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Monday, February 19, 2018

Essential Oils Masterclass Starts Tomorrow!

How many of you are using essential oils instead of vaccines and TamiFlu to get well and as a preventative?

Quite a few of us, actually.

We have been using various essential oils for anti-microbial needs, as a preventative, and diffusing them to disinfect the air.  Even those we know who have caught this current "chemtrail" flu have used them in capsules to knock whatever out of their systems.  The vaccinated are mostly affected, but a few non-vax folks still have caught it, especially if they go out quite a bit, like to work, errands, etc...

Want to learn about essential oils and how to use them? Check out this new series!

Go here to sign up for the Essential Oils Masterclass:

We are so excited!  We are already distributors for doTERRA, so this will be very helpful in knowing how to use them properly.  We know most of it, but there is always something new we haven't heard of yet.

Setting the Foundation
Lesson 1: Aromatherapy History & Basics
Lesson 2: Inhalation Guide & Safety Tips
Lesson 3: Topical Application Guide & Safety Tips
Lesson 4: Internal Use Guide & Safety Tips

Natural Solutions for a Toxic-Free Home
Lesson 5: DIY Body Care Products
Lesson 6: DIY Cleaning Products
Lesson 7: Cooking with Essential Oils

Regaining Control of Your Health
Lesson 8: Preventing Disease with Essential Oils
Lesson 9: Treating Disease with Essential Oils
Lesson 10: Advanced Strategies & Protocols

Go here to sign up for the Essential Oils Masterclass

A couple of videos with testimonials:

Attention Essential Oils Distributors and Enthusiasts!

We'd love to have you join us as an affiliate for this Masterclass event -- delivering more information for the world to live healthier and happier's what we all do! Thank you in advance!

Affiliates sign up here


Juicing and Raw Foods: Pro-Cannabis Doctor, Who Fought Against Big Pharma...

Juicing and Raw Foods: Pro-Cannabis Doctor, Who Fought Against Big Pharma...: By theindigenousamericans_6i2sru   On February 13, 2018 February 13, 2018   Holistic pro-cannabis doctor found dead...


Go to and especially read under the references.

Vaccine Supporter Threatens Mass Shooting… “I’m gonna kill as many of you f#cks as I can before I go down.”

Hypothesis #1 – Corporate Target The University of California library shows Merck systematically targeted “hit lists” of doctors to neutralize critics of Merck product safety. In one email, an executive stated, “we may need to seek them out and destroy them [doctors] where they live…” [1-4]

Now go to the bottom of the page under references and read those documents (lists) and download the PDFs...


1. Physicians to neutralize –
2. List –

Author : Merck & Co.
Click for full size screenshot


Could it be more in our face than this?! Never saw her name on the lists from the VacTruth article References list, but her name more than likely on a shit list elsewhere. Those files are proof that the pHARMa devils are keeping lists, all the same.

We have to educate ourselves and be OUR OWN doctors these days.  That's why all the summit posts, the various trainings and seminars like ABC, NCR, etc...

And all the research and such we've done for the past 20 years or so.

Gotta learn our own shit folks! This is war!

May Dr. Sonya Kay Forbes RIP.