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Friday, June 9, 2017

ALERT! Contamination Has Spread to Sidewalks, Vehicle Gate and Hanford W...

This is not good at all.  :(

And this...

Headed towards Spokane.  I guess no NCR this year, unless go to MT for it.

There is NO WHERE safe in this country.

Smart Meters: Template for Non-Consent and Removal: “Notice and Demand, with Affidavit of Negative Averment”

Template for Non-Consent and Removal: “Notice and Demand, with Affidavit of Negative Averment”

A.L. Whitney also hase sites regarding smart meters, contracts, etc...

Other posts and reposts I have here on Smart Meters...

Uploaded on 16 Feb 2012
Do not sucker for costly "Opt-Out" programs. IT'S EXTORTION!
Utility companies have blind-sided their customers with digital meters that are harmful, dangerous, invasive and unlawful. Here are some ways for utility customers to protect themselves. More solutions are available at FreedomTaker (d'o't'c'o'm)

More information and resources at the following pages:

If you expect to post comments here about how great it is that the power companies are radiating and conducting surveillance on private properties without disclosure and consent, expect your comments to be removed. This is not censorship, it is responsible management of false information. You can always post that on your own page.

My post on Y-Paint RF Shielding paint...

Shielding a Bedroom From EMF Emitted by Cell Towers Using YShield Paint

And let's remember this video of attaching strong magnets to the outside of a smart meter...

Melania Trump Opens Florida Speech With The Lords Prayer

The Daily Messenger: Melania steps up her role as First Lady by leading the Florida crowd in The Lord's Prayer..: A first lady that leads the assembly in the LORD'S PRAYER. Network TV cuts feed every time she does this, which is mostly all the time, so the public never hears it. You have to be to Vimeo because even YouTube takes down Melania Trump's Lord's Prayer, praying...

Published on 9 Jun 2017 
Melania Trump Opens Florida Speech With The Lords Prayer. Finally, a presidential family that isn't a bag of satanic tools, murdering and raping as they go along, like the Clinton and Bush crime families.