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Sunday, October 31, 2021

Bitchute Channel

Btw, we have a Bitchute Channel, Right here.

Please subscribe and enjoy  We have more subscribers there than here actually.  I suppose people are like tl;dr


Our Paypal:

The Daily Messenger: Please...come out of Babylon

The Daily Messenger: Please...come out of Babylon:  

If coming out of Babylon means to accept Yeshua, and ask for The Holy Spirit into our hearts, that has long ago been done and happily so.  And since I was much younger.  Yay!

One of the girls is talking about the rapture though.  I thought that there was no rapture and that we all had to go through this.

But... if it means to physically move out of a location to go elsewhere, then I'm STUCK.  Because NO ONE would make an effort to move and get things done....

Everyone talks about doing this and that, and buying up private property, going off grid, blah blah blah etc... but yet they ALL sit on their rear ends in their cushy places and wait for that busticated TRUST THE PLAN BS.  I have been begging my husband, begging online, so that we could move.  Everyone is on about their stupid facebook, Netflix, movies, and other time wasting BS, while I am sitting here being a sitting duck against my wishes.  Well, I have no vehicle of my own, no drivers license, and can no longer to see to drive.

Even calling on a family member, and hoping for help, and what do I get?...


And/or a bunch of stupid questions which I am past tired of playing 20 questions.  I do NOT have time to play 20 questions and having  my time wasted.  I've had my fill of time wasters.  I'm done.  NO MORE QUESTIONS!

Now for those who need to hear the Gospel and Bible, then here are these..  Straight reading without music or sound effects is the best I was told.  If any of these are unsatisfactory, then someone let me know again please?  So I can find better ones to replace, if needed to make the appropriate correction and adjustment in posts.  Thank you.

Videos of Audio Reading:

The Holy Bible - King James Version - Dramatized Audio
by tmantz625
The entire King James Holy Bible dramatized audio recording. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by about 40 authors, in three different languages, on three different continents, over 

Want to download any of those?  Here, use this online downloader

PDF'd Document Format:


[PDF] The Holy Bible

[PDF] PDF The King James Holy Bible - Golden Plains Baptist Church

[PDF] The Holy Bible - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

PDF Bible: Download pdf book of the Bible and free Podcast
PDF Bible: Download the Bible here as a PDF, Public Domain ebook and Podcast.

Download here (2,55 MB):
PDF ebook download Download The Holy Bible King James Version
Audio Podcasts also available.

[PDF] Holy Bible - Modern Literal Version

[PDF] The NKJV Bible with an active Table of Contents - A Puritan's Mind

[PDF] Holy Bible -

Easily found via a Google Search.

Some other very important books are found next door from Our Spiritual World...

Particularly THIS POST...

the 1611 King James had 80 books) Well these books were removed in 1684, which so happens to be 333 years ago (occult numerology)

Also missing were the Torah books of the old testament. When we read these books, the whole discourse of Nimrod, the Nephilim, the fate and damnation of the Watchers on Mount Hermon, and the history behind the whole Giant issue and Chimera issue which made the punishments of YHVH sensible, given the murderous and brutish viciousness of these offspring of Lucifer and Cain.


And this late addition to this post...

The Gospel of Thomas:



Please support The Daily Messenger:  Thanks!
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:

Our Paypal: 

Thanks to ALL For Your Support, Prayers, Love and Blessings - October

Thank you to ALL For your ongoing Support, Prayers, Love and Blessings

We here would love to give a BIG THANKS and shout out to ALL who have been blessing, supporting, and praying for us in these last days / end times. Those who know us already knows that we have been struggling with increased rent and diminishing income streams. This CONvid PLANdemic/SCAMdemic has screwed us all over.

My eyesight, is one of the other reasons this blog isn't updated as much as I would like it to be. They grey text on a bright white background is extremely hard to see on the Blogger dashboard.. Plus I am still trying to get over the newer dashboard, which makes things even more difficult with their unnecessary extra aind intrusive HTML  I really like simple, which is best.

We do NOT have the funds to go see any eye doctors and dentists. and they're all whacked up with the vax weapon. SO NO THANKS! There will be NO expensive chancy surgeries nor dental work either. We do NOT trust ANY mainstream doc for ANYTHING. So for our teeth, and my eyes, we would greatly appreciate lots and lots of prayers.  Prayer is one of my favorite things to do actually. I love saying prayers for others, and also love receiving prayers too.

I can read better on this actual blog itself with the dark background and white font. I can still manage uploading videos on Bitchute, because I changed the background to night mode, Same with GAB so I can see white text, which makes a world of difference is being able to see what I'm doing, I have to zoom in ALL sites to see and read the words.  We are guessing it's the LED lighting weaponry and the 5G in town, as I am wiped out when I get back home.  So there is NO going out and having fun of any kind.  From now on, it's straight to the chiropractor and go directly home.  Hubby has to do the grocery shopping now, as walking through the stores in a fog is torturous now.  Plus those nasty LED lights  Thankfully, all bills can be paid over the phone and/or online.

Our rent went up $50 monthly and one of hubby's checks went down by $750. That WAS our groceries and supplies for the cats.  We need to move period.

Well.... If Jim Stone Freelance can do it, then so can we.  Hehehe.

Donations for October:

Anonymous Angel sent $100.00 USD & PRAYERS, Many Thanks!

Affiliate program Angel sent $22.50 USD , Many Thanks!

My prayers to all are that they are blessed 1000-fold in return, and in every way possible The Highest Love which I ask Our Holy Father to do so, while giving Him thanks.


Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thanks