And the doctor who has the PAP-IMI or equivalent.

PAP-IMI, Near Infared Sauna, and other equipment
Dr. Antonio Jimenez, M.D.
Founder & Medical Director - Hope 4 Cancer Institute Tijuana, Mexico

My earlier post for Katerina mentioned the PAP-IMI as one of the treatments for teeth.

Earlier Reports on PAP-IMI from Panos Pappas site (web archives)

Miracle Teeth Cavity Elimination

The third report by Dr. P.T.P concerns rotten teeth regrowth and osteal teeth strengthening.

This finding explains why for the last 16 years I never saw a dentist. Although before using PAP IMI, I   was visiting the dentist once and twice a year. Since applying PAP IMI I don't need a dentist any more.

My initial motivation to develop PAP IMI relates to this unique phenomenon of my teeth strengthening. I was doing research on Lightning Protection (relevant patent holder) and on Atmospheric Electricity. It happened then, several times, while studying the Lightning literature regarding the medical beneficial effects of the lightning fall to bystanders. I noticed that these reports had gone unnoticed by the medical community and its literature. I was strongly impressed though by a repot about third generation regrowth of teeth to people standing by or near the place where the lightning had fallen.

This report initiated my research on the Electromagnetic beneficial effects of strong currents, that were running close, but not of course  through the body.

However, while developing PAP IMI, never had I expected that my research would lead me to simulate with the PAP IMI device the beneficial medical effects of lightning. And it was Mrs. Anderson report that leads me to believe and look for this type of effects.

Get in contact!

Get in touch!

We invite all investigators to get in touch with us. The sooner the better.

This is a unique world wide breakthrough report.

To see report by Mrs. Anderson, click here.

Teeth Re-Growth Report

PEMF PAP-IMI was banned from being sold to anyone in the US since 2005.  All these is why, among other things.

Looking forward to the Vaccines Episode 5.

Re: Chlorophyll

Wonderful Update:

My daughter has dubbed it JOY JUICE.

Been giving her the medicine from the vet plus the chlorophyll and she's coming around.
She's been moving around some and she even ate some wet food on her own!

An update on my sweet girl Charcoal. Seen some improvements since this morning. Been giving her the meds from the doctor and some chlorophyll to help her blood. She's been roaming around the house, sat in my lap for awhile and is eating on her own. Hoping for continued improvements! Thank you everyone for the prayers and support!  ~Kristen

A certain kitty seems to be feeling a little better. Been roaming around the house, sitting in my lap, and ate some on her own today ~Kristen

Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Holistic practitioner under threat, she appeals to other Holistic practi...

Cancer researcher and GcMAF activist Amanda Mary Jewel has suddenly dissapeared from Facebook. She was presently the target of an effort by the British government to demand she return for questioning from a facility she was working from in Mexico helping people heal from cancer.

Her most recent video was within the last day or two. It too has been removed by Facebook. They threw her down the memory hole, and they hope you will be too afraid to do anything about it.

Are you ????? Please share this post, and spread the word.

Let's stand together. They can't delete all of us..



And let's all pray protection for her and other holistic doctors who are dedicated to healing the people.

Frankly, she can refuse to go back.  It's called REFUSING TO CONTRACT with CORPORATE BRITAIN, which is also a CORPORATION.

Chlorophyll: The Blood of Plants for a Superior Blood Bank

This is old news for some, but wanted to post anyway, because my daughter's cat had stopped eating and they did tests for things, and found she is anemic.  She was upset and thinking that she may have to put her cat down.   And I was like ummmmm NO!   THIS is easily fixed too!  Cats like to go outside and eat grass, and it's the chlorophyll they're after when they do that.  So I let her know about this, pay pal'd her a few $$ to go buy some liquid plain chlorophyll.  Miracle won't drink the chlorophyll liquid, but he will eat grass, which we bring inside for him to nibble on.  But if he ever needed liquid chlorphyll, I would have to force it to him via a dropper, if I have to.  No one needs to put their cat down for low blood. Even Feline Leukemia can be helped vis this method and others.

SOOOO..... Prayers for her and her kitteh!  Fanks!

How Charcoal feels about being sick ~Kristen

From the October 2001 Idaho Observer:

Chlorophyll: The Blood of Plants for a Superior Blood Bank

After the events of September 11, 2001, the Red Cross quickly organized a national campaign to solicit donations for their human blood banks. It made me wonder if the Red Cross is now obsessed with filling blood banks just as the public health departments are now obsessed with pushing vaccines. Think about it. Many restaurants in our area do not comply with basic public health sanitation practices. And yet the health department appears more interested in Hepatitis A vaccine compliance among employees even though adherence to basic protocols of hygiene and sanitation have proven to be more effective in preventing the spread of Hepatitis A, than the vaccine. Wasn't the original intent of the Red Cross to assist the victims of natural and man-made disasters? In these times of disease-scare, it is more important than ever to understand how our bodies work in both sickness and in health and be empowered with the simple, inexpensive remedies that nature provides us.

by Ingri Cassel

It could be said that the secret of all life on earth depends on a special process that only the green plants possess. This process is called photosynthesis. All green plants absorb energy from the sun, take water and minerals through their roots and air through through leaves en route to maturity. Using the energy from the sun, plants utilize water, minerals and carbon dioxide to make starches, fats, proteins, vitamins and everything they require to grow.

It was little more than a century ago that chemists isolated a green pigment from the green leaves of plants that they called chlorophyll. It wasn't until 1913 that a German chemist, Dr. Richard Willstatter, correctly identified the true function of chlorophyll. Dr. Willstatter pointed out that all energy comes from the sun and that green plants alone possess the secret of how to capture this solar energy. Out of this process stems much of what we know as life and growth. Man and animals consume this energy from plants as food. Dr. Willstatter's discoveries revolutionized the scientific world's understanding of the relationship between the sun and life on earth, but something even more amazing has since been discovered:

The chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. The red blood pigment is a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms grouped around a single atom of iron. Nature's green pigment is a similar web of the same atoms, except that its centerpiece is a single atom of magnesium.

This discovery was a challenge for scientists to find out if chlorophyll, so closely related to our human blood, had any possible medical uses.

Emile Burgi, a research scientist from Switzerland, experimented with the application of chlorophyll medicinally and found that it was helpful in improving various anemic conditions, improving the action of the heart, reducing abnormally high blood pressure and improving one's overall health.

Since the discovery of chlorophyll's healing properties, many other therapeutic applications of this green substance have been tried successfully. My experiences with the chlorophyll derived from young alfalfa plants is with Bernard Jensen's products, sold in health food stores in pint glass jars. I have used it primarily for supplementation while pregnant and nursing.

I had also heard that liquid chlorophyll, taken orally, can be used as an alternative to blood transfusions. When I was living in Washington state, a friend referred a family to me that was in a panic over their son being scheduled for a blood transfusion the following day. The boy had been in the hospital with leukemia and had already undergone chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I told them to purchase a pint of chlorophyll from the health food store and have him drink the entire bottle before he fell asleep that night.

In the morning, when the nurses checked his blood, they were amazed that his blood count and platelet levels were normal.

The following year I received another call from a friend who was in the hospital. The health professionals at the hospital had told her that she would need a blood transfusion the following day. She did not want a blood transfusion and was willing to do anything to avoid one. I told her the same thing - drink a full pint of chlorophyll before retiring and she would not need one.

Again, the nurses were amazed that her blood was normal in the morning and had to cancel the blood transfusion.

Although I have heard of direct blood transfusions using chlorophyll, I have no personal experience or documentation of this being done. In Bernard Jensen's book, The Healing Power of Chlorophyll, he claims there have been numerous experiments with chlorophyll on rats. In one such experiment, the blood was extracted from a rat and replaced with liquid chlorophyll. The rat went right on living.

Following is a list of disease conditions that have either improved or cleared up entirely by using liquid chlorophyll in conjunction with a living foods diet:

Hepatitis and other liver diseases

All forms of anemia

Asthma and hayfever


Varicose veins


Ulcers - internal and external

High and Low blood sugar

Offensive body odors

Sore throat

Actually chlorophyll will assist in correcting any imbalance in the body due in part to its high bio-available iron content. This allows the body to utilize more oxygen, aiding in the removal of accumulated toxins. We also know that the internal use of chlorophyll strengthens the cells and inhibits bacterial growth.

In Dr. Theodore M. Rudolph's book, Chlorophyll: Nature's Green Magic, step by step instructions are given on how to use chlorophyll in various situations.

For diseases of the throat like tonsillitis and laryngitis, he suggests gargling with a solution of one part chlorophyll to nine parts warm water every two to three hours. He recommends that one NOT swallow this solution due to the germs and bacteria it may contain.

In cases of gastric or peptic ulcers, and other cases of gastritis, the use of chlorophyll can provide fairly immediate relief. The suggested dosage is one tablespoon of chlorophyll in a half glass of water taken every two hours.

Liquid chlorophyll is also appropriate for diseases of the female organs. A solution of one part chlorophyll to nine parts water is very soothing applied as a douche.

And from Bernard Jensen's book, The Healing Power of Chlorophyll, we are told that chlorophyll and green vegetables control the calcium levels in our body. He suggests that women replenish their calcium by consuming more green vegetables and supplementing with chlorophyll since menstrual blood contains up to 40 times more calcium than our normal blood. He also noted that vitamin K was originally discovered in alfalfa juice and that chlorophyll is one of the richest known sources of this vitamin. [For more info. on vitamin K and the harm from synthetic vitamin K injections, see the July, 1999 edition of The Idaho Observer at:]

As you can see, liquid chlorophyll is an essential item to have in your home medicine cabinet. The importance of keeping our bloodstream clean and blood count high is absolutely vital. Tim O'Shea, D.C. states this point well in his book, The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination is Not Immunization:

“The condition of a child's blood determines the quality of an immune system that has to last a lifetime. The blood is the medium in which all the cells of the body are bathed, from birth till death. The amounts of oxygen and nutrients in the blood promote life, determine longevity. Anything foreign -- chemicals, bad bacteria and viruses, toxic foods, unproven injectables -- promotes death. It's that simple.”

And also from this same book: “By allowing the implantation of an attenuated virus or bacteria into the body, we have done something nature would never permit. We have violated the sanctity of the bloodstream.”

As we are being bombarded with the threat of bioterrorism, the stockpiling of smallpox vaccine and the creation of an AIDS vaccine, we are also being told how important it is to give the gift of life, BLOOD. Is it possible to actually get healthier after receiving a blood transfusion? Below are just a few of the most obvious physical reasons why I avoid giving or receiving blood or blood products:

1. Most people have had multiple vaccines and a diet consisting of processed, devitalized foods. This contributes to toxicity in the bloodstream and is passed from person to person through human blood products.

2. There are many pathogens that are blood-borne.

3. Our blood is a unique genetic marker just like our fingerprints and the irises of our eyes. Many naturopathic physicians who use a diagnostic tool called live blood cell analysis, have proven the uniqueness and individuality of our blood.

Though much more difficult to quantify, the spiritual repercussions of our bodies being forced to accept another person's blood, particularly when God has provided us with a natural alternative to blood transfusions. A few ministers have even suggested that receiving injections of another's blood is a form of cannibalism.

Over the last two and a half years we have explored how common ailments and chronic diseases can be remedied through the lifestyle changes and the application of certain principles that naturally follow a wholistic understanding of how the body really works. Only in a crisis or trauma situation would the issue of a blood transfusion arise, the principles of wholistic healing still apply.

Next month: How to assemble the essential components of a natural medicine cabinet. As our vitamins and herbal products become increasingly regulated, it will become more important then ever to make your own remedies from the herbs and weeds in your yard.

Can get from your local health food store.  If not available, then Amazon has it.
Nature's Way Chlorofresh Natural Chlorophyll Liquid

Bernard Jensen has a good quality one too.
Bernard Jensen Liquid Chlorophyll

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Truth About Cancer: 1 & 2

Everything they talked about on the 1st one, I knew already.  Nagalase was mentioned briefly, but no mention of it being associated with vaccines.  Maybe they will in more detail on Episode 5.

I learned something new on this one.  The BEC-5 by Cham.  First time I've heard of that. Apparently available in Australia.

I will have to listen to the lady on the beach again, because I heard a slew of treatments and she said "vaccines", so need to RE-listen to that snippet.

Already knew about Frankincense oil benefits with cancer, and Hoxsey clinic.

Click to sign up to watch the free 9 episode series

MessiahMews Blogs: Vaccine makers are PAYING people to blog about wonderful benefits and safety of vaccines!...

MessiahMews Blogs: Vaccine makers are PAYING people to blog about wonderful benefits and safety of vaccines!...: ...

I posted this recently, but this is worth repeating because ALOT of us are dealing with these damn "employees" TROLLS.

Use brainwashed, greedy mommas to further the brainwashing poisoning of the very things that's supposed to matter the most to them- their children!

Really? The CDC paying "mommy bloggers" to write pro-vaccine propaganda? That's sarcasm. Of course they do that. They're one of the largest corrupted and criminal institutions in history.
Megan Media (SocialMoms) | CDC Vaccination Awareness Paid Blogging Opportunity

Here is a link that offers a little insight to what the SocialMoms network is:
Meet the SocialMoms Team

The CDC made that to where that can only be accessed with a password.  Because NOW this is the error you get...

It redirects here:

You need permission
This form can only be viewed by users in the owner's organisation.
Try contacting the owner of the form if you think that this is a mistake. Learn More.

This form was created using Google Forms.
Create your own

Here ( is a screenshot.  I cleaned the screenshot up to just show the actual document....

So if you encounter a pro-vax troll, ask them if they work for Megan Media.

I mean NO ONE would literally go out of their way and stop their WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE just to bash non vaxxers... I mean its literally PSYCHO!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

SF TheShot MusicVideo

Jamie Murphy, author of What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization, and composer, song writer has just published on YouTube a video of his performance of his classic song, "The Shot Heard 'Round the World".

Published on 10 Apr 2016
A pictorial essay of the vaccine song, "The Shot" by singer/songwriter and author Jamie Murphy. "The Shot" tells the story of what can happen and what does really happen to an infant and child as a result of being vaccinated.

From the album Issues in D.

Album Notes
This unique debut CD introduces the listening world to the provocative vaccine song, "The Shot." Jamie Murphy also takes on the TV and movie media with his searing lyric in "Talk To Me." His soul searching stories in "For What I Am" and "Pockets Full of Tales" round out an impressive CD that combines folk-rock, blues, and jazz.

Jamie Murphy is a singer-songwriter and played guitar with Van Morrison and band at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia and the Wang Center in Boston. He has also been a guitarist-vocalist in several local Boston bands.  Jamie Murphy is also the Massachusetts Vaccination Liberation Chapter Leader.

Jamie Murphy is the author of the book, What Every Parent Should Know About Childhood Immunization and is a respected spokesperson for the anti-vaccination movement.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine is killing Chinese babies – NY Times

Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine is killing Chinese babies – NY Times: By MB  Dec 29, 2013 The body count from hepatitis b vaccine deaths in China continues to rise. The latest number is 11 infant deaths. The hep B vaccine in China has been suspended…

Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

Aging doesn't define you, posture does. Facial collapse, forward head posture, meningeal compression/adhesion, etc... ALL easily fixed no matter the age.

Aging doesn't cripple us when we have a good structure. We can have the mobility & range of movement like a kiddo.

Different modalities listed below video.  Can do just one, or a combination of several, depending.

Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC), including EndoNasal Cranial Correction (ECC)


TMJ Stack

Quantum Neurology

Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest 9 part docu-series

I watched this last year and they talked about the vaccines and cancer.  I am looking forward to this year's series. And hoping that on the vaccines episode, that the "nagalase" and GcMAF is mentioned and how some of the holistic doctors are being targeted by Big pHARMa for daring to share that information about the tainted vaccines.

Now Playing: The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest 9 part docu-series.

Watch the most anticipated event of the year right here for free. 131 doctors, scientists, and survivors share their secrets to preventing, treating and healing…
Go to:

(Plus I can share with you that we're starting to make those "Powers That Be" nervous... turns out they're not really fans of free speech!)

However, we're just getting started.

Beginning April 12, we're going to re-release "The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest" 9-part documentary series for a limited time (for free) that you know and love...

The Quest will air April. 12th - 21st

And this time with your help our aim is for it to reach TENS OF MILLIONS who need it. So...

Starts in two more days. I'm stoked about all the updated information. Going to be a fun week. Get in now! to be sure get all the individual documentary series.

Click here to sign up to watch the documentary series online for free:

Another nice little thing I found out about a couple of days ago....  is that when signing up to watch the free online series, they automatically make everyone an affiliate and you get your own link to promote to also win a free DVD set of the series, and with 50 signups, you can get a $50 pre-paid Visa debit card, and with 100 signed up to watch, a $100 prepaid Visa debit.  They didn't have this option last year, so I had no idea that all signups would get this option.  I knew I had the option because I've been with them for over a year, but now everyone can watch a free series and get a piece of the pie.  lol  I may not be getting a card, but I am getting the free DVDs. Would make for a great public viewing party. Yay!

DAY 7: Lyme disease, brain and anxiety!

Wahoo! Made it to Day 7! The last day of new talks!
Tomorrow is Encore Day, during which all talks will be replayed!

Can still sign up to watch a marathon!

Discover the impact that Lyme disease has on your brain and its link to anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, Autism and many more!

But first, discover the effect that Lyme disease has on your brain and its link to anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, Autism and many more!.

Trudy Scott, CN
Tryptophan and GABA to Ease the Anxiety and Panic Attacks
How to take targeted individual amino acids
Pyroluria and the nutrients to take for it
Discover the neurotransmitter linked with low self-esteem

Erin Elizabeth
Recovering from Lyme Disease
Protocols used for recovery
Role of the mind in recovery
Tips for staying in remission

Niki Gratrix, BA, DipION, mBANT, CNHC
The Role of Stress and Emotional Trauma with Lyme Disease
3 steps to address emotional trauma
Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences
3 ways stress and trauma affect you

Kenneth Stoller, MD, FACHM
Brain Conditions Have Infection with Them
Alzheimer’s link to Lyme disease and other spirochetes
Special antibiotic that doesn’t work like a typical antibiotic
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Sally Schutz, MD
Mitochondrial Dysfunction
Oxidative stress and the disease it creates
BX Protocol
Learn the S.T.O.P. Technique


Sally Schutz MD - Mito dysfunction
Quantum healing
Anti-aging miracles of cbd oil - book
She beat lyme, diagnosed in 2003 by live cell microscopy
Morbid depression/panick attacks/social anxiety/OCD went on for 4.5 yrs, dreaded night and day couldnt sleep only 2.5 hrs, brain neuropathy and encephalopathy, chronic vomitting syndrome for 4.5 yrs constant contractions
-summer 2014 drug induced coma 4 days
-only once saw spirochete in 13 times of microscopy
-lyme is soup of organisms that are pleomorphic and change shape/hide
-mito energy suppliers for all cells except rbc, highest in brain
-BX protocol colonics, positive quiet time, cant have moment of doubt, cant have anyone in life thats negative, need positive affirmations
-SQT - special quiet time
-when sick, mind/body cant tolerate negativity, what you think/talk about is what you will contract
-must have state of belief that you will be well. Say ‘I am well, i am flourishing fully”
-colonics #1 detox process available - eggs, parasites worms, waste products from GI tract, oxylates etc, not same as enemas

BX energy catalyst fructose molecule with high electrostatic charge, has oscillatory match with stealth bacteria etc
-first 4-6 wks didnt notice anything, 6-8 wks sleep better, 10-12 wks vomit better, 4 months everything improved
-by 6 months felt totally well, now 14 months later, feels better than has in 13 yrs
-BX says expect to feel better in 1 yr
-did past life regression to help recovery - hypnotic technique, gently taken into mindframe where go back in time where coach or therapist stimulate different memories for you
-have no doubt stay positive, make prayers what will be like when will be happy
-place self in state of what want and have no doubt
-feel it taste it smell it hear it make it yours

Kenneth Stoller - healing brain
Brain injury and healing
-alzeihmers acutally lyme neuroborelliosis
-no one cares to treat conventionally bc no money is in it
-90% lyme patients asymptomatic until come to surface
-even if diagnosed appropriately what treatment do we have? What testing do we have confirm that infection is gone?
-theres no pharma company to sell you
-cdc only announces through scaring public then offering something like vaccine
-lyme vaccine made people much worse (lymerix) reactivated dormant lyme infection, then vaccine was quietly removed form market as soon as was released
-psychiatric people/clinic actually had brain infection not social problem
-if in brain can make any mental/cognitive issue known to man then alzeihmmers disease
-psychiatrists like to treat neurotransmitters dont look under stone - infection being cause
-lyme is a facultative anaerobe - can tolerate O2 only up to a point will die after, if go above 160 mm of Hg will kill organism
-HBOT - 100% oxygen under pressure 60ft under water to 4-600 mm Hg is lethal to organism, will also penetrate biofilm
-uses drug called nitazoxanide (alinia) rips apart different biofilm and bugs
-take with o3, curcumin, saunas, colonics
-30% population can get rid of lyme just with this drug, uses alinia, doxy and zithro for most patients then pulse them after first round
-once first round done with no bad feeling, then start to pulse and introduce HBOT
-PCR only positive in 30% of patients so dont have good test to know if lyme gone
-home chambers mild HBOT - go to 12 ft below sea water pressure, can provoke herx in home chambers. 2.8 atm will get into every recess of body must be at 100% oxygen, home chamber wont get there
-big advocate for home chamber for brain injury + kids with cerebral palsy
-there is anti-tuberculosis drugs that will chelate manganese out of body, say that lyme needs manganese
-alinia attacks cancer, mycobacterium, Hpylori, lyme, protozoa, doesnt lose punch or get resistant too,,, oxytocin the book

Erin Elizabeth
-bitten at 13 yrs old
-worked with mercola/suzy cohen (friends) and did western blot and was positive
-dr klinghardt/cowden also told her. Lots of dif docs told her had it now had to treat
-worked with many docs able to help
-didnt do longterm abx
-had constant ear infections as child - didnt want more abx
-first thing did was heal gut
-lost 35 pounds in 90 days, having trouble building muscle tone
-first healed gut, changed diet then went after lyme
-no sugar, no grains, watery food/fruit
-nystatin 30 day term
-saline implants made her very sick when put in, then took them out
-switched workouts from intense to yoga, pilates to slow things
-if have adrenal fatigue or lyme dont need to do high intensity excercise
-did intermittent fasting
-colonics helped to make a difference
-take time away from EMF, smart meters etc, uses farraday cage
-had mold in her implants
-also had mold exposures in home
-working with Dr Cowden on emotional work
-keep the faith, will get better

Niki Gratix
NES health and supercharged
-body does not heal it con-ceals, can bring up traumas from yrs ago
ACES - adverse childhood experiences -physical, sexual, emotional abuse - linked to illness and autoimmunity . also intergenerational trauma
-chronic stress in brain causes kindling in brain, so gets wired for stress causes inflamed brain
-chronic fear response, = limbic kindling
-for each amound unresolved bacterial infection = unresolved toxicty = unresolved emotional trauma - Klinghardt axiom
-Belief system - belief about ability to recover gigantically important, need to believe deserve to get well
-part of issue in getting well is see self as who are created or meant to be vs being the disease or symptom
-need to commit to want to recover. Acknowledge disassociated parts of self pushing you away from recovery. Move out of illness identity - discovering who you really are and reclaiming parts of yourself
-get your ace score -
What can do at home? - start exploring and writing our whole history
Therapeutic clinical help?
Childhood disrupted book to read- Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Enneagram personality test - go to their website do free test. Wisdom of the enneagram = book to read. Maybe took on mothers traits or grandmothers to react to things etc
-do body work before meditation - something like yoga at home
-resolve own trauma, take power back and re-discover who we are
-clinical help - telling your whole history to a psychotherapist to tell you ‘this is how should have been’ , NLP technique (neurolinguistic programming),, hypnosis family constellations, DNRS - annie hopper,
-Bert Heninger - intergenerational healing of trauma
-Peter Levine - Somatic Experiences
-Network Spinal Analysis
-Eye movement desensitization
-100 different ways and opportunities to recover!

Start by taking ace score
Will end up following write therapy that is good for you
-psychology work takes tiem as well to switch off epigentic changes
-got to address everything at same time - bodywork/emotional etc
-its a deep call to transformation, its not a disease its a different expression of you expanding, your disease is expression of growth, your recovery will be non-linear
-sometimes psych/emotional work helps you to push through the tipping point, body knows how to heal itself

Trudy Scott
-tryptophan and GABA to easy anxiety and panic attacks
-food mood expert
-host of anxiety summit
-she was getting severe anxious other than stressful job and peri-menopause
-had gluten issues, was eating vege diet, eating a lot of soy, had KPU, had adrenal fatigue, had low GABA and low progresterone levels
-she went back to school and became nutritionist
-so much of emotional stress and anxiety has biochemical underlying issue
-low zinc and high copper can make us anxious
-manganese and zinc play severe role in infections
-lyme can cause anxiety as nervous system is infected/affected
-treating lyme makes anxiety disappear
-targeted individual amino acids - from testing based on unique needs
-when get benefits with a.a. You go a little higher in doses, targeting best dose
- do questionnaire - if score higher in low serotonin or low gaba you take that a.a. 
Symptoms of low serotonin - anxiety and worry in head in terms of thoughts, negative self talk, etc
Depression, winter blues, panic attacks, emotional eating and craving, afternoon and evening cravings
-a.a. Works quickly, will do a trial
-tryptophan for serotonin deficiency, within 5-10min will feel head worry go away . 500mg afternoon, mid afternoon then evening, check sleep anxiety low self-esteem etc. Can use 5htP 50mg. Likes lidtke brand for tryptophan
-low gaba is anxiety in body (serotonin is head), more phsyical feel
-can have both low gaba and serotonin/tryptophan
-Gaba calm - source naturals, she used it and was life saver for her. 200-250mg
Great bc sublingual. If cant get sublingual open up cap on tongue and then swallow
-gaba does cross bbb and it does work, also have gaba receptors all over body
-phenibut in lew of gaba shes concerned with bc as addictive as benzodiazepines, works for anxiety and insomnia but conernced more like a drug
-doesnt like benzo’s some get on for pain then drug ends up causing anxiety
-not fan of gabapentin, addictive properties
-Pyrolluria - KPU - genetic condition, higher need for certain nutrients, zn/b6 EPO (helps zinc absorption), manganese, inner tension terrible social anxiety
-KPU - joint pain, girls, carl pfeifers work, connection to lyme disease, genetic
-dr klinghardt doesnt believe KPU totally genetic, bugs can induce it
-80-90% of her clients have KPU, alcoholism, autism, lyme, in general KPU made worse in stressful situations - infection/toxin can be considered stress
-should be addressing zinc b6 and other nutrients going hand in hand for pyrolluria, needs to be on zinc and b6 forever. Shoudl be on good multi withOUT copper
-EPO helps with zn absorption
-often see false negatives with KPU
-fatty acid testing - many have high 03 low 06 - can use EPO to raise 06. Want 4:1 ratio 06:03 for body and brain, overdominance of 06 is bad but we need 06 within range
-tryptophan serotonin gaba short term to bump up first shouldnt need long term, may need some extra in winter time
-aboundinginhopewithlyme - blog by trisha - used source natural gaba calm sublinguals that helped treat her daughter
-anti anxiety food solution =her book
-anxiety summit = season 4 this year
-dr chandra for neuropschychiatric lyme disease
-beyond lyme disease - connie streisham
-listen to her summit