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Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Meet Oracle

This is the newest member of our family.

Like Breezy, he just showed up here on our porch/deck on March 22nd, 2019.

Now Breezy was super skinny, and had appeared to have been outside a while.  So these past couple of years, Breezy is nice and plump (not fat or obese), and healthy.  Breezy had trouble jumping up even on a regular height table, like one of his back hind feet was injured.  Now he can jump the height of me onto a cabinet just an inch taller than me.

The newer cat seemed in better shape, as in clean and well-fed, and we were thinking he had wandered off and belonged to someone.

We had checked the local animal shelter in their lost and found pics and posts.  Our local Paw Boost site.  Newspaper lost and found pets, and our County Critter Finders.  Although there were several similar tabby cats missing that looked like him, they were either FOUND and back home or were female cats, or didn't have the white markings.

So it's been over two months, and NO ONE is missing this lovable boy.  So guess what? We have another cat.

He will jump into our laps and put his paws over our shoulders, or HUG US, with one paw on either side of our necks.

If we're lying down on the bed, he is ON TOP OF US and gets RIGHT IN OUR FACES.



How can ANYONE just toss a cat like this?  But yet NO ONE has reported him as missing.  Maybe he aggravated them by wanting to be in their faces.  He wants to be held a lot.

How Did He Get His Name?...

Last year after Miracle passed, our favorite daily messenger said to me to keep Miracle's stuff, etc... because he saw another cat coming my way.  And that maybe I could name it in honor of Miracle.

So I opted for Oracle.  Because O-racle like Mi-racle.  And Oracle meaning delivered by prophecy.  Which I was expecting at some point.  Ahem!  See how that happened?!

Oracle Meeting Breezy...

It took a little bit longer with Oracle and Breezy, than it did with Miracle and Breezy.





Honestly, my hubs did not want to find the owners, simply because he said if they let the cat out in the cold then they shouldn't have a cat, or some thing to that effect.  But I said, I HAVE to make an effort to find owners, if any, to be fair.  But no one ever reported him missing.  I know this cat's hugging and loving is why my hubby was quick to fall in love with him.  Who can blame him?  Of all the cats, we've had throughout our whole lives, never had we seen one love on people, like Oracle does on us.  Breezy is lovable and friendly, but he doesn't want to hug and lie on us for a long time like Oracle does.

Now Miracle was stand offish, and very unfriendly to strangers.  Miracle never liked being picked up and/or held very long, except when he was a baby kitten.  And he also did not like strangers either.  Even when Breezy showed up, anyone that came to the house would be greeted by Breezy, but Miracle would run off and hide in the other room until they left.

Now Miracle was very friendly to my stepdaughter when she came to stay July 4th weekend in 2016.  Breezy had shown up a little more than a month later.

And I can NOT find the rest of the 2016 pics anymore.  They're gone from the MAC and/or backup HD.  I guess they got deleted.

Here's a collage of the 4 cats that my hubby and had/have.  Only 4, one being a female, the rest boys.

Top: Oracle & Breezy.
Bottom:  Miracle and Kitty.  Kitty is the girl mama cat we had in FL.


Regenerating Your Teeth

Here is a comment on what Tony said happened to his teeth.  Same as me, total dental molestation and destruction.  This damn dentist industry needs to end NOW.  Fuckers!

2 years ago
No I have teeth
come on over and I can show you
of course I have teeth they were destroyed by the precious ADA anc the CDA  and have had to restore them back and am doing it with out the ADA and CDA~ and with what they are putting in peoples mouth today with nano tech~ am going a different direction and this has already begun to restore them~ when some one is doing what I an doing I am not invulnerable ~ so what you see is real and not some Fantasy TV celebrity star with false esthetics
Ingredient C.A.S. No. % by Wt
SILANE TREATED CERAMIC 444758-98-9 60 - 80 Trade Secret *
SILANE TREATED SILICA 248596-91-0 1 - 10 Trade Secret *
DIURETHANE DIMETHACRYLATE (UDMA) 72869-86-4 1 - 10 Trade Secret *
41637-38-1 1 - 10 Trade Secret *
1565-94-2 1 - 10 Trade Secret *
SILANE TREATED ZIRCONIA Unknown 1 - 10 Trade Secret *
109-16-0 < 5 Trade Secret *
2,6-DI-TERT-BUTYL-P-CRESOL 128-37-0 < 0.5 Trade Secret *
*The specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of this composition has been withheld

this today is what is going in your mouth in my day they damaged us with flouride and mercury  NOWWWWWW your getting this in the oral cavity of your filling which will make your brain a resounding transciever  and the ringing and headaches will be just the beginning ~ when this is released in the system it will cause untold \autoimmune response

3M™ Paradigm™ MZ100 Block for CEREC® is made from 3M™ Z100™ Restorative Material.Paradigm MZ100 block material contains 85 wt% ultrafine zirconia-silica ceramic particles that reinforce a highly crosslinked polymeric matrix. The polymer matrix consists of bisGMA (Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether dimethacrylate) and TEGDMA (tri[ethylene glycol] dimethacrylate), and employs a patented ternary initiator system. The ultrafine zirconia-silica filler particles are synthesized by a patented sol-gel process that results in a unique structure of nanocrystalline zirconia dispersed in amorphous silica.The particles have a spherical shape, and an average particle size of 0.6 micrometer. This
contrasts sharply with milled glass fillers in conventional hybrid composites. The filler imparts radiopacity, wear resistance, and strength.

when you see the term ultrafine = nanoparticles when you are talking zirconia and silica you are talking about a super conductor material

this is your generations experiment ~ we were the prototype and they destroyed us orally and created a industry unregulated and not monitored
and anything you talk nano is lethal

would suggest you go here to become more informed so they don't do to you what they did to us and or me



So with this all said, that will be a BIG FAT HELL NO on zirconia then.

See?  Man cannot fix my teeth.

So I am bugging the crap out of Dad to PLEASE restore my teeth supernaturally.  PLEASE?!!!!


So another problem is fixing the FLOW according to this guy's comment...

Lil L
1 year ago (edited)
For anyone doubting Tony..

What Causes Tooth Decay? (And How Can We Stop it?)

Dr. Steinman discovered that our teeth are alive.  Contrary to the popular cultural belief that is teeth are like small rocks, the fact is that our teeth have a flow of fluid through them called dentinal fluid flow.  The dentin is the layer of tissue in each of our teeth just between the hard outer enamel surface and the soft tooth pulp.  Dr. Steinman discovered that this dentinal fluid flow is part of our blood circulation that occurs into and out of each of our teeth.

Dr. Steinman discovered that when the dentinal fluid flow is flowing from inside the tooth out, the teeth are very resistant to decay.  However, when the fluid flow isn’t flowing from inside out and in fact reverses and flows from the surface of the tooth to the inner portion of each tooth, decay sets in very quickly.

If you think about what we generally recognize in our culture as the ‘cause’ of tooth decay, being the bad bugs in our mouths, if the dentinal fluid is flowing the healthy way, this flow keeps the bad bugs from being able to decay the teeth, the flow literally washes them out of the teeth.  It’s like they have to swim upstream to get into the teeth.  If on the other hand, the dentinal fluid flow reverses, then it’s like the bad bugs get free pass on the highway right into our teeth!

Dr. Steinman found that dentinal fluid flow is controlled by the parotid gland, which is part of our salivary system and is located in the region behind our lower jaw.  Then he discovered that the parotid gland is controlled by the part of our brain called the hypothalamus.  We’ll call this system of the relationship between dentinal fluid flow, the parotid gland, and the hypothalamus simply dentinal fluid flow for the sake of simplicity.

Then he said, “I wonder what causes the parotid gland to promote the proper flow of dentinal fluid and what causes the flow to go the wrong way to promote decay?”

Dr. Steinman then went about discovering what factors cause the dentinal fluid to flow the health giving way as well as what causes the dentinal fluid to flow in the way that promotes decay.

The real cause of tooth decay…

What Dr. Steinman found is what causes the dentinal fluid to flow one way or the other was the balance of mineral phosphorus in the blood!

Next to calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body. These 2 important nutrients work closely together to build strong bones and teeth. About 85% of the body's phosphorus is in bones and teeth. Phosphorous is also present in smaller amounts in cells and tissues throughout the body.

What causes low blood phosphorus?

Dr. Huggins explained it to us that phosphorus balance is impacted by several other factors in a teeter-totter fashion.  Simply put, if we have phosphorus on one side of the balance, you’ll see we have some heavy hitters on the other side, including calcium, glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol.  So, when any of these factors goes up, phosphorus goes down.  With this, you can see that it’s not as simple as taking more phosphorus supplements.

It’s all about bio-available minerals and fat-soluble vitamins…

Dr. Price was a dentist in the 1930s in the US who decided to travel the world to study people living in isolated areas who were still eating their traditional foods.  In other words, they weren’t living on the ‘foods of commerce’ as Dr. Price referred to them.

Despite very different diets across the world, Dr. Price did find common threads through the traditional foods the various cultures ate around the world.  One of the common threads he found was that the traditional peoples consumed 4 times the minerals as Americans in the 1930s and 10 times the fat soluble vitamins!  Mind you, this was well before the low-fat propaganda blitz hit the US.

Given this information, it does make sense that we dearly require more minerals in our diets and WAY more healthy fats than most people in our culture consume regularly.

All living things require phosphorus...

One important function of phosphate groups of organic molecules within living organisms is energy storage. 
Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is an example. ATP, the "energy currency" of cells is used to transfer stored chemical energy from one molecule to another to perform work. The energy is stored in the phosphate portion of the molecule. The energy we derive from food, for example, is stored in the form of ATP. Phosphorus is also required for the formation of phospholipids of cells. Phospholipids are the major component of cell membranes. Also, phosphate groups activate and deactivate enzymes within cells that catalyze major chemical reactions. Phosphate is a mineral salt component of bones and teeth in vertebrate animals. In addition, phosphate is an important structural component of DNA itself. So, recycling of limited phosphorus is vital.

Naturally Regenerate Your Teeth! Tony Pantalleresco...

Tony shows you how to regenerate your teeth using only 2 teaspoons of TriSodium Phosphate (TSP), 6 tablespoons of Baking Soda and 16-24oz of distilled water. Mix together and shake!



So HOW do I get my FLOW?
