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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Martin at Life Enthusiast: you might never have to worry about covid-19 again after this…

Hey _____ — Martin here,

Here's the official narrative, based on the theory that the virus is something external that comes from "out there" to attack us, and that the PCR tests used to indicate positive results are actually measuring relevant data:

The latest CDC reports about the total number of COVID cases in the United States and Canada suggest we’re on the downturn of this disease. Cases have been consistently falling since January 8th. In the U.S., new cases per day on January 8th were 300,619. When I checked the other day, it was just under 72,000 new cases per day — the lowest since late October.

But news readers are putting out a message that we shouldn't relax. Because new variants can explode on the scene, and overwhelm our hospital capacity quickly. We're not clear on whether the new variants are more hostile and deadly, or less.

And none of us truly know because this is a new virus.

Since this whole thing started in China in late 2019, I’ve recommended several ways we are able to either avoid the infection, or reverse the symptoms. I have tried to go along with the mainstream narrative that says that we can avoid the transmission, or at least slow it down enough to allow our health care system to cope with (and treat) the sick.

I would like to open a conversation about a different view. A possibility that is a lot like trying to discuss whether the Earth is the center of the universe, or whether it is a planet revolving around the sun. Sometimes our senses don't give us the correct information.

This new view is based on Virus Theory (which western medicine has practiced for the last 150 years) vs Exosome Theory (which is a new way to think about viruses, germs, and infections).

Virus Theory is the idea that viruses get into our body, inserts itself into our cells, borrows the DNA replication engine, and then is duplicated throughout your body. Then, when you sneeze, cough, or talk loudly, the virus is expelled to spread and infect other people.

But viruses aren’t alive. They have no cellular structure and don’t reproduce on their own.

The basic idea behind Exosome Theory is that we have a backwards understanding of viruses.

Exosomes are tiny balls of proteins that your cells release to combat toxicity and stress. We’re surrounded by an endless number of stressful influences that come from our air, our water, our food, our medicine, and even our wi-fi.

One this has been confirmed: Exosomes are indistinguishable from viruses.

The main difference between the two theories?

In the Virus Theory, viruses are malevolent enemies. In the Exosome Theory, they are messengers that let others know about our inner terrain.

The Exosome Theory can explain the emergence of COVID-19 including all the variants of the virus this way:

Have you noticed that influenza virus is nearly absent this year? Even the CDC admits that flu season is lower than usual in all major regions in the United States this year. The same could be said about pneumonia and other lung infections.

(It is important to note that CDC’s own numbers show that there were less total deaths in 2020 than 2018.)

Here’s where Exosome Theory comes in.

Exosome Theory hypothesizes that our cells determine how we react to the messengers that others are sharing with us. We are adapting to a changing environment. We are not being infected, we are learning how to cope with the message.

Think of it like this:

Imagine your body is an aquarium.

And your “aquarium” is changing due to all sorts of toxins which are poisoning to you at a cellular level. (Toxins include everything from 5G and VOCs to contaminants in our soil, food, water and medicine to even your own stress.)

This causes your cells to release different types of exosomes that would trigger different responses when encountered by others.

This might explain why the highly polluted New York City has had worse numbers than Florida (despite Florida having less strict lockdown rules and regulations, especially over the last several months). Or why Northern Italy was hit so hard since they have the most polluted air in all of Europe. And even Wuhan, which has the most polluted air and the highest density of 5G in China.

This theory could also explain why as many as 80% of people who get COVID-19 are either asymptomatic or only had minor cold-like symptoms and that people with pre-existing conditions have suffered worst with it.

And it could shed light on why influenza numbers are way down compared to other years (assuming we can trust the numbers coming from the CDC). Of course, we're wearing masks and being more conscious of our hygiene this year compared to other years. But Exosome Theory suggests something else might be happening.

If you’d like a quick (yet thorough) explanation of how Exosome Theory could explain COVID-19 and its variants, check out this short 9-minute video here:

Anyway, whichever way you see it, one thing has become crystal clear:

Removing toxins and stressors from your environment has never been more important. This is especially true for your air quality during the cold winter months, when coughing and sneezing are more prevalent.

I have told you about the ROS approach - rapid oxygenation using O-Spray and Amazing O (a refill for O-Spray) to wipe out any microbes that are challenging your bodily fluids to carry oxygen.

But there is another approach — prevention by eliminating the air contamination before it even gets into your nose or lungs.
That's why I encourage you to seriously consider the Vollara Air & Surface Sterilizer for your home, your office, or your business (if you have one).

Vollara’s Air & Surface Sterilizer uses a revolutionary ActivePure® Technology (also used on the Space Station) that takes in free oxygen and water molecules, transforms them into hydroxyl ions, then sends them back into the air so they can connect with and destroy pathogens.

Tests have shown that ActivePure® Technology eliminates 99.9999% of viruses, bacteria and mold in only 1-7 hours! (It also eliminates VOCs, allergens, cooking smells, pet odors, body odors, industrial smells, or any other kind of contaminants in your air or on your surfaces. If you have issues with off-gassing furniture, or the new car smells, or with mold from a flooded home, you want this.)

Not only that, but it gives your indoor air a sense of a chilly spring breeze — like the smell when you accidentally leave your windows open all day.

Vollara has two units, Mobile (500 sq ft), and Surface Pro (up to 3,000 sq ft). The larger unit is also available with an ozone option which lets you turn on the intense deodorization while you are not in the room. (The ozone model cannot currently be shipped to California or Canada.)

The best part is the technology doesn't use filters or chemicals, so you have no monthly ongoing cost. There is some maintenance required, but not much.

The Mobile will cover a car or a studio apartment. The Pro will handle your entire home, office, gym, or restaurant.

Anyway, I have a 10% discount for you. If you’d like to order a Vollara Air & Surface Sterilizer to minimize your chance of catching any current (or future) viruses, you can use the promo code VOLLA10 (all caps) at checkout after clicking the link below:

And I know I covered a lot in this email. If you have any questions about Exosome Theory, Vollara’s products, or need help picking the right model for your unique situation, either reply to this email or give me a call at (866) 543-3388 and I’ll be happy to help you.
