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Friday, March 25, 2022

Our Spiritual World: Today's Miracle is brought to you by YHVH, our Adonai and Loving Father!

Our Spiritual World: Today's Miracle is brought to you by YHVH, our Adonai and Loving Father!.: Today's Miracle is brought to you by YHVH, our Adonai and Loving Father! Don Bradley Adar 22 I asked for a verse to go with this piece, after it  was written, just now. ...


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And while you're at it, please remember to THANK HIM for all his hard work, so that we can be free and pass it on to others.

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The Daily Messenger: The CIA's war manual for AZOV SS

The Daily Messenger: The CIA's war manual for AZOV SS: These people - what with their biowarfare labs aimed at wiping out racial and ethnic (not the same thing, will explain) - are simply demonic...



I've also included in our prayers to bring of House and Leadership behind The Clot Shot Vax Weapon, visible and secret into judgment as well.

Shall we also include ALL of Big pHARMa?

Shall we also include those behind 5G and 6G?  Microwave towers too?

Ask to bring House and Leadership behind the chemtrails into judgement as well?

A bit too much? Yes? No?  I can add more bad guys, you know.

ALL of these things listed above and more are acts of war against us.

I may be unable to see past 2 feet in front of me, but I can always pray.  And I LOVE to pray.  No good eyesight needed for that.  If I can manage to do anything, PRAYER is most definitely one of them.  I can still do laundry too without ruining things, for the most part.  Hehehe.


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And while you're at it, please remember to THANK HIM for all his hard work, so that we can be free and pass it on to others.

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We, too, would also appreciate the help as well.