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Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Truth About Cancer LIVE is happening NOW

The Live broadcast is starting now -- Click here to join us!

36 world renowned experts are lining up to take the stage and share some of their greatest new information with you, and it’s absolutely FREE for you to join in and watch online!

The world of natural and alternative health is changing rapidly;
and even the span of a few short months, many new breakthroughs, protocols and technology have started to emerge.

And now you can find out about them all… starting right now.

These are experts you know and trust, people like:

Dr. Mercola, Dr. Patrick Quillin, Sayer Ji, Dr. Tony Jimenez, Dr. Robert Scott Bell, Ocean Robbins, and many more.

Here’s a peek at some of the topics that caught my eye:

- The little-known connection between cancer and fungal overgrowth

- Why ORGANIC is absolutely best for treatment and healing

- - How to maintain your FREEDOM of medical choice in an ever changing environment

- How to keep your pets cancer-free (our furry friends need healing too) and SO much more

Plus you’ll hear from cancer survivors and WARRIORS Ryan Leulf and Chris Wark and how they beat cancer.

I hope you’ll join me and watch the LIVE broadcast.

Did I mention it’s happening right now? :-)

P.S. The statistics don’t lie… 1 in 2 people will face cancer in their lifetimes… and millions of others will suffer from other chronic ailments, allergies, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and more.

The knowledge you can gain this weekend alone could alter the course of your life and give you new hope and optimism for your future.

If you, a friend or a loved one wants proof on the safest and most effective ways to prevent, treat, and beat cancer naturally, I urge you to go watch this exclusive broadcast of The Truth About Cancer LIVE right now.



We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for this amazing event. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive tons of cash and prizes for your efforts.

For more details go to our Live Event Partner site and make sure you are signed up for our Truth About Cancer™ Affiliate Program.

The Truth About Cancer™
“Quite Possibly The Most Important And
Most Profitable Promotion You’ll Do All Year”
—Ty Bollinger

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Juicing and Raw Foods: Mother Sent To Jail For Refusing To Vaccinate Her Son ...

Juicing and Raw Foods: Mother Sent To Jail For Refusing To Vaccinate Her Son ...

Nina Hilton
Moderator · 10 hrs · Desoto Lakes, FL
I am so angry right now! Pro-vaxx and anti-vaxx mothers, imagine you have an almost 10 year old son and for the 1st few years of his life you were choosing to space out their vaccines. Single dose only and here and there and once it was time to do the MMR, you decided, ya know cause your child, your choice, to discontinue vaccines. YOUR husband at the time was on board. Joint decision. You divorce the deadbeat dad of your son, get remarried and have a daughter that you choose to not vaccinate. 6 years go by and now your deadbeat ex and you are in court regarding your child together and suddenly the ex is using the discontinued vaccines as leverage and the judge who doesn't know a thing and won't even read the history of your family together and choices you made in a partnership orders you to get your 1st child up to date on all vaccines. You even have a deadline which means the judge is basically ordering you to have the doctors inject 12 or more, some Multi dose substances directly into your child's bloodstream all at once! Be that mother for a second, set aside your beliefs on being for or against vaccines, imagine being FORCED to do this to your child. Where are our liberties going? We have medical rights over our own bodies and the bodies of our children but not in this case and not for very long. This is the signs of the times that are coming our way. This is an extremely sad day for us as Americans.
