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Friday, August 3, 2018

[Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit]: (Encore Weekend) Learn to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s… in ONE weekend!

The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit encore weekend gets underway at 10am US eastern on Saturday, August 4th -- all talks will be unlocked through Monday at 10am U.S. eastern (New York time)!

If you missed the summit, then you missed the FACT that you CAN prevent and slow down (and even reverse!) Alzheimer’s and dementia -- despite what you’ve been told by conventional medicine!

--->Click here to be notified when The Alzheimer’s & Dementia Summit encore weekend starts!

Then, find a few minutes to learn from a few of the "featured" and fan-favorite talks, such as:
+ Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease: A Comprehensive Approach, Dr. Dale Bredesen
+ Stop Memory Loss: The Science Behind Healing, Sayer Ji
+ Protecting the Brain: What Science Tells Us, Dr. Daniel Amen
+ Food Allergies: Direct Link to Brain Disorders, Dr. Tom O’Bryan
+ Best Essential Oils for Brain Health, Dr. Eric Zielinski
+ And more!

Here’s how BEST to take advantage of this expert health information:

--->1. Register immediately to join us for Encore Weekend!

--->2. Purchase the expert talks to watch at your own pace (which also helps us continue to reach people with the message and mission)! SALE ENDS MONDAY!

+ Your registration link to the free gift

We hope you take advantage of this tremendous opportunity to learn how to prevent, slow down and even reverse Alzheimer’s… for free!

P.S. We encourage you to find time in your schedule to catch 2-3 of the "featured" and fan-favorite talks -- you’ll see how incredible this event truly was!


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Alzheimers and Dementia Summit

If you don't make a stand now, we have no hope and will have to "separate ourselves from among them, lest we share in her plagues, for her sins are heaped as high as the heavens, and God has remembered her iniquities" Revelation 18:4-5

Bev Pattenden
July 31 at 3:56 PM

The scary part is that even if we get rid of the current government, the other major parties are just as bad and will not back off in regards to vaccination. The vaccine industry is just so powerful, but it can be brought down if enough people wake up and resist. This is the most challenging battle I have ever fought, and I've been an activist for most of my life, and a believer for 37 years. There is just so much money involved in the vaccine beast, and the next step is microchipping, which is more about power than money.. If they can vaccinate the world, they will then microchip the world, and many will gladly accept, just as they do with vaccines. If you don't make a stand now, we have no hope and will have to "separate ourselves from among them, lest we share in her plagues, for her sins are heaped as high as the heavens, and God has remembered her iniquities" Revelation 18:4-5.
We are not quite there yet, but oh so close.
Nothing is set in stone, except the Ten Commandments, but even that has been counterfeited and perverted by the building of the Georgia Guide Stones, which just proves that God is true, you were created in the image of God and that is why they are trying to destroy you, and evolution is a hoax, just as big, if not equal to the vaccination hoax. .

