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Saturday, March 25, 2017

GREAT NEWS! Vaccines Revealed Registration Working Again & Gone Evergreen

GREAT NEWS!  Vaccines Revealed Registration is now working without the errors!  You can now register & watch the entire VACCINES REVEALED docu-series for FREE!


This explosive 9-part series featuring over two dozen experts is a must watch series for every parent, medical professional, elected official & concerned citizen. In this series you'll hear two dozen experts share how and why vaccines are dangerous, why they don't offer the "protection" claimed and why our children are better off without them. And don't miss Robert F. Kennedy, Jr's interview!!! Once you register you'll have 24 hours to watch each episode. It's easy!

Now for another GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT and Changes:

With this amount of enthusiasm and demand, Vaccines Revealed has decided that now is the time to take the entire series Evergreen.

How does this work?

1. They have rewired the entire Vaccines Revealed docu-series so that anyone can join and watch it in sequence at any time.  How convenient is that?

2. Once registered, they will start the 10 day sequence, get the effective communications and reminders and proceed throughout the whole program.

3. At various times an opportunity to purchase the series will be available, if DVDs and/or digital copies (downloads or Jump Drive) are desired. Even more convenient.

What does all of this means to you?

* This means that Vaccines Revealed will have complete flexibility of time and style (rather than being locked into a launch time-frame). We, too,  feel more people will be reached that way as opposed to be forced into a certain time so that they can relax and watch at THEIR convenience, as opposed to the original time-frame. So we all can relax and enjoy it without feeling rushed.

Now for A Fantastic Opportunity.

We need help in spreading the word by getting this out, and letting people know this is available. Many folks still have no idea this docu-series exist.  Let's reach them, shall we? Aren't our precious children and other loved ones worth it?

We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing (now ongoing) event. Your network, friends and family will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll reap great rewards of cash in addition to the satisfaction that you possibly saved many lives.

The Powers That (Think) They Be are afraid of this information getting out. So sign up as an affilaite right now and Piss off TPTB.

Simply Click Here and fill out our easy affiliate sign-up form:

Existing Affiliates - Login to your infusionsoft back off and look for the new Evergreen (eg) links.

Thank you!

P.S. From Patrick Gentempo and the Vaccines Revealed Team...

"Lastly, we know that many of you are supporting TTAV… great! So are we! This mission is bigger and more important than any person or company. We are excited to see others enter the arena and hope that they will take as strong a stand as we did. Maybe with all these efforts, 2017 is the year it all changes." ~ Patrick Gentempo


The Diabetes Summit 2017 Day 6

Day Six: Let's get real!

Click Here to Register & Watch Free Online

Hello friends!

It's heart-warming to wake up each morning to read about how The Diabetes Summit is changing so many of your lives. People are raving about the incredible information that's already been shared, and there is still more to come.

Many wonderful comments on each speaker's page!

Today is all about getting practical and real. We kick off the day with Type 1 diabetes advocate and coach, Daniele Hargenrader, sharing her strategies for optimal blood sugar control.  Then, we'll hear from Jonathan Bailor, well-respected naturopathic doctor, Michael Murray, and we finish with Jay Wortman, MD, sharing the story of how he reversed his own type 2 diabetes.

Do you have a busy weekend planned?
If you're like most people, the weekend can be a busy time.  Please remember that you can purchase the downloads of the entire event to ensure you won't miss a single presentation.  Any one of these can transform your health and life.


Daniele Hargenrader
The step-by-step approach to solving difficult blood sugar problems
  • Daniele's story of growing up with Type 1 Diabetes
  • The Dominator Method that she uses with private clients
  • Key factors to preventing complications from diabetes
Jonathan Bailor
What I learned from Superman: Valuable lessons about type 2 diabetes
  • Why the calorie approach to weight loss is a myth
  • The real secrets to optimizing metabolism and blood sugar
  • The SANE approach to metabolic weight loss
Dr. Michael T Murray
The four types of blood sugar problems in diabetes
  • Understanding a natural medicine approach to diabetes
  • Dr. Murray's four types of blood sugar problems
  • Natural strategies to address the specific blood sugar issues
Dr. Jay Wortman
How a practicing clinician was able to reverse his type 2 diabetes
  • Dr. Wortman shares his type 2 diabetes story and results
  • The keys to addressing metabolic dysfunction
  • What most people don't understand about diabetes


Thoughts & Commentary:

As time permits...


Affiliate Opportunity:

Affiliates are always welcome. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts.

Simply Click and fill out the easy affiliate sign-up form.


The during event prices are good for a few more days.  It's still just $79 USD for online access.  It would cost thousands to get this important health information in person at a conference, if you could even find one!

For just $119 for the online access and the flash drive, you avoid having to download all the audio, video, power points, and transcripts individually.  All you need to do is just plug in the flash drive and get instant access to everything.  Plus, it helps you save storage on your computer's hard drive!

Ready to own ALL 31 presentations from The Diabetes Summit, 2017?

If so, just click here to purchase or click the banner below: