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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Subscribers increasing without reason

Subscribers increasing without reason 
by admiralhowdy  01/10/2010

A couple of days ago I checked my e-mail to surpisingly find ~30 new subscribers in one day.  At first I thought, wow, that last video must have been a hit.  But it turns out all the new subscribers I'm getting seem to be totally random, and there's a new slew every day.  Many of my actual youtube friends and actual subscribers are experiencing the same thing.  Its very annoying.  I don't want any BS subscribers, it makes having subscribers meaningless.  Many of these new subscribers cannot possibly have any interest in my videos... I've checked them out.  Why is this happening, and how can it be stopped?  I used to want to show my subscribers on my channel page, because it was apparrant they were users with interests like mine, and I was proud to redirect visitors to their channels. But now I'm two steps away from taking my subscribers off my channel page, because now about half of them are totally random.!msg/youtube/CNBE4BhWpMM/IRn3VlvpA4wJ


I am having the same BS subscribers, which I call robot subscribers.

They are ALL gamers, and there is NOTHING on my youtube that would attract gamers.

My stuff is anti-vaccine stuff, cats, health summits and docu-series trailers, etc...  NOTHING that a gamer would be interested in.  And besides I can no longer upload to my channel.  Just a waste of space now, except for the good videos I had already uploaded.

And this shit keeps filling up my email EVERY DAY!

Yesterday, I got 15 in a row.  Of course, we want subscribers, but we want people of like mind and folks who are interested in the real issues.

A few months ago, I found that YT had made me a gaming channel profile (WITHOUT permission or consent), which is probably why these "subscriptions".  Can't seem to find it at the moment, but will add link later if and when I do.  I am one who hates things being decided for me.

This is apparently happing to others too.  And youtube has basically turned my channel to total useless shit