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Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday Cuss And Discuss 15 July 2016

Anyone that cares about the welfare of others deserves to be supported as far as I'm concerned. So these are William's links.

Published on 15 Jul 2016
Stock Up On Survival Food Today! -

Great Tea To Rid Your Body of Toxins! -

Earn Extra Income From Weather Patterns With This Secret System!

And these might be a good investment, after all.  He didn't put the link to them up, but am glad he finally mentioned the brand and where to get it.

Kimber Pepper Blaster - Red on Amazon by Pepper Blaster II

Inside Pants IWB Holster for KIMBER Pepper Blaster 2

He mentions the Kelly Kettle in some of his videos, but never put a link up, but we did put him down as the referrer, when we signed up for the site, so we can be put under him. Our way to support him that way too.   Kelly Kettle USA


Soul Of Healing Summit: DAY 5 - ENERGY MEDICINE

DAY 5 (July 15, after 10am US eastern)
Today, the subtle aspects of healing are undeniably powerful, and what our speakers cover is far beyond anything you may have previously learned about “energy healing.” Get the real scoop on the scientifically backed, miraculous healing benefits of true energy medicine at The Soul of Healing Summit!

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Eric Pearl
Eric Pearl, DC, Founder of The Reconnection
How to Access Reconnective Healing Frequencies
  • Powerful system that is far beyond energy healing
  • Why removing symptoms will not get you the health you desire
  • How to get out of the way and allow the body to heal
Mingtong Gu
Mingtong Gu, Qigong Master, Founder of The Chi Center
The Healing Power of Chi
  • Self-heal chronic/acute conditions through Wisdom Healing Qigong
  • Shift between your body’s 2 primary energy states
  • Instantly reduce or dissolve physical pain on the spot
Kimberly McGeorge
Kimberly McGeorge, ND, CNH
How to Heal through the Frequency of the Soul
  • Embrace your body frequencies for self-healing
  • Overcome medical mysteries using harmonic living principles
  • Integrative medicine combining naturopathy and energy healing
Matt Kreinheder
Matt Kreinheder, DC, LAc
Demystifying Energy Medicine
  • What is energy and why is it critical to your healing journey?
  • Every injury and illness is a call for more energy
  • How to change your energy states to enhance healing capacity


Commentary and Thoughts:

May be scarce and unlikely this time around, due to time restraints and other work and/or projects. It's very time consuming, but will find as many transcripts for each speaker, as was done during last summit.  Having company takes the wind out of us sometimes, even though very much enjoyable.

If something really grabs me, then I might post a quick commentary.


Eric Pearl, DC
How to Access Reconnective Healing Frequencies

What You'll Learn -

Powerful system that is far beyond energy healing
Why removing symptoms will not get you the health you desire
How to get out of the way and allow the body to hea

Transcript:  Eric Pearl, DC  (PDF)


Mingtong Gu
The Healing Power of Chi

What You'll Learn -

Self-heal chronic/acute conditions through Wisdom Healing Qigong
Shift gears between your body’s 2 primary energy states
Instantly reduce or dissolve physical pain on the spot

Transcript:  Mingtong Gu  (PDF)


Kimberly McGeorge, ND, CNH
How to Heal through the Frequency of the Soul

What You'll Learn -

Embrace your body frequencies for self-healing
Overcome medical mysteries using harmonic living principles
Integrative medicine combining naturopathy and energy healing

Transcript:  Kimberly McGeorge, ND, CNH  (PDF)


Matt Kreinheder, DC, LAc
Demystifying Energy Medicine

What You'll Learn -

What is energy and why is it critical to your healing journey?
Every injury and illness is a call for more energy
How to change your energy states to enhance healing capacity

Transcript:  Matt Kreinheder, DC, LAc  (PDF)


Transcripts are up.  Enjoy.
