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Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Daily Messenger: Have All Your Staff Vaccinated and We Will Give You £1.4 Million Extra Funding - Hospitals being bribed to force their medical staff to be injected with binary weapons...

The Daily Messenger: Have All Your Staff Vaccinated and We Will Give You £1.4 Million Extra Funding - Hospitals being bribed to force their medical staff to be injected with binary weapons...: The Death Dealers are Dealt Death... Wow, this whole Hail satan crap doesn't really  play out well for their minions does one is exempt from the Doom Cult of satanism, especially their own kind. And yet these wankers bow their heads and give obeisance like dumb animals...

There are other jobs besides pro-pHARMa mainstream SICK care jobs. Any health care worker, such as nurses, for example, have enough medical training to become a naturopath, bodyworker and take extra "continuing education" courses, such as Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC), Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT), Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR), ROLFing,massage, etc...  The kind of jobs that actually HELP people, without shooting themselves and everyone else up.

These, too, can force liability and use The Vaccination Notice.

The Daily Messenger: California; First State To Mandate Vaccines With Criminal Penalties...

The Daily Messenger: California; First State To Mandate Vaccines With Criminal Penalties...


Decline their offer to consent, Force liability and use The Vaccination Notice.

And from my earlier posts here...

It's time to force the liability issue and reveal these govt and physician organizations as the CORPORATIONS for profit that they really are.

Most folks don't understand that the public health department, the CDC and the state are all corporations. Basically Our Government is a Corporation. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA. The CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. Repeat: the CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT! It is a private for-profit corporation that is chartered under the umbrella of the private for-profit UNITED STATES corporation with extremely close ties to the pharmaceutical companies.

I do not recognize the CDC as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their corporation. [See: Our Government is a Company, the Clearfield Doctrine and The Great American Adventure - Secrets of America by Judge Dale

More and more people are beginning to use The Vaccination Notice since it raises these issues and forces the liability issue.  You can ask Ingri of Vaccination Liberation and/or Al Whitney regarding that, as that is what they suggest to folks now, since exemptions are becoming harder to get, and states like California wiped out the exemptions. CA is NOW a medical exemption only state.  So that is why more and more are using the lawful notice instead.

Or work from home nstead.  Which is what we do.

Y'all need to leave California.  ALL of you.  Everyone should leave.