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Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Daily Messenger: Blog Views on this and all sites

The Daily Messenger: Blog Views on this and all sites: According to what I see and what others report, Goolag has been blocking for some time now, the total amount visitors to this blog, and all...

Vistas of Hope and what was, The Great Flood
~ Don Bradley - The Daily Messenger


Ah, the pre-Flood world.  That's why I love those videos about There Are No Forests on Flat Earth and the one with Kent Hovind talking about the oxygen in the pre-Flood era

English dubbed version (full video)

The one with Ken Hovind:
It has some scenes from Avatar.  One of my favorite movies.  Because of that HUGE tree in the movie, and I wonder about the "ancient tree stumps" seen ALL around us, if we just look closely.

HUGE trees, double the atmospheric pressure and grow HUGE plants and trees, have extra oxygen, thus why the hyperbaric oxygen chambers are anti-aging.

Kent Hovind talks about that too.


Okay, on to the blog stats here... I'm just doing these two...

MessiahMews Blogs (this blog):

Pageviews today  91
Pageviews yesterday  270
Pageviews last month  9,892
Pageviews all time history  276,456
Followers  14

Kissy's (daughter's blog):
I am co-author because I help her with affiliate stuff:

Pageviews today  18
Pageviews yesterday  117
Pageviews last month  1,413
Pageviews all time history  40,906
Followers  3

I have other blogger sites, but I am going to take the Younique one and either delete it or turn it into something else.  Maybe dog food, or in my case, cat food.  :D

The TransDTropinHGH one is just going to sit there, and do its whatever.  And the music one, I still have YET to update.  Just never enough time.

Mine is about ALOT of different things, mostly vaccines, holistic health, summits/docu-series and such.  But I like to cut loose and show some artwork, cats and other fun stuff.

And sometimes thoughts or commentary, which is seldom.  NO ONE wants to know what I'm thinking anyway.

And yep, I like to repost and link back too.  With a blogger repost, I have to go edit, because they want to chop off half the titles, and leave a sentence or paragraph hanging, and my OCD goes nuts about that.  So I will go back to original post so I can complete a sentence or paragraph, and sometimes add the picture from the posts, as applies.

I do have affiliate programs disclosure on here, because I like to be UP FRONT about that.  And these affiliate things have helped others, like our stuff here, my daughter, our fellow friends (daily messengers, AHEM!), and whatnot.  I HAVE to do these, because who the hell would want to hire a 60 and 71 year old anyway?

For one, I have no extra energy or stamina to do any labor jobs, stand on my feet all day, and deal with backstabbing undermining "gaslighting" bitches, errr, I mean co-workers, etc...

Plus two, lamestream jobs consists of stuff like serving food (read GMO'd shit!), WalMart (NWO outlet), retail stores, convenience stores, doctors, nurses, lawyers, secretaries, etc... BARF!  Which of these really help our fellow brothers and sisters anyway.  Well, maybe a health food store.

So yeah, we like staying at home, blogging, doing our affiliate stuff, and promote things to actually help better someone's life.

And even if someone never buys a summit or docu-series thing, they still learned something from them.  I know, I do.

So, anyway, these things being available to us, are a blessing indeed, and we can, in turn, use the same to bless others.

Regarding holistic health, I have some cutting edge stuff posted, which I learned from others like myself.  The learning new stuff goes on and on.


Our Spiritual World: A hawk visits, born last year to "Watcher"

Our Spiritual World: A hawk visits, born last year to "Watcher": We have several hawks that have made our little cliffside, their home. Matt named them. We have Goldie, Watcher, their two kids, and Sam

They constantly grab snakes here and fly off with them.

When we are out, within 20 minutes, there they are, circling overhead. They swoop down low, we talk to them. They're very beautiful. AND BIG. These ladies are enormous. It's why we didn't let  Mikey out until he was of a biggest enough size, that the ladies Walenda, wouldn't put the snatch on him and turn him into a hot lunch.

Watcher's offspring, we haven't named him yet.....


We STILl have a HUGE eagle nesting across from us in one of the tall trees here.  We think maybe she has already snatched some of those gorgeous rabbits we would see in the yard.

Okay, incoming whatever.... I just now decided to call our eagle girl Snatcher.  Bahahaha.

So that's why we NEVER let Miracle and Breezy out here.  Plus a neighbor up the road has two huge black dogs which both cats were freaked out over.  Very friendly to us though.

At the previous house, Miracle would go out some with supervision. 

But neither of them ever tried to run out or sneak out.  They both KNEW the eagle was there.

I've seen videos of eagles and other large birds pick up goats (which are LARGER than cats!) and smash them against the rocks.  So we were like NOPE, you kittehs are staying inside as house cats. Y'all can catch the bugs and mice.  And we buy fresh wheatgrass plants from the health food store for cat grass nibbles.

So when Breezy first showed up two years ago, Rob was like YOU ARE COMING IN.  Very much to Miracle's dismay at that time.  Miracle was really pissed at Robert and actually attacked him.

But he got over it, and they became buddies, after all.

And there are rabbits again this year.  So we need to pray for them, and Snatcher can go fishing in the huge lake instead.  Catch us some fresh rainbow trout, will ya?


Our Spiritual World: For all those who missed it the first time, and what it means "Spirit in the sky"...

Our Spiritual World: For all those who missed it the first time, and what it means "Spirit in the sky"...:  Still think you live on a spinning globe? Really? Research Cognitive Dissonance, then research Flat Earth. Start with Eric Dubay and Rob Skiba, then Jeranism for the close. There are others. And there are a great many well poisoners. But this is my contribution to the whole firmament/sky issue. Once you understand what is above you, this planet/planetoid/solar system nonsense will make a little more sense. Just think of these posts as ripping off the band-aid of ignorance and letting some fresh healing air onto a festering wound of lies by the satanic network...

Shot taken half hour later in Camarillo. Wings visible, eyes upward, cross over mouth. Setting the example for us to follow. Our mouth professing our love of truth and the Good News, the Gospel, our eyes focused upon the Father-YHVH-Yahua. Let Yeshua, His heart our heart, beating as one, be the meaning and purpose of our life.
- Don Bradley of Our Spiritual World

See the cross?   Yes I did.  :)

See the eyes?  Yep, saw those too!  :D

See the winged angel on the forehead?  No.  I missed that.  :(
Maybe someone should slap me a few times . :/

Okay... So I got two out of three. :D

But looking at it in all in its entirety, it still looks like a HUGE LION sitting atop the clouds too.

The phrase appears in the New Testament in Revelation 5:5: "And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof." This is widely regarded as a reference to Jesus among Christians.

So that's what I thought when I first saw the pictures.  A HUGE lion in the sky.  Yeshua in the sky.  :)

So yeah, we prefer the name of Yeshua, Yahshua, Yahushua.  Unsure of the correct sequence of  the letters that form HIS name.

I love all the research on Flat Earth. Even bought me some tee shirts in celebration of the true form of Earth.

Also, I am very glad to see all these spiritual phenom pictures, and commentary/articles.


[The Sacred Plant] Season 2: Healing Secrets Examined - Replay Weekend

Last Day for Replay Weekend

Today is the last day to watch all 7 episodes of The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Examined during this special Replay Weekend.

So if there are any episodes you missed or would like to watch again, go to the Replay Page and start watching now!

As I mentioned yesterday, we received hundreds of questions this past week since the docuseries aired, so I decided to host a special Q&A this weekend to answer as many of your questions as possible.

We released Part 1 of the Q&A session yesterday, and you can watch it here.

At 12 p.m. Eastern today, Sunday July 1st, we’ll be releasing the 2nd installment of this Q&A session, and it will be available to watch until the end of the day.

In Part 2, we answer additional common questions that were submitted to us over the course of the last week. We go deep on some personal questions about medical cannabis, its uses, dosage, taking it with prescribed meds, and so much more.

Until then, watch and share all 7 episodes of the docuseries, plus Part 1 of the Q&A session… it’s all available right here.

In gratitude, 

John Malanca

P.S. You can get Unlimited Access to the entire docuseries, 24 extended interviews and the 2-part Q&As…

Enjoy...there is SO much to learn!

Click Here

The Sacred Plant Docu-series Amazing Episodes Lineup:

Episode 1: The Sacred Plant…Examined
Episode 2: Stopping Pain, Insomnia, Anxiety and Autoimmune Conditions
Episode 3: Ending Suffering for Our Children: Autism, Seizures and More
Episode 4: Treating Cancer Part 2
Episode 5: Accessing The Sacred Plant: The Unjust Laws and How To Navigate Them
Episode 6: Extending the Quality and Quantity of Life for Us and Our Beloved Pets
Episode 7: Treating PTSD + Selecting Your Medicine, Dosage and a Qualified Doctor




[The Toxic Home Transformation Summit]: Day 7 - Mold, yeast, viruses (& other pathogens) or heavy metal exposure could be the unexplained cause of health problems!

DAY 7 (July 1, after 10am US eastern)

Today at The Toxic Home Transformation, you'll learn about one of the least talked about but possibly most damaging aspects of what can go wrong in your home: mold, yeast, viruses (and other pathogens) or heavy metal exposure could be the unexplained cause of health problems in your family!

Registration Link:

[LEARN TODAY] Mold, yeast, viruses (& other pathogens) or heavy metal exposure could be the unexplained cause of health problems!


Thoughts and Commentary:

How Hidden Pathogens & Parasites Tanked My Health
with Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP

What you'll learn from this expert talk:
* How Evan became ill, very young (and got well!)
* Common ways to get parasites and pathogens
* Symptoms and tests for bacterial or parasitic infections

Transcript:  Evan Brand, BCHN, CFMP, NTP (PDF)
Visit this speaker's website

Some helpful things to help protect you, your family, friends and loved ones...

Smart Meter Filter

Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters

Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN
Harmful Frequencies (and How to Avoid Them!)

What You'll Learn -
Electromagnetic fields from wireless communication
How your home’s wiring may be harming your health
Worst (and best!) types of lighting for health

Products Recommended for Protection by Dr. Mercola...

Safe Living Technologies
Acousticom 2 RF Detector 200MHz - 8GHz
by Safe Living Technologies

Michael S. Tyrrell
Using Frequencies in the Home to Heal

What You'll Learn -
How radio, TV and appliances can disrupt your energy
Sound frequencies to promote health and healing
Light frequencies and healing

Visit this speaker's website

Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project - Book and CD Set Studio, Box set, Digital Sound
Michael S. Tyrrell

We will be offering and adding more protection solutions as we become aware of more.

You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to make healthy changes to your home -- We hope you will click here and join us today and learn how to protect your family.

Affiliates can register here, if you would like to share this with your family, friends, and loved ones.



[The Toxic Home Transformation Summit]: Day 6 - How "energies" have to be cleaned up if you want a healthy, clean home environment!

DAY 6 (June 30, after 10am US eastern)

Ever notice when two people get into a terrible argument, you can "feel it" in the room, even if you walk in after the fact? Today at The Toxic Home Transformation, learn how energies have to be cleaned up if you want a healthy, clean home environment. Plus, "bone up" on pet cancer, keeping children healthy and the power of having a morning routine!

Registration Link:

[LEARN TODAY] How "energies" have to be cleaned up if you want a healthy, clean home environment! #ToxicHomeSummit


Thoughts and Commentary:

Some helpful things to help protect you, your family, friends and loved ones...

Smart Meter Filter

Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters

Joseph Mercola, DO, FACN
Harmful Frequencies (and How to Avoid Them!)

What You'll Learn -
Electromagnetic fields from wireless communication
How your home’s wiring may be harming your health
Worst (and best!) types of lighting for health

Products Recommended for Protection by Dr. Mercola...

Safe Living Technologies
Acousticom 2 RF Detector 200MHz - 8GHz
by Safe Living Technologies

Michael S. Tyrrell
Using Frequencies in the Home to Heal

What You'll Learn -
How radio, TV and appliances can disrupt your energy
Sound frequencies to promote health and healing
Light frequencies and healing

Visit this speaker's website

Wholetones: The Healing Frequency Music Project - Book and CD Set Studio, Box set, Digital Sound
Michael S. Tyrrell

We will be offering and adding more protection solutions as we become aware of more.

You’ll be amazed at how simple it is to make healthy changes to your home -- We hope you will click here and join us today and learn how to protect your family.

Affiliates can register here, if you would like to share this with your family, friends, and loved ones.

