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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Drug giant Glaxo teams up with DNA testing company 23andMe

Drug giant Glaxo teams up with DNA testing company 23andMe

DNA test results will be used to develop drugs under a new agreement.

Jim Stone Freelance, today: "23andMe is selling everyone's DNA in $300 million dollar deal to GLAXO

Ancestry site 23andMe signed a $300M deal with Glaxo Smith Kline to hand over all their DNA records to Glaxo, one of the world's major pharmaceutical companies. FROM THIS DATA, THEY CAN FORMULATE VACCINES THAT WIPE OUT SPECIFIC RACES and FAMILIES. The implications for (ongoing, covert) human cloning are to obvious to mention.

If a totally evil company like Glaxo succeeds in getting all of that DNA data, WATCH OUT, the white race, and specifically, the most intelligent people in the white race, are going to be erased with precision when their kids get that "mandatory" vaccination.

In addition to this, via vaccination, they can maim people and make them dependent on their drugs with precision, targeting only the most wealthy and productive people and letting welfare types live their lives relatively normally so they don't burden the system.

Even if you never used 23andMe, because their database is so massive that a close enough match to your exact genotype is likely in it somewhere.

I cannot adequately state what kind of total doom this is. Glaxo has no morals, and absolutely will use this data as a weapon. Perhaps only the smartest of the smart people will get past this, because they will be aware enough to avoid any shots come hell or high water.

The autism tool is at present too blunt. It hits too many people too hard in order to nail the ones they want nailed. However, with a DNA record of everyone, they can sharpen that tool and TOTALLY destroy one group, while leaving others intact. Accusations will all be swept under the rug as "conspiracy theories".

Gee, I think giving a for-profit "medical" company with severe political bias the keys to everyone's existence is a GREAT IDEA!!!"

#23andMe #DNA #BigPharma #Glaxo #GlaxoSmithKline #vaccines #humancloning


23andMe Sold Access to Your DNA Library to Big Pharma! 

Hello?!  This is why neither of us go to mainstream doctors!  We trust NO ONE in the medical industry.

GlaxoSmithKline is a MAJOR Vaccine production company too.

Welcome to your nightmare!  It has just begun!

Good grief! Is EVERYONE a fucking souless sellout? I had a bad feeling about this company from the start when some of the various summit speakers started pushing it on one of the genetic summits. If any of them push it again in any future summits, I WILL RIP them a new one!

I don't give a flying fart in space who my ancestors were.  All I wish for them is that they all rest in peace.



Scott L. Biddle
July 30 at 7:38 PM


Do you notice anything odd about this picture?

Evidence of Direct Energy Weapons (DEW's)! This was not a normal forest fire, people are being burnt out of their own homes in the middle of the night! NONE of these fires started in the daytime, always at night, matching Agenda 2030's red zone map.

The land being burnt out will be used by our government, there is an Agenda 2030 map detailing what land will be usable and what land will be off limits to the public. So far most all the forest fires line up perfectly with "off limits for human use" map areas. All the recent and sudden forest fires were intentional pre-planned decades ago!

This is not a joke! We are all in serious trouble if no one can see what is happening!


What You Need To Know About SYSTEMATIC CONTROL And SCHOOLING In America

From Rondae Skillz (is feeling inspired.)

No learning, only memorization. Standardized everything. Everyone taught the same thing at the same pace at standardized times, all moves signaled by the sounding of a bell [like Pavlov's experiment] Schools are where the mind control begins. Think about the way it's all set up:

1) It's "illegal" to not have your child enrolled in school

2 )no talking or "being disruptive"

3 )raise hand to ask permission to do ANYTHING

4) kids minds are molded to accept what is given as fact, without questioning the source of the material without getting ridiculed by peers for being different or challenging

5) huge focus on having everyone pass standardized testing [for federal funding]

6) classes promoting creativity are cut from curriculum [art, music, freetime, etc.]

7) our jobs have us working all day while our kids are being raised by strangers
8)kids AND adults graduate and still aren't aligned with their life's purpose

I invite you to look at the components of your own life, and know that all this started at an early age, while in school. How's your life right now? We're giving our kids the same exact "education" we've been getting for at least 100 years. It just doesn't work because it's like all other corrupt institutions formed to make profits for the ones who keep this outdated system in operation. It only works with our continued ignorance and participation. Wake up. Our freedom and prosperity is long overdue.

#freeyourmind #freethinker #schoolsystem #failure #mindcontrol #institution #standardizedbehavior #truthaboutschool #education #corruption #learning #outdatedsystem #mentalprison #programming #businessofschool #scam #truth #brainwashing #wakeup #educationsystem #kids #academics #success #business #evolution #graduation #graduate #systematiccontrol #schoolroom #purpose

Published on 28 Jun 2018 
There is something strange happening in America's school system... What are the roles of our education institutions today?


Now you can get why I always hated school.  Like with the intensity of a 1000 suns. That's how bad it was, and getting the shit beat out of me by not memorizing things fast enough.  Fuck that shit!  What I have learned and know now is Sooooo much better.