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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jan 23 Guest Speaker: Mr. Tony Pantelleresco : Chemtrails and the Morgel...

Well, the local free range eggs are doable, can get raw goat's cheese locally, and real butter.  OK.

One of the solutions he talked about...

Suggestions to remove Nano from food and Drink

When you are juicing any foods fruit and veggies, they cannot be stripped down anymore due to the embedment of nanotech (especially from chemtrails) and especially if there has been pesticide spraying this would make this synergistic in lethality which would cause an endocrine disruptor as well as tumor promoter and organ damaging.

So with some fruits like the kiwi’s apples and pears and some of the meatier fruits like Chinese pear-quince - pineapple-papaya and citrus will be safer to eat but must all be peeled about 1/8 of an inch others will not be safe due to the level of saturation normal consumption will not be wise due to heavy metal loading

So the next thing would be to juice the fruits and veggies, but if consumed you would wind up with nano poisoning due to the concentration.Now the answer would be to filter out, but how is the question? Oil any cheap oil will do such as peanut oil (personally, I would avoid peanut oil, since most people are allergic to it, thank you vaccines!) or other inexpensive oils since you will be discarding the nano saturated oils. Perhaps olive oil would be more sufficient and safe.

Juice whatever you wish, minus all skins or surface off the fruits,  and then juice. When done take the juice and add to a blender and add approximately 1 oz of the oil

Shut lid and pin and what you will see, is that the nano will collect in the oil and after about 3 minutes, stop blender and pour into a glass bottle and wait for the separation and then remove the oil
You have just filtered out the nano.


Birth of a New Earth: USING SACRED FRANKINCENSE ESSENTIAL OIL FOR THE HEALING OF CANCER: Folks - I have just been informed that the blog I wrote about the benefits of Sacred Frankincense oil must be altered in order to meet the bogus "laws" of the criminal FDA. It's freaking outrageous and pisses me off, but I do not want to contribute to getting a company that I respect into trouble. So I have had to alter the blog below to eliminate the name of the very company that can provide you with the product you need to help heal cancer. Here's the new blog:

Dear friends -- I am writing this blog because I want to help set the record straight on the use of frankincense oil for the healing of cancer. Over the past several months, there has been a plethora of misinformation circulating on the internet (including in the latest cancer series called "The Truth About Cancer") by people who are promoting the use of frankincense oil to treat cancer -- but who are not indicating what type of frankincense oil needs to be used for this purpose. Alot of the misinformation is being shared by representatives of a certain multi-level marketing essential oil company that is completely out of integrity on numerous levels and that really needs to be called out for the lies they are promoting....