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Sunday, July 9, 2017

UFC Veteran Speaks Out Against Vaccines After Tragic Death of Son

UFC Veteran Speaks Out Against Vaccines After Tragic Death of Son


This was the last shot Nicholas had, Dtap. Unbelievable what it says right on the package insert. This is disgusting that this goes on and parents are not told about these things before shots are given. The more I research the angrier I get. I searched Dtap packaging insert and all kinds of stuff came up. There has been over 3.3 BILLION dollars in vaccine settlements paid out for vaccine injuries/deaths, all paid by the government not the pharmaceutical companies. This is not an issue? This is bullshit and now my son's gone. I'm not going away, I am pissed and will fight for my boy as long as it takes. ~ Nick Catone

Love you buddy ~Nick Catone


Italy Protests Against Vaccine Mandates

Italy Protests Against Vaccine Mandates

Torchlight for freedom of choice of vaccine and freedom
#Napoli #VALICA
Hands off, children!
We want..... Freedom!

In Italy tens of thousands protest the mandatory injection of poison into their children under threat of hefty fines and removal of child from parent.

Photos courtesy of Kris Ty Cristina Mori

People are seriously pissed off about this.


Update on Forced vaccinations in Italy and France

She apologizes about the cutting out and cracks on the video. She was recording live.

Story on France here:


She's right.  It's a trick by the Italian Fascists.


The Daily Messenger: Nathan graduates UCSB, double major in PHYSICS AND...

The Daily Messenger: Nathan graduates UCSB, double major in PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING, MAGNA CUM LAUDE...: Congratulations my son. University of California Santa Barbara, 3.96 GPA



Love & Blessings!
Look at that handsome face!  :)