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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Immune Defense Summit Day 7: Strategies To Rebuild Your Immune System For a Long & Healthy life!

DAY 7 (July 30, after 10am US eastern)

The Immune Defense Summit finishes strong by giving you the top strategies to rebuild your immune system--don’t miss this day if you’re interested in a long and healthy life! We’ll explore the science behind immunity and groundbreaking news about gut health issues. Plus, a story of near-death recovery that will leave you speechless and highly-motivated to take better care of yourself!

Registration Link:

Today's line up includes recovery stories and how to help reverse autoimmune conditions.
2 days left before sale prices are gone and go back to retail. If you missed this summit and would like to own it, now is the time.

[LEARN TODAY] Strategies to rebuild your immune system for a long & healthy life!



Sayer Ji
Founder, GreenMedInfo

Science Behind Strong Immunity

What You'll Learn -

Most common immune-suppressing foods
Best ways to relieve stress in your life
3 great ways to improve immunity

Visit this speaker's website


Jim Pilcher

Recovery Story: Saved from Death

What You'll Learn -

How one man nearly died
A SHOCKING story of recovery
Revealing truth about Western medicine


Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN

Autoimmune Disease Solutions Revealed

What You'll Learn -

Effective treatments for autoimmune diseases
How to fix gluten sensitivity
What foods to eat and avoid

Visit this speaker's website


Susan Blum, MD, MPH

Immune System Recovery Plan

What You'll Learn -

Intelligent way to deal with disease
Understanding the “stress connection”
4-step immune system recovery plan

Visit this speaker's website


Russell M. Jaffe, MD, PhD, CCN

Repairing and Defending Immune Function

What You'll Learn -

How the immune system repairs the body
Why a repair deficit should be avoided
Best test to detect future disease issues

Visit this speaker's website


Thoughts and Commentary:

Please SHARE with family and loved ones facing health challenges, information is first step to recovery, application of this information and solutions presented is key!

Most comments will be under each speaker as applies.


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Holistic Dr Andy Cutler Dies of Apparent Heart Attack.. Rest in Peace

Holistic Dr Andy Cutler Dies of Apparent Heart Attack.. Rest in Peace

By Erin Elizabeth -  July 30, 2017

It brings me no joy to announce the death of such a vital part of the Autism world and holistic health community.

I was a member of several of the Andy Cutler groups online for chelation and the Andy Cutler protocol. We were humbled to know Andy and learn from him while we could.

My heart goes out to his friends and family.

It appears to have been a heart attack and we’ll let you know as we know more as we are updated. Please see the memorial written below about Dr Andy Cutler from his group...

What some are discussing, so various comments from the pages and groups in no apparent order...

I don't want to disrespect his memory by unduly analysing the circumstances of his death so soon, but it remains as fact that ND's etc have been killed for having less impact.
~ Matthew

There is a heart atrack gun that can cause heart attacks
~ Gloria

Oh Lord please protect all the doctors waking up people they are angels tot the world like Erin and Doctor Mercola please keep them safe people are blinded and no power to themselves hoe to take care their health because of propaganda advertising what people need to eat and what they must drink take care all of this doctors who are caring for all the people in world I'm begging you LORD please ..... show a miracle for this doctors you send for us in JESUS name AMEN! Please
~ Esperanza

I don't know if he died naturally or not as I wasn't there. I'd say at this point- every holistic doctor who dies (this one at about 61 yrs old) who does not have a super long term illness is suspicious.....
~ Erin at Health Nut News

Famous Holistic Doctor & Wife Allegedly Jump to Death off Manhattan Office Highrise- Leave Typed Suicide Notes

Famous holistic doctor and wife allegedly jump to their deaths off high-rise holistic office clinic and leave typed suicide notes in their pockets in ziplock bags.. (and left their kids upstairs!) the story changes by the hour in mainstream who has been caught lying already. we have screen shots

Famous Holistic Doctor & Wife Allegedly Jump to Death off Manhattan Office Highrise- Leave Typed Suicide Notes

By Erin Elizabeth -  July 28, 2017

Update: According to authorities and eyewitnesses, a neighbor swears they heard screaming just before the fatalities. You can also find a GoFundMe link for the children at the bottom of the page along with the 150+ comments..

On Friday, July 28, at around 5:45 a.m., a well known holistic Manhattan doctor (who loved his family and was a regular volunteer including a first responder at 9/11) and his wife allegedly jumped to their deaths leaving separate and typed suicide notes, in securely sealed ziplock baggies, in their pockets. (You get to decide how you feel about that. Also, can you think of the last time the news published a picture of a suicide note? Me either but you can see it below.)