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Friday, November 25, 2016

Replay Weekend!! Betrayal Series

ALL talks (videos) are open this weekend.

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Or you can just pick and choose among the individual video pages.

  1. Betrayal Video 1
  2. Betrayal Video 2
  3. Betrayal Video 3
  4. Betrayal Video 4
  5. Betrayal Video 5
  6. Betrayal Video 6
  7. Betrayal Video 7

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Thoughts & Commentary:

There has been an overwhelming response of this series, over the the rest of summits, I have posted here. SO many folks are wrestling with various kinds of autoimmune diseases.

So this weekend, we have the replay of all the Betrayal Series talks, and also TTAC Live Symposium 2016 Replay going on right now.


“Vaxxed” Documentary Producer Dr. Andrew Wakefield Speaking Tonight. Watch Online.

It started TODAY! Replay of the The Truth About Cancer Ultimate LIVE Symposium

9:00 am EST TODAY and goes through Sunday, November 27th at 6:30pm EST.

Hosted by The Truth About Cancer

Join 15,000 of Your Peers Watching this One-of-a-Kind “Cancer Answers” Weekend Online
[watch] The Crisis in Public Health: Profit vs. Humanity, from Dr. Andrew Wakefield

The Truth About Cancer’s big “Ultimate Live Symposium” is streaming live right now, with some really interesting presentations coming up.

If you’re not on the list to watch this yet, take 2 minutes and register to watch online, so you can see what some of these experts have to say about the state of health in America.

Specifically, I want to tell you about the keynote speech coming up tonight that you definitely do NOT want to miss…

It’s called “The Crisis in Public Health: Profit vs. Humanity,” from Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

You may recognize his name -- he’s the doctor who just produced the hugely-popular (and some say controversial) documentary “Vaxxed.”

It was even pulled From Tribeca Film Festival, but that didn’t stop Robert DeNiro from going on national TV to say that “everyone needs to see this film.”

Dr. Wakefield is a fascinating guy who never intended to become an “alternative health guru,” but the evidence left him no choice but to speak out and pull back the curtain on what’s really going on.

And he goes on at 6:45pm Eastern tonight.  Don’t miss this.

Click here to get the link to watch the presentations.

To your health!

Affiliate Registration:

Are you promoting to other potential affiliates? If you sign up other affiliates, you’ll receive a percentage of any sales they generate? 

Join us as an affiliate for TTAC!
  • Educate your community — the most important bonus!
  • Images, sample copy and videos provided
  • 50% commission on each sale generated (you can purchase a summit from your own link, provided you didn't register to watch online from another affiliate, which is why we encourage affiliate registrations first.)
  • No cost to register!
Know someone who would make a fantastic affiliate? Use this link to send them directly to the affiliate registration form and if you would like to help others and spread the word...

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Will you help us?

Since May 2014, we’ve empowered millions of people with real answers and solutions for preventing, treating and beating Cancer naturally.

We’ve created 3 online docu-series (documentary mini-series), 1 live event and have had 6 launches since inception & have collected nearly 2,000,000 event registrants (subscribers), with more than 12 million episode views and received thousands of personal letters/emails from people saying “I (or a loved one) am alive today because of your event.”

Our affiliate partners have been paid more than $9.5 million dollars for sharing our events with their audiences through email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

And by the way, our affiliates get to share pure high quality content with their list and NEVER send a sales email to their list while sharing our events.

Our most recent live event web-stream in Oct 2016 for The Ultimate Live Symposium had an EPIC impact with a 59% average opt in rate with over 319,311 people who registered.  Our affiliates averaged a $2.32 EPC.

Our docuseries in April 2016 — for The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, affiliates have averaged $2.02 EPC earnings per click across all platforms (meaning this is an overall average EPC including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube leads, etc. – not just warm email traffic).


In the last two years, we’ve donated $300,000+ to the following charities: Independent Cancer Research Foundation (ICRF), Healing Strong, Cancer Crackdown, American Anti-Cancer Institute (AACI) & The Nicolas Gonzalez Foundation.

And my favorite was donating $10,000 to Cassandra Callender, the Connecticut teenage who made national headlines after being forced chemotherapy against her wishes.

Thank you!
