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Thursday, October 30, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

[Vaccination-Liberation] Call about Ebola Vaccine Trial participation

[Vaccination-Liberation] Call about Ebola Vaccine Trial participation
From: Sheri Nakken vaccinedangers@... [Vaccination-Liberation]
To: Recipient list suppressed:;
Date: Tue, Oct 28, 2014 1:10 pm

From Melanie on one of my facebook groups..........."Just had a very scary phone call when inquiring about the ebola vaccine trials. First, this trial is full and injections have already been given. Despite this being a live vaccine (which in animal studies showed shedding to be a problem) they have decided NOT to quarantine recipients because they felt this would make it harder to find volunteers. They will only be following trial subjects for 4-8 weeks, with "quick non invasive check ins no more than once a week". When i asked if there was anything that would disqualify a candidate, she said no one with any form of an autoimmune disease would be allowed, because "those people are highly likely to have serious reactions, and we don't want to skew our results". People with mthfr (40% of the population) would also be disqualified from participation for that same reason. I followed this with a logical question "so then I guess people with autoimmune diseases and mthfr shouldn't be allowed to receive the vaccine once it's approved?" And she replied, " oh no, once approved everyone can get the vaccine" if she was reassuring me that I wouldn't be left out! So I asked her how they knew this vaccine to be safe for those with autoimmune disease and mthfr if they had been excluded from testing. She ended the call.
THIS MY FRIENDS IS HOW THEY SAFETY TEST ALL VACCINES!!!! Skewed results hand picked to show the result the want to show. Disgusting. "

Sheri Nakken, former R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath  
Vaccination Information & Choice Network, USA
Vaccines - Homeopathy
Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy Online/email courses - next classes start September

Posted by: Sheri Nakken  

[Vaccination-Liberation] Wisdom from Peter Tocci on the Ebola scare: Another highly profitable Panic Pandemic: Is This Carefully Scripted Medical Theater?

from "Gary Kohls"

“The formula is always the same: create alarm, bring a vaccine to market, then scare governments into buying billions of dollars worth of vaccines or other drugs they don't need.

“Yes, we've heard this song before, but the last time around it was entitled "Swine Flu." Or was it Bird Flu. SARS? WNV? Recall the useless and dangerous Tamiflu, a slick Rumsfeld operation.

“And pretty soon, we might have a gaggle of militarized goons like this (see farther below) running around telling everyone what to do, where to go, and dragging people off to the mandatory vaccine center, fulfilling Pharma’s wet dream:” – Peter Tocci

From: Peter Tocci
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 8:20 AM
To: Peter G Tocci
Subject: Ebola - Carefully Scripted Medical Theater?

With Ebola, we start to see elaborate medical theater manifesting: A global pandemic panic, a government patent (CDC holds a patent on an Ebola strain), the importation of Ebola into a major U.S. city, an experimental vaccine, the rise of a little-known pharmaceutical company and a public outcry for the FDA to fast-track the vaccine.
Twenty minutes of solid info on the danger and uselessness of vaccines from an MD/nephrologist (kidney damage one of the effects): )

If the Drama stays on course, it might someday involve a "laboratory accident" in a U.S. lab, the "escape" of Ebola into the population, and a mandatory nationwide Ebola vaccination campaign that enriches a new company called Tekmira and its investors, while positioning the CDC with its virus patents as the "savior of the American people.”

“Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation (TKMR) stock gained 11.3% on Friday (Aug 1/14) as the death toll in West Africa crossed 700. Investors rushed back to buy the company’s stock…

“US authorities are under pressure from health campaigners currently to fast-track a cure as the death toll keeps rising and a threat of a global pandemic increases.

“Last month, the FDA ordered clinical trials on humans to be kept on hold requesting more data on the treatment, which caused the company’s stock to slump approximately 15%. The intensified outbreak of the virus and the pressure on US authorities has again brought the stock back on track as it has gained approximately 38.6% in the last week…

“Health campaigners have started a petition which has already been signed by approximately 15,500 people on pressurizing FDA to approve the drug in the minimum possible time frame. Possibilities exist for the viral disease to spread globally as one patient has already carried the virus from Liberia to Nigeria. This may result in a pandemic which further pressurizes authorities to fast track a drug for this looming danger. The head of Wellcome Trust, a global charity, said that people at high risk of catching the disease should be offered experimental drugs to check their effectiveness….”

Sure. Panic, approve a new drug prematurely (par for the course), and if it kills people, they can say it was the virus. Witness HIV and AZT (Burroughs Wellcome).

Not that we’re sure there’s been no ‘accidental’ release before, since it is suspected that the virus was introduced to Europe in a shipment of 500 experimental monkeys from biowarfare contractor Litton Bionetics to vaccine labs. One of the earliest ‘outbreaks’ was in Marburg, Germany (Ebola was originally called the ‘Marburg virus'), the location of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, a huge Frankenstein/vaccine research outfit. Whereas, they’d like you to believe the virus ‘emerged’ from a deep dark cave in Africa. Or from a monkey—of course, what they don’t tell you is what was DONE to those innocent creatures to create the virus.

The formula is always the same: create alarm, bring a vaccine to market, then scare governments into buying billions of dollars worth of vaccines or other drugs they don't need.

Yes, we've heard this song before, but the last time around it was entitled "Swine Flu." Or was it Bird Flu. SARS? WNV? Recall the useless and dangerous Tamiflu, a slick Rumsfeld operation.

And pretty soon, we might have a gaggle of militarized goons like this running around telling everyone what to do, where to go, and dragging people off to the mandatory vaccine center, fulfilling Pharma’s wet dream:

Subliminal Pro Vaccine Programming On Google Search.

Or is it in your face?

Usually on the home page of Google is the Google logo, which most everyone with a computer and internet are familiar with.

Sometimes on holidays or other random (?) days, there's a picture of something to relate to the holiday or day.

So noticing today's Google home page was this. Click out to see full size...

Note the people in the picture.  Represents India children and most interesting is the Raggedy Ann lookalike child.

Here is just the graphic itself I grabbed.

Note closely the people in the picture.  The first clue is Dr. "Jonas" Salk.  And also the praises of  "oh how wonderful and great" his vaccine invention is by he little ones pictured in the graphic.  It is purposely depicted as them being thankful to him for his Polio Vaccine invention (especially the India children, thanks to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation).

Activists in the anti-vaccine movement know the widespread damage that the Polio vaccine has caused over there.

Also note the India children (it wasn't hard to see and figure that one out) and most interesting is the Raggedy Ann lookalike child, next to an obvious dark skin India child.  The REAL story behind Raggedy Ann? Well, it's death from a vaccine, and so the picture is basically saying non verbally that the India child is also targeted to die in the same way.

By Alan R. Yurko, CPCC, Sc.

TPTB are desperate in their pro-vaccine programming, because every day, more and more people are waking up to this ongoing vaccine tragedy.

Unless you're aware of their tactics and/or anti-vaccine, most won't even get that this is programming.

Another reason it was put up there was to celebrate and recognize Salk's birthday. Those graphics are called Google's Doodles.

And to show how fucking stupid people really are?  This graphic of someone's text post is Infuriating. Go ahead idiot.  Get your damn vaccines, because after all, the world needs fewer idiots like you.

You're a fucking sheep and idiot.  Please get all your vaccines and do us all a favor by exiting this planet.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

[Vaccination-Liberation] In school vaccination programs

Some may still be unaware that since the 2009 false pandemic, HEALTH & HUMANS SERVICES, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF (private for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet) has been moving to set up vaccination clinics in the schools.

During the school vaccination program in 2009 many reports of children being vaccinated without parental permission came in.

Basically, the exemptions we used to believe would protect our children are no longer a certainty. So, is it time to forget exemptions, play hard ball and scare the bejeezus out of them? The name of the game is who will get stuck with the liability. Let's let them know - in writing - that it we won't accept it either.

If I had a child in school today, this is what I would send the Superintendent:


Dear Superintendent Smith,

My daughter Julie Doe attends Merrydale Elementary school in your district.

Recently I became aware that there is a growing effort to establish school vaccination programs.

As long as the companies that manufacture vaccines have immunity from any and all harm their products may cause (Supreme Court: Bruecewitz v Wyeth, 2011), they no longer warrant their vaccines as either safe or effective. I do not accept the Vaccination Compensation Fund as a substitute for their failure to stand behind their own products. 

The legislature of the STATE OF OHIO has no authority to insist that children are given potentially dangerous - and unwarranted - drugs as a condition for attending school. Legislators are not qualified to make vaccine safety determinations and the CDC, who publishes the recommendations they are given, is nothing more than a for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet with ties to vaccine companies.

Until immunity is removed from vaccine manufacturers, I cannot permit their questionable products to be injected into my daughter.

I am not requesting a vaccine exemption, I am just notifying you that to insure my daughter does not suffer harm or injury, I refuse to have her injected with any unwarranted pharmaceutical product.

If you and/or the school district wishes to assume the liability for any harm or injury that my daughter might suffer by receiving your required vaccinations, put your indemnification in writing and send it to me via certified mail.

Please place this letter/notice in my child's school record and understand that if anyone associated with your school injects my child with any vaccine, I will hold them and/or the school district personally liable for their action. As a private corporation your school has no immunity, unless I consent to all your rules, which I do not. (Supreme Court: Bond v UNITED STATES, 2000)


Jane Doe

Have signature notarized



Saturday, October 25, 2014

The CANCER ACT of 1939

Has anybody heard of “The Cancer Act” that was introduced in 1939?

It appears that not many people know anything about it, yet many thousands of people have, and will continue to suffer from it’s effects. Basically, it is a particularly restrictive and pernicious piece of legislation which prevents people from writing or speaking about the FACT that it is indeed possible to cure cancer using alternative methods.

The Cancer Act may also be the reason why many websites and blogs are now being threatened with fines of up to £1000, simply for alerting people to the very  real dangers associated with conventional treatments.

Cancer is BIG business for Big pHARMa.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Who said it has to be on Thursday?  I don't march to the same drum as everyone else anyway.

How about TGIF, um well, never mind.  I found some forgotten treasures a few days ago, so moving on to the good stuffs...

What a climber! You Lil' sneaking troll!

Chubby cheeks, but no one ever pinched them.

KYOOT Lil' Triker!

My spoon.... No!  You Can Not Has!

The hell was I looking at?! Oh yeah right, the blanket was catching on fire. lol

Loved that hat!

A father and three daughters.
Some time after the horse kicked me in the face, and then to make matters worse,
my mother chops off my hair making me look really ugly.  Thanks alot for that!

Tom. Looks like Ricky Ricardo (Desi Arnaz).

Looks like the baby is flippin' the camera a bird.
And the little boy?  His father hated him and always made out
like the boy was never going to amount to anything.
Well, he tried, but didn't succeed, thanks to the father.
God bless the little ones.  Always!

The precious brother.  God bless and rest his soul!

Cutie younger sister!

The most coveted baby of all!

Toddler sister.

Another toddler sister.

Don't either one of them look happy at all.  Hospital doctor killed baby brother.
Not a very happy time then.  It was weird seeing your mom cry.

More throwbacks coming laterz...

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than a Flu!

A Shot of Truth
10 Reasons Why Flu Shots Are More Dangerous Than a Flu! The verdict is out on flu shots. Many medical experts now agree it is more important to protect yourself and your family from the flu vaccine than the flu itself.

How about a BIG HELL NO?!

The Legal Authority to Send Ebola Patients to FEMA Camps

The following is by Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show, from October 11, 2104. It demonstrates his lack of knowledge regarding both our 'government' and our 'legal' system.

Ebola Patients and Exposed Persons to be Sent to Death Camps According to HHS Documents


The Legal Authority to Send Ebola Patients to FEMA Camps

Before one can “legally” transport Ebola patients to “death camps” and await the inevitable, the public must be reassured that the rule of law is being followed.

When Ebola strikes, the changes in the handling of Ebola patients have already been planned for through a series of legal actions, most of them are Executive Orders. For example, the Executive Order, entitled Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends Executive Order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals”, and Ebola is specifically mentioned. Obama’s executive order, entitled, Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases, amends Bush’s Executive Order 13295, which allows for the, “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals  to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases.”

Even though President Bush specifically mentioned Ebola as an illness which would permit the authorities to utilize forced quarantines, Obama takes this portion of the Executive Order to a whole new level. Obama has granted his administration the authority to detain, in any manner deemed necessary, any person who demonstrates any degree of respiratory distress. This means people with noninfectious asthma could be detained.

When the forced transport of Ebola patients begins to occur, relatively healthy people will be joining them in this death parade march. The operational details will be covered later in this article.

Once you understand the Bond v UNITED STATES case, you will see the issue in a whole new - and more accurate - way.

Hodges said a mouthful in his very first statement:
"Before one can “legally” transport Ebola patients to “death camps” and await the inevitable, the public must be reassured that the rule of law is being followed."

If you think of placing people into custody for the purpose of inoculation and/or quarantine as crime scene number one, you will understand that is where we need to deny our consent. Once in the "custody" of the corporation's employees, it will be presumed that you have acquiesced to their authority. It doesn't matter if you are requested or ordered to comply, the response should be the same - denial of consent - in writing.

Remember, today what is calling itself our 'government' is nothing more than a private corporate franchise network pretending to be a sovereign government. All they can do is write rules for non-human legal "persons" (your all caps name). And many of us believe that our best defense (at the moment) is to expose their fraud and NOT CONSENT.

4.  Enforcement of corporate statutes, rules, regulations or Executive Orders by law enforcement officers - without full disclosure and written consent - are unlawful and these officers can be held personally liable for their actions.

I can think of no better time to challenge their authority than this fake ebola pandemic. Maybe, it is a blessing in disguise. Maybe the BAR and everyone else will finally wake up to the truth.

Why is the Bar Guild so hell-bent on keeping everything on the private side? Because the public side invokes constitutional issues and nothing they do can withstand a constitutional challenge. The organic Constitution still exists in its original glory and authority and is buried in the US Printing Office. All amendments since 1871 do not exist. Why? It was the "corporate mission statement" for the District of Columbia that was written in 1871 to resemble the organic Constitution. It is that corporate mission statement that has been amended since 1871 and chopped up as of late.

That DC corporation - and all of its appendages - are bound by the Law of Contracts (see Bond v UNITED STATES). So, we must not consent or agree to contract with them. They do not represent us or our best interests and haven't for a very very long time.

Best to all,


The Daily Messenger: From Ghana: Ebola the only people who have gotten ...

The Daily Messenger: From Ghana: Ebola the only people who have gotten ...: Other than the original Facebook post, this web site is the first one to carry this and it needs to be spread, the future may be riding on ...


And this is really disturbing...

Further reading:

The Battle Lines Are Drawn: Refuse an "Ebola Vaccine" - The Scamming Medical Community -

I am not making this up, folks: I was first warned about modified bacteriophages by friends in the medical community who said they have personally witnessed the modified bacteriophage technology, that it is really advanced already, and that it causes permanent destruction to both the recipient of the shot and to subsequent generations of children – a permanent wipeout of who you are that will be passed down through the generations. And that was five years ago, in 2009. The passing along of the pacified traits to subsequent generations is accomplished via DNA insertion performed by lytic bacteriophages – which can insert new DNA into host cells, including in the testicles and ovaries, without killing the host cells. Once this happens, all subsequent generations carry the traits contained in the genetic code the bacteriophages inserted.  
For the kill factor, rapidly multiplying lysogenic phages will be used instead. Modified bacteriophage viruses were chosen because they are highly selective with what they will attack, so a precision application can be accomplished.

There's your zombie apocalypse folks!   And don't you just know they've been wetting their pants from this possibility.  Wet dream come true.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Suckers Needed For Experimentation!

Ermmmm... .Volunteers.  You know, those idiots stupid enough to fall for this.

National Vaccine Information CenterJennifer shared this vaccine research opportunity suggesting we: "Post this for your AVWOS trolls. Tell them it is their civic duty to participate." Interested parties may contact the numbers shown...

This is going to be one of the mediums to SPREAD it, then after it's spreading, then they will force first responders (health care workers, nurses, etc...), and after the first responders spread it even more, then make it mandatory, and spread it some more.  And then they'll be like, "well, I guess the vaccine failed".  Actually, it will be a success in spreading it, which is what they want to declare a state of emergency and martial law.  Generate an immune response?  I think more like generate a REAL pandemic.  We see this every time a pandemic threat is hyped.  The Smallpox scam, the SARS scam, the Mad Cow scam, the H1N1 scam.  It's the same shit with a different name, is all.  And ALWAYS a vaccine or drug is coming.   Same shit, different day.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

[AntiCorruption Society] Seven Step Ebola Response Plan

[AntiCorruption Society] Seven Step Ebola Response Plan

A MUST read!!

Seven Step Ebola Response Plan
A PLAN OF ACTION TO EXPOSE AND OPPOSE A FAKE PANDEMIC VACCINATION/ISOLATION CAMPAIGN! by AL Whitney © copyround 2014 Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and the ANTICORRUPTIONSOCIETY.COM

Arts, Graphics, Online Editing sites, etc...

I LOVE working on graphics and artsy stuff.

I like taking a plain picture and editing it, adding color effects, making collages and building graphics from scratch.   It's a lot of fun to make pictures with effects and graphics out of scratch.

Creating is an outlet for my ever present frustrations.

The kind of things that photoshop can do, but without having actual photoshop. Here are some pictures that I've added effects to and then some I made from scratch, etc....


Kissy with same effect.

Hell yeah on the NCR cheekbones!


I just bought some of that Youngique 3D Mascara from my sister,
so I tried it out and snapped some pics to show off my eyes with it on.
Nothing like a cartoonized effect!
This one don't even look like me, but it is.
Camera angles, makeup and effects are everything, when desiring a certain look.
I LOVE color, and love making the use of it for a real neat effect.
Submission to the Collecty site for voting.
Cartoon graphics with transparent PNG overlayering of transparent graphics.
Making .gif graphics are fun too.
A transparent badge!
Layering transparent graphics, over one another into one graphic.
This one is also a collectible submission submitted to the Collecty site.
Made this one from two different programs to get this result,
which was used on the ice bucket challenge posts.

I started making my own album artwork instead of asking others to help.

Nyan Cat Stuff
Collect ALL The Things! (C.A.T.T.)

When C.A.T.T. went down.  The collecty site.

These are trolls on my toes and they HURT!

C.A.T.T. site was still down.  Everyone was in a panicked state by then.

This submission won that week and was in the collecty set.
Used two different online programs for this one.
Basement Cat Meme Collecty submission.

OREO Speedwagon Meme for REO Speedwagon group
and Can't Fight This Feeling Song.  Made totally from scratch.
This one was submitted and made it to the "Play On Words" collecty set.

A totally look like meme of a cartoon of yours truly and a cat doing the same thing.

Flustered, are ya?
Wouldn't ya just love to be able to?   lol
The Lord giveth us good things, and the government taketh away.

Ceiling Cat Meme
Zombie Cat Orgone Meme by request.

C.A.T. T.  Meme for fbastage to fix the forum and game collecty site.
C.A.T.T. Collecty submission for Mother's Day set.
Collecty submission for the Faces of Happy set.
Made from scratch.  It won and made it into the set.

Silleh Wabbit.... Easter is Nawt About U!
First place in Easter Collecty set.
Xtreme Makover Meme submission in a Collecty set.
Catdid Camera submission and 1st Place Winner in C.A.T.T. collecty set.
Fickle Kitteh Meme

Collecty submission and winner for a set.

Little Green Men, errrr, I mean Kittehs!
My sister's cat has skeletons in the closet too, apparently.
This skeleton in my brother-in-law's closet praying not to be found out.

One of my sisters wanted me to put skeletons in her husband's new closet, 
so I came up with this funny.  LOL!

Sites used: