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Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Daily Messenger: Mikey, fare thee well brother

The Daily Messenger: Mikey, fare thee well brother:  Rest In Peace Mikey Mike April 26th, 2015 Found in a drain pipe, behind a store Mike the cat came to us as a rescue four years ago on Nathan's birthday. Odd that, but not really, for us. Because for months, Nater was saying how he wanted a kitten and felt one was coming into our lives. So, because in our family, this makes perfect sense to get information like this, in this fashion, I started keeping an eye out for any cat or kitty, needing a home. Then one day, on Nathan's birthday, Nathan came home with the fluff ball, calling him after the arc angel Michael. Good name. ...

Oh noes!  I am so so sorry to hear this.  :(  Such precious pictures of Nathan and Mikey. Rest In Peace and be blessed little Mikey.  Of your two furbabies, Mikey really captured my heart.  I was always praying for the safety of both your kittehs.  I hope he's playing up in kitteh heaven with our Miracle and that they will be best buds, and playing along with Grumpy Cat and Colonel Meow.  Buggles to all of you, and especially to Nathan. Give Tink some extra buggles too, as she will be missing her fur-brother.
