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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Daily Messenger: To be weighed in the balance...and found wanting.

The Daily Messenger: To be weighed in the balance...and found wanting.:
It's June. And there is 2 weeks left. These storms are targeting those states responsible for 89% of the WORLD'S GMO production. America poisons itself and the world, through GMO exports. Most countries have banned GMO seeds and plants, but not the import of same.

Stop planting GMO corn and GMO soybean a phytoestrogen mimic, which turns men into ladies, kills sperm count, and gives men man boobs. GMO corn does so much damage to the kidneys and liver that it would take a small paperback to cover it all.

Poison the planet and judgement. For we live in that time, you know. Reaping what you SOW.

For all of us.

You have to see things correctly to understand. Everyone is blaming this on chemtrails, and no doubt, there is some truth to it, but chemtrails have been around for 60 years, and never before has this happened. But, after 7 years of horrific GMO exports of a degree that is plague like, what do you expect, a playful kiss on the cheek?

No surprise that the states whose largest exports are GMO produce are the very same states being "flooded."

As for California and its sins, can you fathom what's coming?


And after, mercy and a new heart. Lest a greater judgement comes upon you.

And Dad points out, Ezekiel 36:25

25Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. 26A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. 27And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do [them]. 28And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. 29I will also save you from all your uncleannesses: and I will call for the corn, and will increase it, and lay no famine upon you. 30And I will multiply the fruit of the tree, and the increase of the field, that ye shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heathen. 31Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that [were] not good, and shall clothe yourselves in your own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations.


And this one too love...

Prophecy 5. Ruining of the Earth

“[God will] bring to ruin those ruining the earth.”​—REVELATION 11:18.

It's already happening.

Longer version.


Vigilante Task Force Teams At Work!

Raelene Malley‎ to Stop5G
12 hrs

The great street art resistance has officially begun. Bedminster climbing center. "Severing the wires" 
Photo credit to Dave J

Redpoint Bristol Climbing Centre
40 Winterstoke Road


This is more like it though...


Branden Simoens
June 17 at 2:43 PM

Way to go, activists! "Unknown people blew up a mobile phone antenna used by Swisscom and Salt on Sunday morning in Denens in the canton of Vaud . The cantonal police of Vaud investigates. As spokesman Arnold Poot says, the police suspect a criminal intent behind the act.
According to a map of the Federal Office of Communications, the destroyed antenna is one with 4G mobile communications standard. About one and a half kilometers away is a 5G antenna near Le Sécheron."


5g T-Shirt Design by Drumstick
A radical solution to the cancer-towers. Show your concerns about 5G EMF/wifi with this design. Original artwork by Drumstick. All rights reserved.
More 5G Tees



Kennedy Beltram  sings "He's so Great", "My Lord Knows the Way", and "Yesterday, Today, Forever"

Cherie Beltram sermon on "Targeting" in the End Times.  Thank you Tony Pantalleresco for making us aware of this!  God bless you.  Some things discussed in this message are: C60, Carbon 60, Buckminsterfullerines, buckyballs, DARPA, N3, chemtrails, AI, artificial intelligence, Puharich, ELF, EMF, frequencies, RNA, DNA, brainwaves, brain mapping, graphene, nanoparticles, nanotechnology, 1967 Expo, witchcraft, runes, Montreal Biosphere, Montauk and terra hertz.

TARGETING – Part Seventeen


Backup Video:
* Download this mp4, upload it to your sites, and share it widely!

* Download this pdf, upload it to your sites, and share it widely!

MP3 Audio Download
* Download this audio mp3, upload it to your sites, and share it widely!

AVOID that product called C-60, it's nano-tech and a set up to link up to the A.I. Beast computer system.  You have been warned.

This is being done in such a way as to deliberately find failure & it is deliberate corruption so they (FDA CORPORATE Satanists) can be the authority that “all supplements don’t work & may all be corrupted”, therefore we must regulate the whole industry. Surely most folks know the drill with this scenario of "let’s make a problem as an excuse to SHUT IT ALL DOWN and/or make it damn near impossible to get the real good and clean stuff. Don’t even think about it! That game of deliberate trickery?... We know that drill all too well, as Tony mentions in his podcasts. Most of us with working brains know which supplements are good and which ones are corrupted. We READ THE LABELS and have looked up those ingredients too.  We KNOW.



**There are many pdf's and word doc's that Scott is working to make those documents available**                         

Tony Pantalleresco’s website

Tony’s site on Carbon C-60

Tony’s site on Terrahertz

Ack! C-60 perspective from resonance engineer

Beware the Blue Beam!

Nanotechnology particles in our food v=zoM4m4Wfx5w&

HerbsPlusBeadWorks active & awake, identifying & breaking program

Is C60 Safe? A 5G Remedy? Ken "the Scientist" Clears the Record
*First video Tony shared on C-60.  These people are dis-info agents*

What's Graphene And Why It'll Soon Take Over The World

The Philadelphia Experiment & The Montauk Project

Space War | The Planetary Lockdown - Elana Freeland - Billy Hayes
Note:  The above site is failing to load, only shows a white out page, so here's a Web Archives version...

Slide show on bucky ball (C-60) research
* Satanic shit

Research: HAARP, GWEN, Chemtrails, ELF, Mind Control, Frequencies

Sermon notes and scripture references available at churches website.


Clearing Nano...

* Tony's Anti-Nano Bucket

* Tony's Anti-Nano Triangle

* Tony's Epsom Salt Bath soaks with epsom salt, sea salt, borax, baking soda, & turpentine.  Recipes on his site and youtube channel.

* LookoutFACharlie's Epsom Salt bath soak (90-day challange), along with his other suggestions.  Particle Expulsion Treatment (PET):

Magnetic Clay Baths:

Cleansing & purifying the blood...
Sin is in your blood, and one or the other is controlling the pattern of your life. In fact, your blood is the source of all of life for your flesh. Your blood is the life of your body. The moment your blood is drained from your body, the body becomes nothing but a lifeless shell. It is over for the body, and in the grave it goes. We must learn the truth of our blood and how all life is effected by the blood. Note what Moses wrote by the Holy Spirit, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said unto the children of Israel(Jews not Gentiles), Ye(Children of Israel) shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whosoever eateth it shall be cut off." (Leviticus 17:11,14). "But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye(Children of Israel) not eat." (Genesis 9:4).

* The blood can be purified by Lugol's iodine.  It is an anti-septic, anti-microbial and can clear bartonella (Lyme co-infection) among other "little beasts".  It is IMPORTANT and great for proper thyroid function.  It's also a part of Steve Beddingfield's F.I.R.M. protocol for Lyme and Morgellon's symptoms.  It's also part of LookoutFACharlie's Particle Expulsion Treatment (PET) for killing the Sporotrichosis fungal infection on the skin and lymph.  These iodine dosages can be rough for some folks, so the co-factors are important, like selenium, magnesium, l-tyrosine, Vitamin C, copper and zinc (colloidal only).

* Gerson Therapy:  See Juicing and Raw Food Sunboy blog called Juicing and Raw Foods on the Gerson protocol. Punch in the search to find the posts.  There are plenty of posts.

* Heavy Metals removal:  EDTA, etc...

* Chlorophyll for low blood.
The chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. The red blood pigment is a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms grouped around a single atom of iron. Nature's green pigment is a similar web of the same atoms, except that its centerpiece is a single atom of magnesium.

* Activated charcoal to clear out poisons, impurities from vaccine, chemtrails, herbicide/pesticide poisoning.  It's tasteless, so getting pure activated charcoal with no other ingredients would be the best one.

* Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber therapy.  Double the atmospheric pressure and pushing pure oxygen in via that pressure.  Like the pre-Flood era Earth had. Ahem!

* Magnetic Clay Baths:

There is more to add, and will come back and add more links when I get another 5 minutes to do so.

Additional warnings & solutions below from THIS blog...

Morgellon's: This is what is happening with your blood.

Image from Clifford Carnicom's exceptional scientific work:
And a remedy for this is... NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) !!! Clears fatty liver too.



3rdi Iodine:

Steve Beddingfield:



Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.

EMF Summit 2019 - Day 6: Your children

Your children (2019 EMF Health Summit: Day 6)

Lloyd Burrell | EMF Health Summit <>
Today at 6:59 AM

Dear _________

We’re in the final stretch.

These last few day’s you’ve learned so much about the dangers and risks of EMFs.

The techniques you’ve learned can make a huge difference reducing your risk of cancer… heart disease… Alzheimer’s… chronic pain… and a whole lot more.

But we’re not done yet.

Today’s sessions are crucial - especially for our children.

Digital toxins can have a massive effect on a child’s growing body.

Considering we’re handing our little ones tablets and smartphones at increasingly younger ages, this is a huge problem.

Lloyd Morgan, Senior Researcher EHT, will share eye-opening information that directly impacts the health of your child in his session, “Breaking the Dam of Denial: Infertility and The Effects on Our Children’s Brains.”

You’ll get scientific evidence that cell phones are as addictive as heroin — and what to do about it for your children.

He also reveals 2 golden rules for children’s electronics use (they apply to adults too)!

Cece Doucette, BA, MA, will show you how to protect the young ones in your life, even when they’re at school, “EMF Deathtraps: How School Wifi Is Poisoning Our Children.”

She shares 2 breakthrough solutions for protecting your children at home and at school. In fact, they’re easy to implement for the whole family.

We’ll also cover other vulnerable populations… like the 60% of Americans with chronic diseases.

If you’re one of those people or know someone who is:

Click here to get started now!

Lloyd Burrell
Live a naturally healthy life in our electromagnetic world!

P.S. Tomorrow is the last day of the summit! I’ve saved some of the best interviews for last. Do not miss it. Keep an eye on your inbox.

P.S.S. Having trouble accessing todays talks? Copy/paste this link into your browser



[Autoimmune Secrets] Episode 2: When Your Body Attacks: How to Win the War Against Lupus, Arthritis & Thyroid Disease

Episode 2 of The Autoimmune Secrets docuseries!

Available Now

Discover little-known details about autoimmune diseases of the thyroid and joints, see foods that can cause autoimmune reactions, and explore the link between autoimmunity, hormones, and infertility.

Tune in this evening at 5pm PST / 8pm EST for
Day 2 of this life-changing, free online docu-series.

Autoimmune Secrets Summit sign up here


Here’s the schedule:

MONDAY, JUNE 17: Episode 1: Autoimmune Disease Exposed: Preventing & Beating on All of the 80+ Autoimmune Conditions

TUESDAY, JUNE 18: Episode 2: When Your Body Attacks: How to Win the War Against Lupus, Arthritis & Thyroid Disease

WEDNESDAY JUNE 19: Episode 3: Missing Puzzle Pieces: Can your Mind be Restored? Exposing Alzheimer’s and Dementia

THURSDAY, JUNE 20: Episode 4: The Truth About Lyme Disease, Toxins & Parasites

FRIDAY, JUNE 21: Episode 5: The Gut-Brain Connection

SATURDAY, JUNE 22: Episode 6: Autoimmune Connection with Obesity, Diabetes & Cancer

SUNDAY, JUNE 23: Episode 7: Essential Oils, Innovative Dietary & Lifestyle Approaches to Autoimmunity

MONDAY, JUNE 24: Episode 8: The Answer to Neurodegenerative Decline, Feeding Gut Microbiome & The Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis, Brain Exercises, Heavy Metal Detox, plus Vaccines & Autoimmunity

TUESDAY, JUNE 25: Episode 9: Remarkable Dietary & Lifestyle Solutions & Preventions to Depression & Anxiety

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26: Episode 10: Nature’s Weapons Against Disease: Healing Foods, Herbal Remedies & How to Recognize & Combat Triggers


Autoimmune Disease Exposed: Preventing & Beating All of the 80+ Autoimmune Conditions

Since most docu-series usually leave their first episodes online all the time, here is Episode 1 shared here as a bonus.  Enjoy!

Autoimmune Secrets || Episode 01



We'd love to have you join us as an affiliate for this awesome event -- delivering more information for the world to live healthier and happier's what we all do! Thank you in advance!

Affiliates sign up here

