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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Daily Messenger: Help Cecil, Help! With videos that is.

The Daily Messenger: Help Cecil, Help! With videos that is.: I've been asking folks in YouTube land for what software they use to make their online vids, and no one - AND I MEAN NO ONE- will answer.


Now I'm asking you all. What is the easiest, best, software to use and what hardware should i have to do two kinds of vids

voice overs on screenshot/clips
and the above with DB insertion shots

I have a blue Yeti mic. And a functional CPU big box.

I put it to you, those who know, to put me in the right direction.


Oh, write me at


Matt and Don, better days

The videos I made were amateur like.  The program that comes with Windows called Windows Movie Maker.  MACs have iMovie, I think, and this MAC has no video app.

I'll ask around.  I did attempt some online video makers, but user UNfriendly, for the most part.

Very few of the YouTube videos I have watched had listed what programs they used.

I'll start listing them here as I find them, and ask others myself.

There's a war coming...

Ban gay people... there’d be a riot

Ban black people... there’d be a riot

Ban white people... there’d be a riot

Ban HEALTHY unvaccinated children... watch tons and tons and tons of people FULLY SUPPORT.

THIS ISN’T OK. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻

Over 18 and UNVACCINATED you’re fine...... under 18 and UNVACCINATED public BAN for 30 days.......

This is ALL about destroying the children...

Vaccines are poison and evil, so forced vaccination is child abuse.
What does the Bible say about child abuse? - Got Questions?

Briefly covering NK news. The Rest of video explains how dangerous Vacci...

The Nagalase in the Vaccines disables your immune system, and creates too much of a pro-inflammatory agent called Prostaglandin E2. You then spend your life being attacked by your own immune system until you die of cancer. watch this video to find out

This is why the MMR vaccine forced in Rockland, NY.  NY State actually has a LOW exemption rate due to the strict "sincerity test" of NY exemptions statutes.
And.. .as I guessed in my previous post about the Rockland, NY is forcing the  MMR vaccine probably due to having the most NAGALASE. Ahem!

And this...

There is a BIG pHARMaceutical company RIGHT THERE in Rockland County.

Well well! The pHARMa monopoly right there.  No coincidences there either!

And the timing certainly sucks too!...

So.... they want to kill the children with this NAGALASE-laced MMR-II vaccine, and the nagalase isn't listed in the vaccine insert either.
