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Monday, May 9, 2022


The Daily Messenger: THE RENUNCIATION AND AFFIRMATION COMMITMENT: As God is my eternal Witness, Savior, and judge, I do here by affirm that I am a child of God that has been purchased with the precious blood of the Lord Yeshua Christ (Romams. 6:3-11): I confess Him as my Lord and Savior and by my own volition, I specifically renounce Satan as my lord and god. As one completely acknowledging and accepting the finished work of Christ on the cross for my redemption and my only hope of eternal life, I now renounce all ancestral and genetic ties, back as many generations on my dad’s and mom’s sides that God needs to go. ...


Somehow, I must have missed this post. This is very important. We have to print this one out.


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And while you're at it, please remember to THANK HIM for all his hard work, so that we can be free and pass it on to others.

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We, too, would also appreciate the help as well. 

The Daily Messenger: water based pi pi #graphene oxide anti fungalfor #food .. this will be a bummer

The Daily Messenger: water based pi pi #graphene oxide anti fungal for #food .. this will be a bummer ...:  Brother Omar has found another ugly for us. DB ...


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And while you're at it, please remember to THANK HIM for all his hard work, so that we can be free and pass it on to others.

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We, too, would also appreciate the help as well.