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Friday, April 26, 2019

Polio Vaccinator Is Shot and Killed in Pakistan

Polio Vaccinator Is Shot and Killed in Pakistan

Security officials investigating an attack by gunmen on a polio vaccination team on Thursday that left one woman dead in the town of Chaman, in Pakistan.
Asghar Achakzai/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images


Vigilante Task Force Team... If that's what it takes.

Well?! What do you expect?! Forced vaccination with a pre-loaded needle of poison is an “assault with a deadly weapon”. And as such, we all have the right to take up arms, and defend ourselves against these forced biological weapons. If that’s what it takes.

From The Internet (Comments)...

Cherish McCann This isn’t even funny though.. wth

     Olivia Renner Cherish McCann no one said it's funny. But when people are going door to door force vaccinating, what are people to do? Hand their kids over?

     Ashlee Salehi Yes it isn’t funny. But we fight for our kids.

     Krystall Starr O'Connor Yeah if someone comes to my door and tries to force me or my kids to get shots, theyre getting my ruger in their fave. Sorry not sorry.

Ashlee Salehi They must not fluoridate their water 🤔

Stephanie Dorr Sad state of affairs when you have to go to these lengths to protect your children.


Be Sure to Catch Encore Weekend at The Lyme Disease Summit!

35 Lyme disease expert talks -- unlocked all weekend!  

Learn all about Lyme disease… in ONE weekend! (begins 12pm US eastern on Apr 26 through Apr 28)

The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit encore weekend is underway -- all talks are unlocked NOW through Monday at 10am U.S. eastern (New York time)!

If you missed the summit, then you missed the FACT that Lyme disease is quickly spreading across the entire globe -- 300,000+ people per year contract it -- that’s why Dr. Jay Davidson has released his BEST of the BEST interviews from the past 3 years in this epic event for those who suspect or have been diagnosed with Lyme.

--->Click here to listen to the encore of The Lyme Disease Summit for FREE now! (start with ANY of the talks below)

Find a few minutes to learn from the "FAN FAVORITE" talks:
+ Latest on Lyme Testing and Treatments, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
+ Improving Lyme Disease Protocols, Dr. Jay Davidson
+ Improving Mitochondrial Health, Dr. Joseph Mercola
+ Killing Parasites to Kill Lyme Disease, Dr. Todd Watts
+ Homeopathic Approach to Lyme Disease, Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom
+ And more!

Here’s how BEST to take advantage of this expert health information:

--->1. ]Start learning immediately when you join me for Encore Weekend!

--->2. Purchase the expert talks to watch at your own pace and UNLOCK the online transcripts!

--->3. With a purchase, you also UNLOCK $455 in eBooks and eGuides from our experts -- and these resources are typically ONLY available for purchase elsewhere!


We hope you take advantage of this tremendous opportunity to learn… for free!

P.S. I encourage you to find time in your schedule to catch 2-3 of the "featured" talks -- you’ll see how incredible this event truly is!



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Best of Chronic Lyme Disease Summit

Most Shocking Vaccine Video in 2019 Gone Viral

Most Shocking Vaccine Video in 2019 Gone Viral

Ty Bollinger interview

FYI, Hep B vaccine has never protected ANYONE at ANYTIME.  NO vaccine has.  EVER.  Biggest lies ever told that vaccines prevent diseases.  They GIVE diseases.  Read the package inserts, and look at the Adverse Reactions sections on them.

Please go and read ALL of my commentary during one of the TTAV broadcasts, on this post...

Or better yet, go read all of my posts from the search...

You will learn things from these posts, I promise.  :D


This leaked email from a private pro-vaccine group shows that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a thorn in their side

Neil Z. Miller
22 hrs

This leaked email from a private pro-vaccine group shows that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a thorn in their side. Dr. Stanley Plotkin, a consultant to the vaccine industry, suggests tracking RFK’s activities to counteract his messages. The Executive Director of "Every Child by Two," a rabid pro-vaccine organization, believes that RFK is a liar. Perhaps they ought to reflect on their own fabrications.


You had me at "Fuck the system"

Wayne Gregory is with Edward Johnston.
August 27, 2017

The mother allegedly abandons the child at birth as the Informant on the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH so, the 'State' (attorneys) "pick you up" and assume ownership and control over your body while your STRAW NAME remains on file at the STATE REGISTRAR'S OFFICE.

Under the the Doctrine of parens patriae, "The STATE is your daddy".

This is why CPS and DCF AGENTS are dispatched. They show up to claim their property.

When the "STATE" becomes dissatisfied with your parenting skills or someone makes a phone call against you to an AGENT for the oppressive STATE, your child is taken. They come and take your child as part of a for-profit venture and modus operandi.

The BAR attorneys want you to pay into the system to support their crooked attorney FIRM, support the BAR Association and pay the bankers fees in the CORPORATE COURTS.
Citizenship": Any document I may have ever signed, in which I answered "yes" to the question, "Are you a United States incorporation Democratic democracy British Vatican treaty of 1213 religious slave citizen?" - cannot be used to compromise my status as a sovereign, nor obligate me to perform in any manner.

This is because without full written disclosure of the definition and consequences of such supposed "citizenship," provided in a document bearing my signature given freely without misrepresentation or coercion, there can be no binding contract.

I am not a "United States citizen." I am not a "resident of," an "inhabitant of," a "franchise of," a "subject of," a "ward of," the "property of," the "chattel of," or "subject to the jurisdiction of" any "monarch" or any corporate "commonwealth," "federal," "state," "territory," "county," "council," "city," "municipal body politic," or other "government" allegedly "created" under the "authority" of a "constitution" or other "enactment." I am not subject to any "legislation," department, or agency created by such "authorities," nor to the "jurisdiction" of any employees, officers, or agents deriving their "authority" therefrom. Nor do any of the "statutes" or "regulations" of such "authorities" apply to me or have any "jurisdiction" over me.

Further, I am not a subject of any "courts" or bound by "precedents" of any "courts," deriving their "jurisdiction" from said "authorities."Take notice that I hereby cancel and make void from the beginning any such "instrument" or any presumed "election" made by any "government" or any agency or department thereof, that I am or ever have voluntarily elected to be treated as a subject of any "monarch" or as a citizen," or a "resident" of any "commonwealth," "state," "territory," "possession," "instrumentality," "enclave," "division," "district," or "province," subject to their "jurisdiction(s)."

10. "Constitution":The document supposedly setting forth the foundations of a "country" and "its" "government," has no inherent authority or obligation.

A "constitution" has no authority or obligation at all, unless as a contract between two or more individuals, and then it is limited only to those individuals who have specifically entered into it.

At most, such a document could be a contract between the existing people at the time of its creation, but no-one has the right, authority, or power to bind their posterity.

I have not knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally entered into any such "constitution" contract to oblige myself thereby, therefore such a document is inapplicable to me, and anyone claiming to derive their "authority" from such a document has no "jurisdiction" over me.

11. Use of semantics: There are some immature people with mental imbalances, such as the craving to dominate other people, who masquerade as "government," and call the noises and scribbles that emanate from their mouths and pens "the law" which "must be obeyed."

Just because they alter definitions of words in their "law" books to their supposed advantage, doesn't mean I accept those definitions.

The fact that they define the words "person," "address," "mail," "resident," "motor vehicle," "driving," "passenger," "employee," "income," and many others, in ways different from the common usage, so as to be associated with a subject or slave status, means nothing in real life.

Because the "courts" have become entangled in the game of semantics, be it known to all "courts" and all parties, that if I have ever signed any document or spoken any words on record, using words defined by twists in any "law" books different from the common usage, there can be no effect whatsoever on my sovereign status in society thereby, nor can there be created any "obligation" to perform in any manner, by the mere use of such words. Where the definition in the common dictionary differs from the definition in the "law" dictionary, it is the definition in the common dictionary that prevails, because it is more trustworthy.

Such compelled and supposed "benefits" include, but are not limited to, the aforementioned typical examples. My use of such alleged "benefits" is under duress only, and is with full reservation of all my natural inherent rights.

I have waived none of my intrinsic rights and freedoms by my use thereof. Furthermore, my use of such compelled "benefits" may be temporary, until alternatives become available, practical, and widely recognized.


I hereby revoke, rescind, cancel, and make void from the beginning, all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, implied in "law" or otherwise, signed either by me or anyone else, as it pertains to any "tax file/identification number" and/or "social security number" assigned to me, as it pertains to my "birth certificate," and as it pertains to any and all other numbers, "licenses," "certificates," and other "instruments" issued by any and all "government" and quasi-"governmental" departments or agencies, due to the use of various elements of fraud by said agencies to attempt to deprive me of my sovereignty and/or property.

I hereby waive, cancel, repudiate, and refuse to knowingly accept any alleged "benefit" or "gratuity" associated with any of the aforementioned numbers, "licenses," "certificates," and other "instruments." My use of any such numbers, "licenses," "certificates," or other "instruments" has been for information purposes only, and does not grant any "jurisdiction" to anyone.

I do hereby revoke and rescind all powers of attorney, in fact or otherwise, signed by me or otherwise, implied in "law" or otherwise, with or without my consent or knowledge, as it pertains to any and all property, real or personal, corporeal or incorporeal, obtained in the past, present, or future. I am the sole and absolute owner and possess allodial title to any and all such property.

Take notice that I also revoke, cancel, and make void from the beginning all powers of attorney, in fact, in presumption, or otherwise, signed either by me or anyone else, claiming to act on my behalf, with or without my consent, as such power of attorney pertains to me or any property owned by me, by, but not limited to, any and all quasi/colorable, public, "governmental" departments, agencies or corporations on the grounds of constructive fraud, concealment, and nondisclosure of pertinent facts.

Every State law must conform in the first place to the Constitution of the United States, and then to the subordinate constitutions of the particular state; and if it infringes upon the provisions of either, it is so far void.” Houston v. Moore, 18 US 1, 5 L.Ed 19 (1840).

It is abiding truth that “nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence.” Mapp v. Ohio,367 U.S. 643, 659 (1961). HARRIS V. NEW YORK U.S. Supreme Court·401 U.S. 222 (1971).

“Every State law must conform in the first place to the Constitution of the United States, and then to the subordinate constitutions of the particular state; and if it infringes upon the provisions of either, it is so far void.”

Houston v. Moore, 18 US 1, 5 L.Ed 19 (1840).

It is abiding truth that “nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence.” Mapp v. Ohio,367 U.S. 643, 659 (1961). HARRIS V. NEW YORK U.S. Supreme Court·401 U.S. 222 (1971)
