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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Breezy Chillaxin' On The Floor

Only a short clip of Breezy


YES!  We have Breezy tee shirts in several colors and styles courtesy of Tee Public.

Love sleeved premium men's shirt.

Breezy Art Design


[SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program]: Module 10

Module 10 - Testing & How to Monitor Your Progress (SQUARE ONE Finale!!)

The Final Module in the SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program is now LIVE!

This Module is another GAME CHANGER!

Chris covers:

- What you need to know about CT scans, PET scans and MRIs
- Testing to determine the best treatments for you
- How to interpret your test results
- How to monitor your progress
- Safer testing methods for screening and monitoring
- Blood markers you should be watching
- Early detection testing you can order without a doctor
- And more!

p.s. Time is running out! If you’ve missed watching any of the SQUARE ONE free screening, or would like to watch it all over again, be sure to check out the HUGE discount Chris is offering. The entire course is available at 57% off until the free online viewing ends tonight at midnight Pacific! There is SO MUCH more to SQUARE ONE than the video modules… learn more about it right here.


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Help others by spreading the word about these amazing online summit events.  Become an affiliate for Chris Wark's Square One Program.

