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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Daily Messenger: Saint Greta: The satanic guilt attack of the year....

The Daily Messenger: Saint Greta: The satanic guilt attack of the year....: As I've been teaching for DECADES, the two main weapons of the dark side is guilt and doubt. From the beginning, these two approaches approaches to manipulating the free will of humanity by the damned have been deployed by those who cannot or will not, see this great truth and teaching.   

In point of fact, Saint Greta - always painted in a faux holy light of looking up to heaven, when in fact she serves hell - is their primary weapon of guilt to push their one world, Agenda 21 plan into high gear. And every branch of the satanic hierarchy is pushing this meme.

And of course, if you challenge her or the lies she pushes through a wall of guilt, you are the ENEMY  of earth. 

The catholic church is behind her, most seminary schools and naturally, ALL of the mega churches and lesser branches. This is your reveal as to what these theological realities of deception serve. And whom they serve, too.

And it isn't freedom from slavery. 

Quite the opposite. Following the Greta is being led into slavery on every level of one's life. They have a plan you know, and they are doing everything they can to get it into gear.

Hey Greta? How about the fact that an active volcano spews out more CO2 and other deadly gasses in A SINGLE DAY, ACCORDING TO GEOLOGISTS EVERYWHERE, then all the human and animal activity in any TEN YEAR PERIOD. Do you realize how stupid your little campaign, and in fact, this whole climate BS you satanists are pushing on the world, is when the facts are made public. All anyone has to do is get a science book on volcanism to learn these facts. But we don't mention these little truths, do we saint Greta?

Don Bradley
