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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Donald Trump never had the flu - @OpieRadio @JimNorton

Trump - Flu - Flu Vaccine    

Because he knows.


VaxXed Tour: Marcella on RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION

We Are Vaxxed

Ever wonder WHY we NEED a religious exemption from vaccines?

Are you aware that some vaccines are made from ABORTIONS?

Marcella Piper-Terry explains in detail how abortions are used in vaccine manufacturing and the implications of that.

Interview by Polly Tommey and camera by Joshua Coleman and Anu Vaidya with editing by Joshua Coleman.

#RFKCommission #Vaxxed

Excipient List....

Appendix B
Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary
Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine

Learn more about this kind of information and teach others by sharing Vaccines Revealed:

Vaccines Revealed Affiliate:

Register as an affiliate for The Truth About Vaccines (TTAV) Today!
Affiliate Description Page:

Ty Bollinger and his team have made it their mission to get educated answers and discover real solutions about the controversial topic of vaccines that brings so much fear to parents.

To partner with us, click on this link (or paste this link into your browser):
--- Register as an affiliate for The Truth About Vaccines!

Published on 13 Jan 2017
The Vaxxed bus makes a special stop in Fort Wayne, Indiana to talk to Independent Researcher Marcella Piper-Terry about religious exemptions from vaccines and aborted fetal cells. Interview by Polly Tommey and camera by Joshua Coleman and Anu Vaidya with editing by Joshua Coleman.


Vaccines Revealed: Episode 6 Tonight

Powerful Episode 5 expires tonight - Watch it now before we take it down to make room for episode 6. 

Tonight, as a part of Vaccines Revealed docu-series, you can see the World Premier of the film, Vaccine Syndrome, from Oscar nominated filmmaker Scott Miller. It will only be available to see for 24 hours, starting tonight.

The weight on his shoulders was immense.... talking about Brian Hooker. You'll get the 2nd part of his interview tonight.

He had proof that the 5 scientists at the CDC knew that there was a link between the MMR Vaccine and Autism - and they colluded to cover up the results of the tests, while children were damaged every day.

How many lives and families could have been saved?

Catch the details in tonight's episode.


The Worldwide Premier of VACCINE SYNDROME

When I watched this for the first time, I was stunned to silence. Our soldiers facing an order that they determined was illegal and immoral.

Witness the horror of human experimentation, all the while repeating; "This Vaccine is Safe"

"If we ignore this, perhaps we are all guilty of terrorism"

It will show you what we are doing with our dangerous, untested vaccine program making lab rats of our military.

If you know ANYONE in the military - please don't let them miss this episode tonight!!

Please share this link with anyone you know who cares about truth, and our military.


Vaccines Revealed Affiliate:

This is day 6 of the docu-series Vaccines Revealed, with just a few more days to go. Make sure you are tuning in, there is no cost to you and it all goes away this week.


See what is being said about Vaccines Revealed:

OMG! EVERYONE MUST SEE THESE - particularly the episode with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. I know this story, and yet, I am still so incredibly stirred by this. Please, everyone - spread this far and wide and let's wake up our society before more children are injured, and those of their families.

-K Lyons

I've been self educating on the issue of vaccines for over a year now. I don't have children but I see all children as my responsibility. What happens to them...what happens to my elders and my peers affects me (directly or indirectly). I am my brother's and sister's keeper. THANK YOU FOR HELPING TO STEM THE EVIL THAT CORPORATIONS AND THE RICH WHO OWN/CONTROL THEM DO. Capitalism will destroy everything if we don't stop it. We need to live with others and other species with respect for our planet.

-S. Sanders

The vaccination schedule constitutes child abuse of the worst order. Scarring them intellectually, physically and as a consequence, spiritually. Maiming each child causes collateral damage to the rest of the family and close relations and friends and peers.

-E. Lye

Wow, these episodes keep getting better. Stunned by what Robert Kennedy Jr had to say. This is important work to support.

-M. A. Lynch

The rampant evil blows my mind. I have grandchildren I'm scared to death for. I have a son on the spectrum now, but is high functioning. I would hate my grandkids to be damaged due to this unethical and immoral practice of shooting poisons into our children.

-M. Dilling

Working on my M.S. in Clinical Psychology, working at my practicum site i now have to address the truth with parents on how their beautiful child now has autism. prevention is the only way out and i will continue to look for a cure. thank you to everyone who is is getting this information out!

-S. Armstrong

Day 3 the fire in my belly grows. I cried, I got angry. My focus has been the children. Thank you for reminding me about our soldiers. Enough is enough. We need be change everywhere.

-L. Monaco

...absolutely incredible information from all these doctors and participants! It's TIME for the Truth to come out in public!

-K. DeRose

...unfortunately there's nothing here that can stop the vaccinations from happening . So what are we suppose to do. I have two week old granddaughter , if we don't vaccinate they can take her away From her mother. This is insane.

-M. Sims

We are getting great video quality here in New Zealand. I sincerely hope that President Elect Donald Trump continues with the fortitude he demonstrates to 'own' the information that Robert Kennedy Jr and others will impart and that he brings the hammer down heavy on these corrupt people and this pharmaceutical 'poison' that is being inflicted on those have trusted a system to 'care' for them. It is heartbreaking to watch the suffering. - - parents of 6 unvaccinated children.

-Dr. B. Rushton</

Dr. Patrick Gentempo

P.S. We want to hear from you. Go to the episode page now and leave your comments.
