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Friday, May 15, 2020

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy (HBOT)

Larry Cook was live.
5 hrs

Day 5 of mild hyperbaric oxygen treatment - heals most anything - highly recommended!

Larry is in a MAINTENANCE Session for himself, in a MILD Hyperbaric O2 Session Treatment=HBOT
-he says that he does a Total of 10 Treatments (Sessions) every 6 months, or like now, 4 treatments every other day;
-he does it for his Circulation, Brain boost, early childhood
-One Session = 1h-1.5 = $ 100;
-Pressure is 1.3 -1.5 atmos -
-What it DOES = it squizes O2 in all the cells;it assists body's own healing
-It FEELS like diving or flying -one feels the pressure in the ears;once one gets it set, one does not feel it anymore;
-IMPORTANT at the END of the Session to REDUCE, HAVE the Pressure half way - when one is done it is important;


The same kind that we use too...

Hubby was in it when this pic was taken.  :)

Soft Chamber.

Mark of the Beast in New Zealand

Erin Christina
14 hrs

Well, this went sideways fast...

copied and reposted. Mark of the beast doesn’t sound so hard to imagine now does it? Come Lord Jesus.
“Apparently, This started today here in New Zealand, the first day of Level 2:
You cannot go into a STORE, Post Shop, mall, unless you scan in the QR code posted outside with the contact tracing app, your phone camera, or sign a register (where your name. address and phone details are visible to everybody), and in some cases (people are telling me), have your photo taken.
The retailers were told that they are NOT ALLOWED TO SELL TO YOU if you don't comply.
No app scan, no entry, no purchase [no food].
Not all stores have complied yet.
Bunnings is forcing you to do it, but Mitre-10 has not started yet. [This has been verified first-hand.] But I am sure they will have no choice.
Even my local liquor store has it.
By the way, this is NOT the $65Million Contact Tracing app that the government has made, this is an existing web-based contact app from EvaCheckin.
There is something oddly Biblical about this...hmmm.
New Zealand has "flattened the curve" and lost its Democracy.


Nothing mentioned about a mandatory COVID19 or a vaccine in the post, but restrictions are still happening in other places, and soon to be here, as it's already started with "CONtact traitors" with their QR codes in phone apps, COVID-19 BS, Sharia Law of mandatory masking (although a breathable gauze or bandana, along with goggles would help obstruct the face to avoid being recognized by contact traitors, drones, etc...).
