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Friday, August 17, 2018

[SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program]: Module 4

SQUARE ONE Module 4: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 2 is now LIVE!

[SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program]: Module 4


In tonight’s Module, we’re going to dive EVEN DEEPER into anti-cancer nutrition. Better bring your scuba gear! ;)

Most of the questions posted in the comments section after Module 3 will be answered in Module 4!

Here's what you will learn:
- The most powerful anti-cancer fruits
- My personal dietary journey
- Modifications you can make to the anti-cancer diet over time
- Raw food vs cooked food
- Whether or not to include animal protein
- How long you need to stay on a strict dietary protocol
- The ketogenic diet for cancer (rumors vs reality)
- And more!

Watch The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 2 free online for the next 24 hours:

The SQUARE ONE Program is all about giving you the best, evidence-based information on healing and preventing cancer, and a simple strategy to help you take MASSIVE ACTION to change your life! That’s why I created the SQUARE ONE Guide Book, which is included in your purchase of any of the three packages.

Here’s what’s inside the Guide Book: The Daily Schedule, The Recipe Guide, The Supplement Guide, The Healthy Home Guide, The Testing & Monitoring Guide, My Cancer Clinic Rolodex, and excerpts from My 2004 Prayer Journal.

The SQUARE ONE program includes all 10 video modules, the Guide Book, Transcripts Book, Audio Book, and some really AWESOME bonuses, like access to our online support community. Learn more here:

See you tonight!



Affiliates are always welcome to join. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for these amazing events. Affiliates are influential persons who promote these events/community for commissions, like bloggers, speakers and health professionals. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts. You help us to help others too.

Help others by spreading the word about these amazing online summit events.  Become an affiliate for Chris Wark's Square One Program.



[The Addiction Summit]: Day 5 - Are You Genetically Doomed to Be an Addict?

DAY 5 (August 17, after 10am US eastern)

Are you genetically doomed to be an addict? How do you recover emotionally? How do you meditate or practice mindfulness? Today at The Addiction Summit, Dr. Ben Lynch proces that "your genes are NOT your destiny." Ray Lozano will teach you how to talk with children about addiction. Mutka Khalsa and Kevin Griffin discuss their writings and teachings about mindfulness and meditation. Enjoy learning!

Registration Link:

[LEARN TODAY] Are you genetically doomed to be an #addict? #AddictionSummit


Affiliate Registration:

Affiliates are always welcome to join. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for these amazing summit events. Affiliates are influential persons who promote these events/community for commissions, like bloggers, speakers and health professionals. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts. You help us to help others too. Health Talks Online is your connection to improved health.

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Help others by spreading the word about these amazing online summit events.  Become an affiliate for Health Talks Online.


Addiction Summit

[SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program]: Module 3

[SQ1] The Anti-Cancer Diet is LIVE!

SQUARE ONE Module 3: The Anti-Cancer Diet part 1 is LIVE now!

Nutrition is the foundation of health. And I get more questions about the best anti-cancer foods and the best cancer healing diet than any other topic.

So tonight’s SQUARE ONE Module is ALL about it (tomorrow's is too)!

In Module 3, I cover the basics of anti-cancer nutrition. I will teach you exactly what to eat, and what not to eat, and show you the the nutritional science that supports it all. This is a simple yet powerful, evidence-based dietary protocol.

Here's what you will learn in Module 3:
- What not to eat: Foods that promote disease and fuel cancer growth
- The most potent anti-cancer foods
- My daily anti-cancer routine
- All about juicing, juice formulas and juicers
- And more!

Here's your link to watch Module 3 "The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 1" now:

See you there!


p.s. Here are answers to a couple frequently asked questions:

Is SQUARE ONE available to watch after the free screening?
Yes! The SQUARE ONE Program is available for you to own forever and ever, and to share with people you care about. There are three different package options and it's super discounted right now (50% Off) during the free screening.

What’s included in the SQUARE ONE Program?
Each package includes ALL 10 Video Modules, the Transcripts Book, the Guide Book, the Audio Book, an invitation to my Private Online Support Community, Access to 6 LIVE Monthly Q&As with me, and a Bonus Digital copy of the entire SQUARE ONE Program to give to someone you care about. This page explains it in detail:


Affiliates are always welcome to join. We’d love to have you join us as an affiliate partner for these amazing events. Affiliates are influential persons who promote these events/community for commissions, like bloggers, speakers and health professionals. Your audience will absolutely love the content and together we’ll be changing the world and you’ll receive cash for your efforts. You help us to help others too.

Help others by spreading the word about these amazing online summit events.  Become an affiliate for Chris Wark's Square One Program.

