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Monday, March 22, 2021

Discuss This With Family Members About The Covid Shot

Discuss This With Family Members About The Covid Shot

When a vaccine goes bad, it can really go bad.

It can affect an entire family.

With a close friend who was vaccine injured as an adult, I’ve seen the awful toll it can take.

Below is a link to a very good conversation guide and disclosure form for people to have with parents and other family members before any Covid shots occur.

Often medical professionals do not fully disclose the risks of a treatment, especially the way a treatment can impact a family’s finances or the ability for family members to live a normal life.

This easy-to-read, easy-to-use, well-researched and sobering free guide, developed by Catherine Austin Fitts, is intended as a way to help make sure everyone who may be impacted by the repercussions of this decision is fully informed before a family member takes a Covid-19 shot.

Sending it to you so you can use it to prevent tragedy. A fully informed discussion needs to happen before anyone is given a shot and many doctors are avoiding that discussion. That’s sad because it’s their professional responsibility to make sure a patient provides informed consent.

Though so many doctors are asleep on the job, it’s wonderful to live in a time when so many good people like Catherine Austin Fitts are stepping up and making sure others can make fully informed decisions. She’s one of the heroes of this moment in time.



P.S. Please share this important email with friends and family who would use this resource.

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