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Saturday, July 14, 2018

[The Candida Summit]: Day 6 - WiFi, EMF, cell phone towers, dirty electricity and other sources of EMFs that are making us sick!

DAY 6 (JULY 14, after 10am US eastern)

Today at The Candida Summit, the amazing Dr. Klinghardt discusses WiFi, EMF, cell phone towers, dirty electricity and other sources of EMFs that are making us sick. Learn what you can do to protect yourself from this invisible, silent toxin that\'s destroying civilization!

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[LEARN TODAY] #WiFi, #EMF, cell phone towers, dirty electricity and other sources of EMFs that are making us sick! #CandidaSummit


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Candida Summit

Our Spiritual World: If you err, make a big mistake in your life and are worried, remember and know the following ...

Our Spiritual World: If you err, make a big mistake in your life and are worried, remember and know the following ...:

MICAH 7:18-20 18 Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? He retaineth not His anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy...

This was once a tree, a very long time ago. You are looking at a stump. I took this picture 2 years ago in northern Arizona, off route 66.  ~Don Bradley - Our Spiritual World


Yeah, am always worried.  Because... Lawdy have mercy on me! (in strong southern accent!) And bBecause I have done many stupid things.  I feel bad about alot of stuff.

And am about to do another stupid thing like punch the computer or something because Firefox and Blogger are incompatible with one another.  I saved a draft of notes, which I always do, and it still published and I had to go un-publish.  And also weird HTML stuff in the posts, which I have to go CLEAN OUT constantly.  And this stupid extra space that gets AUTO inserted.  Bah!! Let us do our own HTML stuff please?!  There are "invisible gaslighters" about our blogs and stuff. And I've made comments on posts and such, many times, only to find the words changed to something else I DID NOT type. Or disappearing words, or even sentences. And videos like from a blog post the other day.  It was on here in the edit window and once published... POOF!  Video is gone!  Had to re-add it.

I'm thinking auto-correct and gaslighters are one in the same. Digital gaslighters, that is. So these "digital problems" are just stupd things being done to us, and Lawdy have mercy on them and their stupid mistakes too,   Hehe.  Well, my attempt at being funny is probably a Nope!

And while the thought remains in my hard head, I'm also thinking that's exactly how some have been and/are getting set up. Undermining and gaslighting. And also how misunderstandings happen.  So reading between the lines is helpful to avoid those, I think. Another safeguard.solution?.. screenshots and PDF to save originals, me thinks, as someone recently reminded me.

Ancient tree stumps...  

Dunno about anyone else, but I would LOVE to have all of our big trees back.

Maybe Dad will make the repairs and let those "permanent atoms" of Earth from the box and make this possible. And because it was raised beyond the kin of the reptilian races by Yeshua's blood, let no one destroy it ever again.  Yes, I remember having read that from long ago.

So I have prayed before for the tall trees and increased oxygen to come back. So prayers can move mountains.

“Then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said, Why could not we cast him out?  And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.  Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting” (Matt. 17:14-21).

So yeah, I'm praying for restoration of Earth by moving mountains (read regrowing mountains back into trees! Ahem!)

And the real deal too please.  No Mandela effects or gaslighting.  By Dad's guidance and hands only.  But we can pray it to move or bring into existence as per above scriptures.

I guess what my abstract over-thinking brain is looking for is the word  "Temporal Anomalies", which, yes, I had to look it up.  From one of my many fav paranormal movies.

And you know what?!  This probably makes no sense to anyone but me anyway.  My brain is now blonde to match my hair (Hehehe!), but I was born a redhead ginger. I guess what I'm trying to say that I am upset over the evil that has been dickingn around and destroyed Dad's Creation, and I would like to have it back, along with our original bodies or what they were supposed to be. So some of the things that make us sad are the things that have been kept and/or taken away from us.

So big trees producing more oxygen, double the atmospheric or air pressure and chop away at this awful aging curse. And I have the whole list of the various contributions to this aging curse, and it's all filed away in that filing cabinet in my brain.

You see, I was watching this youtube video which has some scenes from the movie Avatar (yes, I'm lame and my daughter and I both love the movie!), and I love that Kent Hovind is on there talking about the Pre-Flood era and the extra oxygen we used to have. I need to order his DVDs.

Hello hyperbaric oxygen chambers! 

Okay, I'm going to shut up now.  Had no intention of writing a short story book, sorry about that. Just got me thinking about stuff.  I'm just in one of these over-thinking moods.  Never mind me.  The original post MICAH 7:18-20 and meaning.  Dad has mercy on us, and yes, we try to do our best in every way we possibly can. And we simply ask for forgiveness of any and transgressions.

I would imagine HUGE trees above the mountain like this.  Picture courtesy of this blog...

God bless our Daily Messenger and his loving words of wisdom shared with us all through these posts.  There are no words to describe how grateful and thankful we are for him and his daily messages (posts).  Thank you!


The Daily Messenger: Broke one million views on this, of four blogs YAY...

The Daily Messenger: Broke one million views on this, of four blogs YAY...: Make straight the winding satanic road. So, I will. There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile...then Dad sent his guys in to deal with this dealer of corruption. Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8 And so it was, that I became here, again as was before time. ...


My stats (this blog only)...

Pageviews today  164

Pageviews yesterday  225

Pageviews last month  9,468

Pageviews all time history  280,611

Followers  14


I'm pretty sure I have robo-clicks or rather robo-subscribers on my youtube channel.  I get all these random"subscribers" who are gamers and the like.  The kind that I have NOTHING in common with.  There is nothing on my channel that would interest those types.!topic/youtube/CNBE4BhWpMM

I'm probably going to end up losing youtube anyway.

It appears to be "gaslighters" messing with our stuff.

Like The Sacred Plant affiliate folks who provided us with trailers videos, creatives, ad copies, and stuff to use from their iDrive thing.  And then turn around an issue copyright strikes against my channel.   Sorry, but I am calling them out here, because it is bad business to provide something to someone and then punish them for using it.

We were told in the affiliate emails that we were allowed to use them.   This is the one we used.  Like a sneak peek trailer.  NOT an entire video.  We got them from this page:

The excuse to me was it was an automated strike. And then after bringing it up to them, their "automated bullshit" issued me yet another one.  And I FLAT OUT REFUSE to go to some bullshit copyright school on youtube, because that would mean I would be admitting it.  NOPE!  You people gave us those marketing videos to use.  So youtube and pals can PISS OFF.

I still loved the Sacred Plant docu-series and information, but what a bad way to do their affiliates.

I think I will just stick with Health Talks Online, Jamie and Mark from TTAV/TTAC/TTAPC because they all have their shit together.  And I like all the stuff from Patrick Gentempo and pals, even though they are alow about getting our $$$ to us, but they still have the same user-friendly way of dealing with affiliates.  We just have to remind them at times. There are a few others we like to work with too.

I had no idea about the Ranger and other popular pals posting my stuff.  I pretty much thought I was a virtual unknown in their eyes.  Apparently, he got copyright strikes on his youtube channel a while back too. At any rate, I hope and pray that people were helped by the posts whether from me or him/them.  What matters to me is that any info presented saved lives.  And if that is so, I can live with it.  So, no angries here.  Nah!  I will let Dad sort it out accordingly.

Now, regarding $$$, I never felt that I was robbed, but it would be nice to have some of that "chunk of change",  and you already know full well I would be helping our favorite daily messenger with it.  Ahem!  :D  Thank you always for your kinds words to us.  You and your family (including Mike and Tink) are in our prayers always.

Now we do have our 2nd Tier affiliates who signup UNDER US in some of these 2-tier programs. We get a smaller percentage of what they sell, so I DO give them full permission to grab what they need off of here, my youtube channel to help them out too.  I learned all about downline support from Rob. So I tell Branden, Dennis and the rest of my 2nd Tier affiliates that they can plagiarize the shit out of my blogs and videos to help with their promotions. And I give them my blessings for doing so. That is why they like signing up under us, because they have our help and full support to help them be successful too. We all benefit and are blessed by it.  So that's a good thing.


I got a weird reaction from someone famous in a public church.  When we lived in FL, I want to the Benny Hinn church and was right next to the stage where he was going on with his thing, and when he looked at me, he turned away quickly, and I was like, "what was that all about?"  I know I'm not drop dead gorgeous, but certainly not hideous. Haha.  And another time my hubby and I were in a place in line to order a takeout and a cute little girl was standing beside us just staring at me intensely.  Never in a bad way, but just staring at me.  I smiled at her and went on my way. There's more, but these two came to mind right away.

Bell Rock looks like another ancient tree stump.

I am so very upset over the glass in the supplement incident.  I have been posting about corrupted supplements here for some time.  Cellulose, etc... but geez, glass?  WTF?  That is just pure evil.

Okay, so I am very protective over our favorite daily messenger and family (including kittehs). We love them and keep them in our prayers.  So my incessant praying (without ceasing as per 1 Thessalonians 5:17), I pray that Our Father will get whoever is responsible for that and GET THEM GOOD!  Let the judgement hammer come down hard upon all who would harm him, his family or his cats.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 King James Version (KJV)

17 Pray without ceasing.
