Our Spiritual World: YAHSHUA MESSIAH Is His NAME The Hope Of YHVH's Yeshua...:
Here are the REAL names and pronunciations of both our Father and His Son. FATHER: YHVH, pronounced phonetically YA WHO WAH SON: YAHSHUA, pronounced phonetically YEAH SHOO UH...
I accepted Yeshua around age 9 or 10 at Lakeview Baptist Church in GA, led in prayer by Rev. Amos Adams.
About 10 years later...
Years later... Rev. Amos Adams officiating the marriage ceremony of one of my sisters. She is in the blue dress. I am the bridesmaid in the cream dress holding the bouquet of flowers. |
A frontal view of everyone. Rev. Amos Adams in the glasses in between my sister and husband. I'll always remember Rev. Amos Adams & his sermon leading me to Yeshua, as a little girl. This marriage ceremony was on March 4th, 1976. I was 18 |
These two photos are the only pics of me that I've ever really liked. I felt and looked wonderful that day. There is just something about me that day and I really can't put my finger on it. I just had this glow and I couldn't figure it out why, and why that day. It was my sister's marriage, not mine. I just liked the way I looked and felt that day that I did not want to even go to sleep that night.