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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Endogenous deficiency of glutathione as the most likely cause of serious manifestations and death from novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19): a hypothesis based on literature data and own observations

Endogenous deficiency of glutathione as the most likely cause of serious manifestations and death from novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19): a hypothesis based on literature data and own observations


Based on an exhaustive literature analysis and own observations, I proposed a hypothesis that glutathione deficiency is exactly the most plausible explanation for serious manifestation and death in COVID-19-infected patients. The major risk factors established for severe COVID-19 infection and relative glutathione deficiency found in COVID-19-infected patients with moderate-to-severe illness have converged me to two very important conclusions: (1) oxidative stress contributes to hyper-inflammation of the lung leading to adverse disease outcomes such as acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiorgan failure and death; (2) poor antioxidant defense due to endogenous glutathione deficiency as a result of decreased biosynthesis and/or increased depletion of GSH is the most probable cause of increased oxidative damage of the lung regardless which of the factors aging, chronic disease comorbidity, smoking or some others were responsible for this deficit. The hypothesis provides novel insights into the etiology and mechanisms responsible for serious manifestations of COVID-19 infection and justifies promising opportunities for effective treatment and prevention of the illness through glutathione recovering with N-acetylcysteine.


Well, there it is!!

I have already mentioned the NAC needed for that oxygen deprivation and iron oxidative damage thing in one of the Morgellon's posts, and the same applies for coronavirus too.


Are y'all getting it yet?!

We get the NAC from PureBulk or Bulk Supplements...
Bulk Supplements on Amazon:
* Gelatin capsules is the best choice, and also has no extra fillers or excipients.

We also use the Lifewave Glutathione patches as well.

Liver and gallbladder flushes would also help in the liver function.


NRL Players Refuse Vaccines on Religious Grounds

The NRL faces a potential religious freedom storm after a trio of Canberra Raiders stars protested against the competition’s strict biosecurity measures.

Paul Kent revealed on Fox League Live on Wednesday night that several Raiders players are refusing to get the mandatory flu vaccination
The Sydney Morning Herald named those players as Josh Papalii, Sia Soliola and Joseph Tapine. The trio were no-shows at Raiders training on Wednesday after earlier this week refusing to sign an unmodified waiver surrounding their refusal to comply with the NRL’s compulsory vaccination policy.

According to the SMH, the players crossed out a line in the waiver related to players accepting that they are at a higher risk of contracting influenza by not receiving the injection. It is understood that is the line Titans utility Bryce Cartwright also crossed out.
Kent said the Raiders stars opposed the flu shot on religious grounds.

“There’s some players apparently at the Raiders today who trained separately from the rest of the group because they of Polynesian heritage and their religion says they can’t get the flu shot, they’re not allowed to do that,” Kent said on Fox League Live.
“The NRL is likely to allow those players to continue playing because of their religious convictions but if it’s just a moral viewpoint like Bryce Cartwright you’ll simply be told you’re not playing.

“Religious viewpoints are different to ethical viewpoints and that’s why the ethical deniers will simply be told ‘you don’t have to take the needle, you’re not forced to take the needle, but you will not play NRL this season’.”

The NRL was on Wednesday night still locked in discussions surrounding the availability of anti-vaccination players as the game prepares for a May 28 return.
As players return to training this week, the NRL has said it could be compulsory for footy stars to receive the vaccination as part of its strict biosecurity measures to protect against the spread of COVID-19.

The vaccination debate has heated up since news first surfaced of Cartwright sticking strong to his beliefs, despite the NRL’s serious stance on keeping players healthy in this uncertain time.
The vaccination will not prevent COVID-19 but it protects from inlufenza and will stop the cycle of players having to be tested every time they have flu-like symptoms.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison even weighed in on the debate calling for a ‘no jab, no play’ policy, which has sprung ARLC chair Peter V’landys into action.
“When I was social services minister, I started the ‘no jab, no play’ rule in the childcare facilities,” Morrison told 2GB radio on Wednesday. “And I think the same rule applies there [with the NRL] - no jab, no play.”
V’landys is in talks with the RLPA on this matter and the commission will meet on Thursday to look at no longer allowing players to train and play without a vaccination if they sign a waiver and to ban those who do not get vaccinated.

A vaccination debate has broken out since Titans utility Bryce Cartwright rejected the NRL’s mandatory flu shot as part of the biosecurity measures to be taken.
Prime Minister weighed in on the debate calling for players who don’t get vaccinated should sit out of the season.
“When I was Social Services Minister I started the ‘no jab, no play’ rule into the childcare facilities,” Morrison told 2GB Radio.
“And I think the same rule applies there. No jab, no play.”
ARLC Chair Peter V’landys says the NRL is working with the RLPA on the matter since it’s emerged a number of players are hesitant to get vaccinated.
“This is a process with the Rugby League Players’ Association and we need some solid consultation with them before we take any steps,” V’landys said.
“We want them to have flu shots because it minimises risk to the game and the player.
“It minimises the risk of players always going to have tests all the time when they have symptoms of COVID when it’s not that, it might just be flu symptoms. It’s for their benefit as well.”
RLPA player Director and Cartwright’s Titans teammate Dale Copley hit back at the Prime Ministers call and backed Cartwright’s freedom to decide what’s best for him.
“I certainly throw my support behind Bryce. I think ScoMo has got his political parties a bit mixed up,” Copley said.
“The coalition is the one who is supposed to try and fight for our freedoms.
“Look, it’s a crazy issue, it is very divisive (but) I have always been a supporter of freedom of choice and not encroaching on personal liberties.”

DMSO Facts - How DMSO Fight Viruses


The most important attribute of DMSO in the fight against viruses is it’s unique ability to enter the cell itself raise the oxygen levels and kill the virus. This has been proven.

How DMSO Fight Viruses

Lacking a genetic material to exist on its own, viruses can only replicate (multiply) within an existing cell. Once inside the cell the herpes virus, and many others is protected by the protein coating of the cell making most antiviral drugs ineffective against the virus. (Of course, big pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know that.)

DMSO contains oxygen. Viruses cannot exist in an elevated oxygen (or alkaline) environment. Applied properly DMSO enters the cell and almost immediately kills all active  viruses. This is an indisputable fact. IF DMSO is applied properly at prodome the viruses will not appear.
