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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Healthy Babies Just Don't Die

Healthy Babies Just Don't Die...

Catie Clobes was live.
August 12 at 1:18 PM ·

Evee's Billboard!! ❤️💔 Bittersweet. I'm always crying when I see this baby's face, it's my broken heart, it's the pain. Warning - you might cry too. 😭 Please, hear this well!! Babies don't die from "preventable" diseases, they die from the assumed "prevention". See it for what it is. A giant swindle. Do your research and protect your children because if you lose one like I did, you'll realize they are all that really matters. 😔


From Catie Clobes:

“For those of you who don’t know,
Evee Gayle Clobes is my daughter.
She was killed
By her six month vaccinations
36 hours after she received them.
Her story has gotten around the world
And I have received
Thousands and thousands of messages
In response to our story.
They messed and took
The wrong mother’s daughter
And I will fight to the end
So that every parent out there knows
How unsafe and deadly vaccines are.
My baby’s face is going to save lives.
I will never forgive
And I will never forget
And I will never stay silent.”

Watch her live video as she sees her daughter’s billboard for the first time...

You need to watch this video. 👆🏻


Health Choice Minnesota

Evee’s story:


Catie Clobes
August 11 at 2:45 PM ·

I had a nightmare last night, one I have a few times a week, that Evee died. It's always in a different way, I never see her die in the dream, I never know how she dies, I just "feel" it. I woke up this morning, sweating, in a quiet, empty room with the same realization I have every morning. My daughter did die. She's gone. It is such an empty, lonely, painful feeling. Other parents who have lost a child know the "morning feeling". They have the same nightmares. 💔 Grief is a sickness.

This picture was painted by a wonderful stranger with a great talent. 💛 This image is of the very last time I laid eyes on my beautiful little girl. We have pictures but it's easier to remember this moment in a painting. It makes it less real. 😔 She had a "sandpaper-like" rash on her cheeks that day, it was noted on her poor autopsy but of course they couldn't explain it. The rash started hours after she received her shots on February 27th, and never went away. This is a rash that apparently occurs when your brain is being infected & destroyed by your body's "bad" immune cells. 2 pokes, 6 antigens, and 1 bad reaction that resulted in my daughter's unexpected, tragic death.

Today is "National Sons & Daughters Day". Never heard of it but August 11th is now another day for the bereaving parent to dread. 😩 Hold your babies ❤️ close today, tell them you love them, celebrate your life with them. Because if you ever lost one, you'd soon realize that they're really all you have that matters. ❤️💔







Dear POTUS, Q Team, etc...

Please stop this shit.  Are y'all going let babies and children to continue to die like this?

All the vaccine info I have is on this blog, and on

Come and take a closer look.  We have done our part in getting this information out, and FOR YEARS now.


[Square One] Module 5: How to Detoxify Your Body & Your Environment

[SQ1] How to Detox Your Body & Your Life

Hi _______,

Just how toxic is your body & your environment?

Well, the answer may be making you sick...

Toxicity is a root cause of many diseases, and one of my goals with this program is to help you reduce your toxic load.

In SQUARE ONE Module 5, I will help you identify harmful toxins that you're exposed to more often than you realize, and show you how to remove these toxins from your life so you can heal and stay healthy.

Don’t worry, it’s actually easier than it sounds, and many of the most powerful detox methods are actually free! :)

Here’s what you'll learn:

- How your body detoxifies

- How you can improve and accelerate the process

- Foods that promote toxicity

- Foods that promote detoxification

- How to detoxify your environment

- Helpful detoxification supplements and programs

Go watch Module 5 now and learn how to protect yourself with simple strategies to safely remove toxins from your body and your life. It’s free to watch so please take advantage, take notes, and TAKE ACTION by putting these detox methods to use! :)

Here’s the link to watch Module 5: How to Detoxify Your Body & Your Environment:

I’ll see you there!



Register to watch entire series:

Or go direct to Square One Module 4:

List of all Episode Modules:

Module 1: First Things First
Module 2: Why You Have Cancer & How to Eliminate the Causes
Module 3: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 1
Module 4: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 2
Module 5: How to Detoxify Your Body & Your Environment
Module 6: How to Eliminate Stress & Heal your Heart
Module 7: Spiritual Healing
Module 8: How Exercise & Rest Activate Healing
Module 9: Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas and Supplements
Module 10: How to Test & Monitor Your Progress



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