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Thursday, June 2, 2016

Misdiagnosis and improper treatment of fibromyalgia is rampant!


30+ experts discussing why the misdiagnosis and improper treatment of fibromyalgia is rampant. Get the facts and learn about recovery today! Tens of millions diagnosed with fibromyalgia may actually have other problems accounting for their symptoms, which leads to improper treatment. Are you one of them? The Fibro Fix Summit is online and free from June 20-27, 2016.

Proper diagnosis and treatment of fibromyalgia (FM), as well as other fatigue- and pain-related disorders, is a neglected and poorly understood niche in medicine. Fortunately, The Fibro Fix Summit brings attention to the topic, with experts discussing FM and the many disorders improperly labeled as FM, to provide real action steps and solutions. Act as your own health advocate, and learn how you could take steps toward your recovery! Don’t miss The Fibro Fix Summit from June 20-27, 2016, free and online!

Your host of The Fibro Fix Summit, Dr. David M. Brady, is an internationally recognized expert in fibromyalgia (FM) and a staunch patient advocate for those who have been struggling because of a medical system that is ill-equipped to deal with the problem. Join him and 30+ experts for this iconic event that could change your health and your life! The Fibro Fix Summit, June 20-27, 2016, free and online!

DAY 1 (June 20, after 10am US eastern)
The Fibro Fix Summit started today! Don’t miss 30+ amazing expert talks discussing the misdiagnosis and improper treatment of fibromyalgia. Get the facts and learn about recovery today!

DAY 2 (June 21, after 10am US eastern)
Today at The Fibro Fix Summit, discover the connections between trauma, and even prior abuse, particularly during the growing years, and the ultimate development on fibromyalgia as an adult. Also, explored will be the depression, anxiety and sleep disturbance associations, as well as the patient experience navigating the current healthcare system. Therapy approaches that can be instituted immediately with great effectiveness will be presented.

DAY 3 (June 22, after 10am US eastern)
Learn how a dysfunction in the stress response is a major component of fibromyalgia, and how to rejuvenate your adrenal glands and regain your energy and vitality. Also explored will be detoxification, commonly used medications and botanical/herbal medicine to treat fibromyalgia, including new approaches, such as low-dose naltrexone, CBT/medical marijuana and various anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving herbs.

DAY 4 (June 23, after 10am US eastern)
Today at The Fibro Fix Summit, connections between intestinal problems, including IBS, SIBO and alterations in the balance and composition of the microbes that live in the gut, and the underlying causes of global pain and fatigue are fully explored. The importance of GI health to recovery from chronic disease and the attainment of overall health will be discussed, and action steps to improve GI health will be offered.

DAY 5 (June 24, after 10am US eastern)
Today, immune activation with be explored within the context of pain and inflammation. Autoimmune disorders will be considered as strong candidates to produce fibromyalgia misdiagnosis. Thyroid disorders, including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, will be fully explored, as will other immune triggers such as gluten-containing foods. Essential oils as a treatment option will also be discussed.

DAY 6 (June 25, after 10am US eastern)
Using “Food as Medicine” in your recovery. Sound dietary strategies, including the incorporation of a wide variety of fresh and low-sugar foods, and the use of medicinal spices will be explored by nutrition and diet experts. Regaining motion and flexibility and beginning to improve fitness level safely and without aggravating your condition will be presented.

DAY 7 (June 26, after 10am US eastern)
Laboratory investigations critical to determining what is really the reason for constellations of chronic symptoms to include pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, sleep dysfunction and intestinal distress will be discussed and their importance explained today at The Fibro Fix Summit.

DAY 8 (June 28, after 10am US eastern)
It’s Encore Day at The Fibro Fix Summit! Missed some of the life-changing expert talks this past week? They’re all unlocked for free today! And, with the misdiagnosis and improper treatment of fibromyalgia rampant, you need to get the facts and learn about recovery!

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