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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Re-framing the Vaccine Debate

Serious words of caution from medical researcher & journalist Jon Rappoport:
10 min audio clip from recent interview on Red Ice Radio

We are at a crossroads regarding vaccine exemptions specifically and healthcare mandates in general. In light of Obamacare the two are interlinked.

Time to take it all very seriously. So, in light of Jon's wise counsel, let's start talking about Re-framing the Vaccine Debate

If we don't start playing hardball, we will lose - just as the folks in California lost the GMO battle.

AL Whitney

Retired Registered Respiratory Therapist
Former Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children
Spouse of a retired Family Practitioner

People for Safe Technologies


On the Re-framing the Vaccine Debate page, be sure to scroll down to the Re-framed debate and download the linked to PDF ebook.  The link is Vaccination Notice (pgs 29-34)

The e-book is called Lawfully Yours.