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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Dead Doctor’s Research Expanded: Natural Cures Seen for Autism and Cancer
When Dr. Jeff Bradstreet unexpectedly and tragically died in the spring of 2015, many of us wondered what would happen to the research he was doing with GcMAF, Goleic, and Bravo yogurt, which he was using to help children with autism. To my great pleasure, I am pleased to report that the research has continued and treatment options have been expanded. We are now seeing even more powerful results for the treatment of autism, cancer, chronic Lyme, chronic fatigue syndrome, and various neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Bradstreet’s previous research focused on the macrophage activating factors known as GcMAF and Goleic, which he used in his clinic. Dr. Bradstreet was able to help 3 out of 4 autistic children by treating them with GcMAF or Goleic. Approximately 20% to 25% of these children lost their autism diagnosis and another 50% experienced a reduction in autistic symptoms. After the European manufacturing facility for GcMAF and Goleic was raided and closed down in the first months of 2015, Dr. Bradstreet foc
Research on Treating Autism and Cancer with the Ketogenic Diet Bravo and Rerum

by John P. Thomas
Health Impact News
When Dr. Jeff Bradstreet unexpectedly and tragically died in the spring of 2015, many of us wondered what would happen to the research he was doing with GcMAF, Goleic, and Bravo yogurt, which he was using to help children with autism. To my great pleasure, I am pleased to report that the research has continued and treatment options have been expanded. We are now seeing even more powerful results for the treatment of autism, cancer, chronic Lyme, chronic fatigue syndrome, and various neurodegenerative diseases.
See our previously published article on Dr. Bradstreet’s Work and Death:

Is The U.S. Medical Mafia Murdering Alternative Health Doctors Who Have Real Cures Not Approved by the FDA?

Dr. Bradstreet’s previous research focused on the macrophage activating factors known as GcMAF and Goleic, which he used in his clinic. Dr. Bradstreet was able to help 3 out of 4 autistic children by treating them with GcMAF or Goleic. Approximately 20% to 25% of these children lost their autism diagnosis and another 50% experienced a reduction in autistic symptoms. [2, 3]
After the European manufacturing facility for GcMAF and Goleic was raided and closed down in the first months of 2015, Dr. Bradstreet focused his research on a special yogurt formula known as Bravo. The microbes in this yogurt produce molecules of GcMAF and a newly identified compound called Rerum. These molecules stimulate the immune system when this yogurt is eaten or taken as an enema. At the same time, the microbes in the Bravo yogurt restore the microbiome of the human gut and the microbiome in the human brain. [7]
Dr. Bradstreet learned about the existence of Rerum three days before his death, so he was not able to use this new macrophage activating factor in its synthesized form as he did with GcMAF and Goleic. Rerum is now being tested in clinics in Europe and is producing amazing results for many different health problems.
The newest research shows that when Bravo Yogurt and Rerum are combined with the ketogenic diet, the power of the human body’s ability to heal itself is released. This therapeutic combination is now part of an autism treatment protocol, as well as being an essential part of a powerful protocol for reversing and eliminating late stage cancers.
This article is part one of a two part series on using the combination therapy consisting of a ketogenic diet, Rerum, and Bravo yogurt. Part 1 will focus on the results of a recent research study on this protocol and describe some of the basic science behind the treatments. Part 2 will provide information about how you can use the ketogenic diet, Bravo Yogurt, and Rerum as treatments for illness.

How can Bravo, Rerum, and the Ketogenic Diet Help both Autism and Cancer?

The answer to this question comes to us from scientists and medical providers who work in the medical field called “allgemeine pathologie.” They approach illness from a very different view point. They are constantly thinking about how diseases are connected, and are looking for the common elements of illness, which could lead to the treatment of diverse illnesses with a single set of interventions.
In the U.S., most scientific investigations focus on researching and developing treatments for individual diseases. This practice results in compartmentalized medicine where diseases and their treatments are put into separate boxes as if they could not be connected.
Dr. Marco Ruggiero, M.D., PhD, has worked extensively in the field of allgemeine pathologie and the research he is conducting with his European and American colleagues is opening the door to powerful new approaches for treating illnesses as diverse as autism and cancer.
Dr. Ruggiero worked closely with Dr. Bradstreet in the U.S., and was the scientific adviser for Immuno Biotech, which developed and formerly manufactured GcMAF in Europe.
Dr. Ruggiero described Allgemeine pathologie during an online interview conducted by Clive de Carle [1] in 2016. (Dr. Ruggiero’s first language is Italian. His comments, as presented throughout this article, have been edited slightly to improve sentence construction.) Dr. Ruggiero stated:
It was about a hundred and fifty years ago when in Germany and in Italy, but not in the Anglo-Saxon world, the concept of Allgemeine pathologie was developed. In English you could loosely translate it as general pathology but this doesn’t render the sense. Allgemeine pathologie, according to those Italian and German medical scientists, [tells us that] all chronic diseases have something in common that was independent of their cause (etiology — the study of the cause), but was strictly related to the pathogenesis of the way they develop. In other words they taught that if you take cancer, if you take neurodegenerative diseases, if you even take infectious chronic diseases they all have something in common. They thought that if they found what all these different diseases had in common they could find a cure for possibly all human diseases. They developed this concept that is still taught in Germany and in Italy.
When I was in medical school and even afterward, I had difficulty in explaining to my colleagues that I was working at the Institute of General Pathology. Everybody in England and in the USA thought that I was dealing with dissections because pathology in the United States and in England means the dissection [of bodies] to find out the cause of death.
Now a hundred and fifty years later we know that those researchers were right at the molecular level. We know that the human genome is made up of about 20,000 genes, but out of these 20,000 genes about 200, not more than 200, are responsible for most of the functions. So, you find that in diseases as diverse as cancer and autism the same genes are involved. At this point now that we know which genes are involved in diseases as diverse as cancer and autism, we can try to target those genes and restore their functions. [2, 3]

Research Findings for Late Stage Cancer

In a study published in December of 2016 in the American Journal of Immunology [4], Dr. Ruggiero and his colleagues from Germany and the U.S. reported the results of using complementary immunotherapy for treating late stage cancer with six patients. Their protocol combined the ketogenic diet, Rerum, Bravo yogurt, and various other supplements.
The Ketogenic diet is a very low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate-protein diet, which deprives cancer cells of sugar, which is their fuel source. Rerum is a nanosized emulsion made of chondroitin sulfate, vitamin D3 and oleic acid. Bravo Yogurt is a fermented milk and colostrum product.
Other supplements given to these patients were: Vitamin D3 (10.000-20.000 I.U. per day), curcumin, omega-3, ubiquinol, arginine, multivitamins and a low-molecular weight pectin preparation. The pectin product was obtained from Dr. Reinwald Healthcare. [5] All the other supplements were obtained from local pharmacies and supplement stores. According to the article, low-molecular weight pectin inhibits the growth and metastasis of gastrointestinal cancer cells. In addition, pectin is effective for removing toxins. Oral administration of pectin has been shown to lower lead toxicity in children without side effects.
The strategy used with the treatment of these patients focused on the use of a nutritional plan and food supplements that were designed to stimulate the immune system and fight inflammation. Their approach produced low toxicity for patients, and could be used in conjunction with conventional cancer therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy.
All the patients described in this report were administered the emulsion called Rerum, which is manufactured in Germany by Dr. Reinwald Healthcare. [5] It is classified and registered as a food supplement, because it is composed of well-known supplements that have been in use for decades. The emulsion was administered orally or parenterally according to the clinical judgment of the therapist in each individual case.
The authors of this study issued this general warning concerning their research findings. They stated:
…Caution must be employed in drawing a cause-effect relationship between treatment and clinical outcome. This is particularly true considering the limited number of cases reported in this study, their heterogeneity and the limited time of observation. In addition, even though some of the approaches described in this article, such as the ketogenic diet or the use of supplements, may be implemented without medical prescription in some countries, it is essential that the information presented in this study is not construed as medical advice and we always recommend that patients affected by diseases are supervised by competent therapists even when only nutrition is concerned. [4]
The results of their patient studies are summarized in the following 6 case studies.

Case 1: Ovarian Cancer with Metastases in the Liver

A 70-year old woman with ovarian cancer had multiple metastases in the liver and the peritoneum. She had been treated with multiple cycles of conventional chemotherapy. This reduced the size of the peritoneal metastases, but was ineffective against the liver metastases. The patient had developed severe neuropathy possibly as a consequence of chemotherapy and she could not walk for more than 30 feet due to extreme pain and fatigue. She had been labeled “incurable” by her conventional doctor.
After about five weeks of treatment with the nutritional immunotherapeutic approach, a PET scan no longer detected appreciable size liver metastasis. Blood analyses showed an elevated level of circulating monocytes (8.1%). The normal range is 3% to 10%. This supports the hypothesis that the integrated approach described above stimulated the immune system with particular reference to the monocyte-macrophage arm of immunity. Activation of macrophages following the subcutaneous administration of the emulsion described above was also confirmed by color-doppler ultrasonography.
The patient also had a decrease in her score for Transketolase-Like 1 (TKTL1). TKTL1 plays a crucial role in ovarian cancer metabolism and its expression predicts poor prognosis. Therefore, a decrease in the expression of TKTL1 may be interpreted as a sign of decreased aggressiveness of the cancer itself.

Case 2: Prostate Cancer

A 63-year old man with prostate adenocarcinoma, osteoporosis, and esophagitis was treated with the nutritional immunotherapeutic approach. He had previously been treated with radiation therapy, and a MRI scan showed residual tumor lesion.
After about four weeks of treatment with the nutritional-immunotherapeutic approach, his Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) was significantly decreased from 95 to 0.8. This was a return to a normal value.
During this time, he also received 3 subcutaneous anti-androgen injections from the Department of Urology of the University of Bochum, Germany. The dramatic drop in his PSA was noticed after the first administration of anti-androgens. The patient indicated that the abrupt decrease puzzled the oncologists who were treating him, stating that it was the first time they had observed such an occurrence.
After 4 weeks of nutritional-immunotherapeutic treatment, imaging studies showed significant reduction of the tumor mass. It appeared encapsulated with no metabolic activity. The percentage of circulating monocytes was close to the highest normal values (9.2%). Normal value is 3-10%. Activation of macrophages following subcutaneous administration of the emulsion described above was confirmed by color-doppler ultrasonography. Cumulative TKTL1 and Apo10 scores were decreased and, at the end of the treatment, both scores where within the normal values.

Case 3: Breast Cancer

A 66-year old woman had breast adenocarcinoma, gallstones, colitis and atrial fibrillation. Prior to nutritional-immunotherapeutic treatment, an ultrasound measurement of her tumor showed that it was 0.4 cubic centimeters in volume. Preliminary evidence indicated that after three weeks of the nutritional-immunotherapeutic approach, the tumor measured 0.1 cubic centimeters (a reduction of 75%). There was also a normalization of the cumulative Apo10 score (value: 123) that was consistent with the observed reduction in tumor size.

Case 4: Cancer of the Esophagus with Lung Metastases

A 55-year old man was diagnosed with recurrences of adenocarcinoma and adenosarcoma of the esophagus with lung metastases. These recurrences appeared after a previous surgical intervention, which targeted these lesions. The patient had been labeled “incurable.” The prognosis for esophagus cancer is quite poor with most patients dying within the first year after diagnosis.
After about eight months of implementation of the nutritional-immunotherapeutic treatment, the local lesions appear stable and encapsulated with no signs of progression. A CT scan of the thorax performed after about eight months did not detect lung lesions. The general condition of the patient significantly improved and his feeding tube was removed, because it was no longer needed. The patient reported that the Specialists at the University of Dusseldorf, Germany, who removed the feeding tube were utterly puzzled by the unexpected positive outcome.

Case 5: Pulmonary Nodule

A 59-year old man was diagnosed one year earlier with a pulmonary nodule of unknown origin. The patient declined the recommended surgery to remove the nodule, and chose to use a variety of other approaches, which included: low-dose naltrexone, coffee enemas, quercetin, multivitamins, oregano oil, and minerals. The patient continued to use medications for hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, and hypothyroidism. Tumor markers such as Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA), Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), CA 19-9, CA 27-29 and CA 15-3 were within the normal limits.
The level of the serum enzyme Nagalase was significantly elevated when the patient decided to implement the nutritional immunotherapeutic approach. His Nagalase was 3.10 Units, which was well above the reference range of 0.32-0.95 Units. Nagalase is used as a tumor marker, a marker of inflammation, and a marker of bacterial infection.
The patient’s Nagalase level measured six months after implementing the nutritional immunotherapeutic therapy fell to 1.34 Units), which is approaching the normal value. These results indicate that the immunotherapeutic approach adopted by the patient was effective in decreasing the level of serum Nagalase in a manner consistent with what has been reported for other types of cancer.

Case 6: Bile Duct Cancer

Dr. Steve Hines from the Hope Wellness Center in San Angelo, Texas, reported his experiences with a 73 year-old woman with cholangiocarcinoma (common bile duct cancer). She was suffering with epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting and pitting edema in both feet. Her oncologist stated she was not a candidate for surgery and did not offer any treatment or hope for recovery. The tumor measured 5 cm by 6.5 cm.
We recommended the patient order 3 vials of the Rerum emulsion. She was instructed to take 0.5 cc once daily for 5 days, then take 2 days off. One week later, when she returned to the clinic for other therapies, Dr. Hines asked her about her epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting and pitting edema. She answered, “No pain, no nausea, no vomiting and only a minor edema in the feet.” When she was asked how much product she was taking, she said she had finished all 3 vials the previous week. The 3 ampoules she had should have lasted for at least a few months, but she had already taken them all in one week! She had misunderstood the dosing recommendations and had taken 1 ampoule sublingually each day for 3 days in a row. Now, 6 months later, she still feels just fine and is living a normal life.

Autism is not an Incurable Illness

The occurrence of autism is rapidly rising among our children, and many parents are rejecting the “incurable” prognosis. The components of the complementary treatments described in the previous study also can be used for autism with great success.
Dr. Ruggiero was a close collaborator of Dr. Bradstreet and his pioneering work with autism treatment. Dr. Ruggiero reiterates the truth about autism. He stated:
I think that one of the worst things that can happen to the parent of an autistic child is to be given a final diagnosis as if autism was something forever – something that could not be improved. This has been demonstrated over and over again – when I say demonstrated, I mean you can find on PubMed that the symptoms of autism can be significantly improved with many children fully returning to a completely normal life. And in the end they will prove themselves to be smarter and brighter than their peers. …
We don’t yet have the cure that will absolutely work for all children — we are far away from that. … Sometimes we are lucky and we can see results in a matter of hours other times it may take years. It is not wishful thinking – it is not a hope, it is a certainty that autism can be significantly helped.
We now have many [formerly autistic] children going back to normal school.
One year ago a good friend of mind, Ms. Brianna, came with me on stage toward the end of my presentation [at the AutismOne Conference] and she reported the case of her son, who was diagnosed with severe autism. She explained that after only a few months of treatment with Bravo, he was able to go back to a normal classroom.
I can tell you that one year later he is now the smartest guy in his class. He is always in the top 90% of results in his class. Not only have we been able to help this child, but he is constantly improving and he may be needing a special class [in the future], but for specially gifted children. He is developing faster than his peers. [2, 3]
Ms. Brianna describes how her son was helped with a combination of the ketogenic diet, Bravo Yogurt, and Rerum. Her presentation starts about 75% through the following presentation given by Dr. Ruggiero.
Novel insights on the etiology and treatment of autism,” Dr. Marco Ruggiero, AutismOne 2016:
[See link in original article.]

A Healthy Brain Requires a Healthy Gut

Dr. Ruggiero describes the gut/brain connection. He stated:
Just before Dr. Bradstreet tragically passed away, he made a discovery that had been ignored for the past thousands of years by the anatomists. He discovered that the brain lymphatic system was instrumental in carrying microbes from the gut into the brain. We do have microbes in our brain, and in fact when we have these microbes we are perfectly healthy. I am not talking about pathogenic microbes like those that cause encephalitis or meningitis. I am talking about the microbes that constitute our gut microflora and in more general our human microbiome.
We all know that we have microbes in our gut. We all know that we have microbes on our skin and on our mucosa everywhere, but until we published this paper with Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, [6] people thought the brain was a rather sterile organ in the absence of infectious disease. Now we know that this is not the case. There are the same microbes in our brain that we find in our gut. The two words brain and microbiome had never been put together until the publication of our paper in the journal called Frontiers of Human Neuro-science.
The influence [of these microbes] on the functioning and the development of the brain is immense, because they produce a number of molecules that influence the functioning of neurons and glial cells.
In autism, as in neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation [is present] in lymph nodes located inside the neck called the deep cervical nodes. Because of this inflammation, circulation is hampered and the lymph from the brain cannot drain. [This means] there cannot be a recirculation of microbes between the gut and the brain, and toxins and neuronal bodies and all types of junk accumulate in the brain. Eventually this leads to all the dysfunctions that we observe in neurodegenerative diseases as well as in autism.
Another important point is that these microbes don’t travel all by themselves from the gut to the brain. They are carried by macrophages. [2, 3]

Macrophages and Macrophage Activating Factor

Dr. Ruggiero described the functions of macrophages and their ability to orchestrate the activities of the immune system. He stated:
Macrophages are cells of the immune system. Their name arises from the old Greek “macro” which means big, and “phage” which means eater. They are relatively big cells and they eat. What do they eat? Essentially whatever they find. They eat cells infected by viruses. They eat cancer cells. They eat pathogenic microbes. Their role is essentially of sentinels of the immune system. … Their first goal is to set-up the first line of defense in other words to detect the threat and then to tell the other cells of the immune system, notably the T and B lymphocytes, how to address that threat.
If, however, you don’t have enough macrophages, if they are not well nourished, if they don’t have enough tools in their kit, then you cannot count on an efficient first line of defense. This is when cancer arises or when neuro-degenerative or neuro-inflammatory infections take over.
There are a number of macrophage activating factors, both protein and non-protein. They increase the number of macrophages and activate them. So essentially this is … what macrophage activating factors such as GcMAF or like Rerum do.

Three Steps for Restoring Normal Brain Activity

Dr. Ruggiero explained that there are three basic steps for treating people with neurodegenerative or neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism. These are in addition to the use of the ketogenic diet. Macrophages are designed to move freely through the lymphatic system and to enter the brain.
Dr. Ruggiero stated:
First of all you need to have a good array of microbes in your gut otherwise you have a very bad starting point. If your gut microflora is made of pathogenic microbes or an over growth of yeast or other pathogenic microbes, that is bad, because those microbes will end up in your brain and it won’t be good.
[For this reason] you have to reconstitute your gut microflora — your healthy core human microbiome. This can be rather easily achieved with Bravo yogurt used as a regular drinking yogurt or in some cases used as a suppository or as an enema.
At this point you need to unclog the deep cervical nodes so that the lymph from the brain can easily recirculate. Now you can do this in two ways. You can use the Bravo yogurt as a spray or use the Rerum.
Using the Rerum as a spray such as from a nebulizer or from other means will reduce the inflammation at the level of the deep cervical nodes and will reactivate the circulation of lymph. And the Rerum will also activate the macrophages.
The activated macrophages will become like trucks loaded with microbes — in this case — good microbes. They will carry the good microbes from the gut into the brain. This will reconstitute the brain microbiome. [2, 3]

Summary: Insuring a Source of Healthy Microbes for the Gut and the Brain

The good microbes that are in the Bravo yogurt are designed to provide people with the primary set of microorganisms that can be found in a healthy baby. The Bravo Yogurt also contains molecules of activating factors that motivate the macrophages so they can transport these healthy microbes into the brain through the lymphatic system. The ketogenic diet provides many benefits among which is the proper nutrition that is needed to support a healthy population of microbes throughout the body. High consumption of carbohydrates feeds pathogenic microorganisms in the body and allows them to dominate the microbiome. This imbalance leads to inflammation, which inhibits proper detoxification and the proliferation of many different diseases. Rerum is present in Bravo Yogurt and can also be used as a supplement. It decreases inflammation and activates the activity of macrophages. It also contains ingredients that are known to have anti-cancer properties.

A Quick Look at the Next Article

In article 2 we will look at the specific details about how we can use the ketogenic diet, Bravo yogurt, and Rerum for the treatment of various illnesses.

Additional Resources for Your Further Research


[1] Clive de Carle conducted an extensive interview with Dr. Ruggiero, which was published on the internet in two parts. See references [2] and [3] below for the specific links and their topics. Clive de Carle is a health researcher who cured himself from an “incurable” disease using nutrition.

[2] “RERUM & BRAVO. AMAZING RESULTS.” Dr. Marco Ruggiero, M.D., PhD, interview by Clive de Carle, (Part 1) 3/15/2016.

[3] “OVERCOMING CANDIDA, PARASITES & AUTISM,” Dr. Marco Ruggiero, M.D., PhD, interview by Clive de Carle, (Part 2) 3/20/2016.

[4] Michael Schwalb, Margit Taubmann, Steve Hines, Heinz Reinwald and Marco Ruggiero; “Clinical Observation of a Novel, Complementary, Immunotherapeutic Approach based on Ketogenic Diet, Chondroitin Sulfate, Vitamin D3, Oleic Acid and a Fermented Milk and Colostrum Product,” American Journal of Immunology, Case Reports, 12/21/2016, Volume 12, Issue 4, DOI: 10.3844/ajisp.2016.91.98.

[5] Dr. Reinwald Healthcare, Germany, Product List.

[6] James J. Bradstreet, Marco Ruggiero, Stefania Pacini; “Commentary: Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatic vessels,” Front Neurosci, 12/22/2015, doi: 10.3389/fnins.2015.00485.

[7] William G. Branton, Kristofor K. Ellestad, Ferdinand Maingat, B. Matt Wheatley, Erling Rud, René L. Warren, Robert A. Holt, Michael G. Surette, Christopher Power; “Brain Microbial Populations in HIV/AIDS: α-Proteobacteria Predominate Independent of Host Immune Status,” PLOS, 1/23/2013.


Avoiding Vaccines and Unwanted Injections at the ER

Someone commented about how to handle trips to the ER in case you might be unconscious. I had this bracket made for that purpose and I wear it always.
- Brenda Culbertson

Mine would say...
Just a slight change, because there are two words, besides Vaccines:  Biologics and Biogenics.
