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Friday, February 25, 2022

[Life Enthusiast]: brand new eyes in 30 days? (new product available)

Life Enthusiast — Last month, I had an unusual request for you. Emma Flannagan—the brains behind Amazing Soak, O-Spray, Amazing O, and OH Mist oxygenation products—spent the past 15 months researching and developing an oxygenating eye drop to help reverse your vision problems. And she needed volunteers with eye problems to sample her new eye drops, Colyrio, and track their results.

Well, the results are in!

She conducted a two-week semiformal research study testing the eye drops products on willing participants— and had amazing results.

The study showed 100% improvement of 22 different eye symptoms after just 2 weeks of treatment. And there was a 22% rate of reversing eye symptoms after 2 weeks, which will likely increase with continued treatment.

What were the symptoms this study looked at?

1. Severe dryness
2. Excess tears and watery eyes
3. Red and itchy eyes
4. Eye strain
5. Infections and pink eye
6. Secretion and crusts
7. Halo and glaring
8. Blurry vision
9. Cloudy vision
10. Double vision
11. Floaters
12. Pain
13. Pressure
14. Light sensitivity
15. Blind spots
16. Blocked tear ducts
17. Peripheral loss
18. Grainy, gritty feeling
19. Inflammation and swelling
20. Thick tears
21. Bulging
22. Poor night vision

And several of these participants reported significant improvement within 48 hours.

Here’s an even more interesting part of this study:

There were a few symptoms that participants reported improved after using the oxygenating eye drops. But they did not report them before the study began.

In other words, folks didn’t even realize they suffered from some of these problems until noticing how much better their eyes felt after!

The most common symptoms that fell into this category include eye pain, blocked tear ducts, bulging, and high pressure (among a few others).

According to early results, this oxygenating eye drop could have you feeling like you’ve got brand new eyes — in a matter of weeks.

Here’s why:

It’s a completely new way of approaching eye health.

Healthy eyes need oxygen.

When Colyrio eye drops combine with your natural tears, it purifies them, breaks down contaminants, maximizes oxygen, and improves hydration properties. Then, the outer layer of your eyeball absorbs extra oxygen, reaching deeper layers weakened by inadequate oxygenation.

As Colyrio eye drops supply more oxygen to your eye tissues, you start to gradually improve any eye problems you’re having. And in some cases, achieve maximum performance again.

Any eye problems directly caused by deficient oxygen show either significant improvement or complete reversal in just two weeks.

Check out what some participants said after the study concluded:


“The drops work very well and I felt it helped significantly and quickly.”

“Using the drops feels soothing to the eye, relieving a sense of stress. Continued use is desirable.”

“These really helped, in many ways, I wonder how much more my eyes could be helped with longer use?”

“I really don’t want to do without these eye drops! I made significant progress that I don't want to go backwards. Can’t wait until they are available to purchase! They will be part of my daily routine. Looking forward to my next eye exam to see the improvement.”

“I had little redness and irritation after using the drops which surprised me, but it wasn’t enough to stop using the drops. I was hoping for improvement in blurry vision and a decrease in eye tearing but that didn’t happen in the 2 week time but I think it may help with more time. The biggest change I noticed was the decrease in dark spot of the floater … that amazed me … it was so big that I would think a bug was on things and now it’s just almost gone. The thing that changed that I didn't even realize was that I don’t wake up with eye goobers now … I wasn’t really paying attention to that but it was a change.”

“I feel like I need more time with them. They did great things for my eyes, very positive…I have suffered with a mild upper sinus infection for over 10 years. The biggest improvement that I’ve noticed was the clearing of the upper sinus every time I've used these drops. In fact, there was about a week right there in the middle where some green goop was coming out of my eyes…a healing crisis. When these drops become available, I will continue using them. I believe I have experienced massive benefits already and am eager to see the end of some very chronic conditions. Thank you SO much for allowing me to enter this study!”

“Thank you for inviting me to this eye drop study. These eye drops have helped my eye issues improve markedly,whereas others I have been using have not. I will happily purchase them when available.”


If you’d like to try Colyrio eye drops and see if they help you with your eye and vision problems,you can order a bottle using the link below:

After you receive your bottle, use one drop in each eye, 2 to 4 times per day. (Or as often as needed for comfort.)
If you wear contacts, you can safely use these eye drops with your contacts in.



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