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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Our Spiritual World: I only have a few wonderful Souls that donate here

Our Spiritual World: I only have a few wonderful Souls that donate here


Shared.  Same here.  We get very few ourselves.  People just don't like us much at all.

My husband and I was musing about how we would like for people to like us all as much as Mr. Jim  They love him, and he does put out wonderful information, but honestly, I think YOUR info is WAY more helpful and informative than his.  But that's me, as we all love you guys long time.  I want equal fairness, is all.

We ALL put out varying kinds of different info and have our styles of posting things, wording things, and our subject materials, etc...

We have our work for The Kingdom (Yeshua's of course), and then we have our online businesses, and I feel like I'm just sitting here ruining my eyes doing our businesses and going blind doing so, just to make to make $5.

The vaccine info and health info, and other related stuff, we consider work for the Kingdom work, as we are supposed to expose the evils in the world.  And I like that kind of work.  And believe me, people HATE us for that kind of work too.  TI anyone?

The other online biz work is what's aggravating me, as I do NOT like to work businesses for NOTHING.  fI was NOT put here on Earth to work my ass off for nothing just to pay bills and die, which is what most people seem to be doing.

We are the ONLY species that has to PAY to live here.  All the other life here like wild animals do not have to pay overpriced prices just to exist.  They DO work, as hunting and searching for food, but do not have to pay rent, go into debt, etc...  I am SO over this.

And I feel like total shite because I'd like to help others more too.  Especially you guy  And I'm not able to do so either, as much as I would love to, because we are stuck in this money sucking high priced rental house,a nd need to downsize.  When I was younger, I lived in a chap mobile home and I was fine with it.  

For example, if someone was to donate, let's say $500,  $100 would go to someone else as a donation, while the rest go towards bills, food, stuff for the cats, etc...

My eyes are being destroyed sitting behind this computer, just to make $$$ to go towards whatever we need, and that's not even counting what I'd like to have in order to holy someone else out.  I can NOT get an outside job, because of my eyes especially.  That is why you are now seeing another Author n this blog here, because I am going to stop blogging eventually, as I will NOT have any choice.  That's including my video channel too.  People are always correcting my typos, grammar, missing words, as I can not always see immediately the resulting text.  I know where the letters are on Querty keyboard, but I sometimes miss the keys too.  And my hubby is watching my type, so that he can point it out to help me with this.

We just need ONE main thing, to move and then I can quietly disappear from the internet, which is what I really want now.  I need a break.  25 years worth of this is more than enough, I think.  There are much more better people for this job than me, and no none will miss me.

And I will most definitely pray for you and others to get what they need as far as donations go, etc...  My way of helping is plugging for donations for you in reposts and vids, and sharing all your info I feel is important, including posts and mirroring videos, etc...

And praying too, as I don't know what else to do

You guys and so many others are always in our prayers.


Please support The Daily Messenger:  Thanks!
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
And while you're at it, please remember to THANK HIM for all his hard work, so that we can be free and pass it on to others.

Our Paypal:
We, too, would also appreciate the help as well.

Our Spiritual World: AZOV Part Three (and the bigger picture as regards...

Our Spiritual World: AZOV Part Three (and the bigger picture as regards...:   AZOV Part Three (and the bigger picture as regards Donbas) Don Bradley March 13, 2022 The Russian people love him for the very reasons the Germans of the 1930s loved Hitler - he broke away from his Rothschild masters and decided to save his people, rather than throw 800 million of them under the bus and into the nuclear ovens. This is where we are at now...


Please support The Daily Messenger:  Thanks!
Our Spiritual World and Daily Messenger Paypal:
And while you're at it, please remember to THANK HIM for all his hard work, so that we can be free and pass it on to others.

Our Paypal:
We, too, would also appreciate the help as well.