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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Inventor of Mrna vax getting banned on Twitter for posting about it

From Jim Stone Freelance...


Inventor of Mrna vax getting banned on Twitter for posting about it

It might be a good idea to walk around in BSL4 gear.

So here we have a creator of the Corona vax getting a comment banned on Twitter for even suggesting people shed, even when he says it can't possibly harm anyone else. CUTE.


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Saturday, May 29, 2021

Indian villagers without internet or any other contacts jumped in the river to avoid the vax 200 Indian Villagers Jump Into Saryu River To Avoid Forceful COVID-19 Vaccination

From Jim Stone Freelance:

Indian villagers without internet or any other contacts jumped in the river to avoid the vax200 Indian Villagers Jump Into Saryu River To Avoid Forceful COVID-19 Vaccination

May 24, 2021

When the Health Department team arrived at the Sisoda village in Uttar Pradesh to vaccinate them, the villagers ran to the shore. When the team surrounded them at the shore almost 200 villagers jumped into the river Saryu to escape forceful COVID-19 vaccination.

Sisauda is a village with a population of 1500 people located in the Terai, 70 km from the district headquarters of Barabanki.

There is so much awareness about the adverse events from vaccine and post-vaccination deaths in this village that when the Health Department team arrived here for vaccination, about 200 villagers ran away and reached the shore of river Saryu.

When the Health Department team got information that the villagers were out of the village towards the river, they went to convince them.

Seeing the team coming towards them, the villagers could not find a way to escape and jumped into the Saryu river to avoid getting vaccinated forcefully.

This testimony (below) was posted to this site earlier and this report confirms it is legit.

Seeing the villagers leap into the river, the Health Department team requested the villagers to come out but the villagers were not ready to move out.

Later, Ramnagar SDM Rajiv Shukla and Nodal Officer Rahul Tripathi reached the spot and told the villagers that would not be vaccinated, only after which they came out of the river.

Regional Indian media is full of such incidents. There is a very high level of vaccine hesitancy mostly in rural India.

There are also cases where the Vaccination Team is not even allowed to enter the village. On the other hand in many villages the Health Team members were beaten up with sticks and stones.

In a village in Gujarat, the entire vaccination drive had to be stopped after the villagers demanded that the government take responsibility if anything happens to them after being vaccinated.

My comment: Keep in mind that these villagers have no internet or computing devices or telelvision because they are too poor, and they behaved like this 100 percent from seeing what the vax did to people in their village that had already been vaccinated.

This is what it looks like for the vax when everyone knows everyone and nothing can be hidden.

There is a lot more at the link to this report, it lays it all out quite clearly -

When there's no brainwashing, the people unilaterally say HELL NO to this shot that is not a vax at all.



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Thursday, May 27, 2021

MessiahMews Blogs: Veggie Cap Crap – How Supplements Can Harm You

MessiahMews Blogs: Veggie Cap Crap – How Supplements Can Harm You: FINALLY!!!!  Others are catching on to this supplement hijacking. Veggie capsules are the furtherest thing from ever being any kind of veget...


Because you all are still ignoring us on this, and this info has been out for YEARS already.  I guess people think just because I'm blonde, I have no idea what I'm talking about.  Assuming that is a big mistake.

If the mix in whatever supplement is clean, but ONLY has veggie or Pululan capsule (just as bad!  Polymerized plasticized nanotech crap.), then you can put the mix into a safer gelatin capsule.  Gelatin capsules from PureBulk.  If the mix has any Microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose, silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide, etc... then it's trash anyway, and you should just toss the whole thing in the trash can.

The above nasty ingredients FEEDS Morgellons and Lyme conditions by being used as a building block to link up to the beast computer systems. Because it's all NANO TECH!.  See?  No one warned us all about that before.  You can thank Tony Pantalleresco for that bit of information.  And we took heed to his warnings.  Like us and so many others, he, too, had to learn the hard way.  I nearly filled up a small trash can with a bunch of supplements I tossed after researching all of this.

So read the above linked article, and opt for CLEAN supplements.  When we stop supporting these corrupt supplement companies, then they'll get the message once and for all.


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The Daily Messenger: Blogger is now blocking me from uploading pictures to this site

The Daily Messenger: Blogger is now blocking me from uploading pictures to this site:   It's one thing to talk about an issue, it's quite another when pictures and videos, drive home the point. One blocks video links, this one blocks pics, and on it goes. ...


Do what Jim Stone Freelance does.  He uses Orangewebsite as hosting and it's in Iceland, and has dedicated IP.  And NO Cloudflart or any other "gatekeepers" who does any intercepting, etc...

I talk about those "gatekeepers" here:

My old digitalangeldonnadj site was hosted by GoDaddy and they are the worst.  Jim Stone talks about that one too. They got to the point where they said we couldn't upload any zip files, or no mp3 (my mixes I did), mp4, etc...  So I told hubby to cancel it right when they wanted to bill for the next year.  They never got that renewal money either.  The mix stuff was never THAT important anyway, other then just being a fun hobby.

But there is this thing we deal with, but mostly me, is that it seems like "inanimate objects" seem to be working against us now too.  Like an unseen "adjustment bureau", for lack of a better word.  Or tricksters.  My husband is a witness to all of that.  It's gotten to a point where I'm saying, "I get already!  Even "inanimate objects" hate me".  Our lady friend who just lost her husband, was talking about that too, so I guess the same things are happening to her too.

If my blog becomes unusable, then I'll just stop blogging period.  Because I refuse to sit here and fight with "inanimate objects".  If it goes, then it goes.  Done.  Hardly anyone reads my stuff anyway.  It's their loss, and those who keep ignoring all of our warnings about stuff will be on their own sadly. .


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The Daily Messenger: The ‘Zombie’ Rake of the Vax Weapon WARNING GRAPHIC

The Daily Messenger: The ‘Zombie’ Rake of the Vax Weapon WARNING GRAPHIC:   The Rake Zombies have gone mainstream.  Don Bradley   Remember November 2020, the video I put out called THE DAMNED CROSSING OVER? That rakes or wendigos were real, have proof, have seen them on altar busting missions, etc? Or Ghost Busters the movie, where all the demons come up into this dimension and the world goes insane in terror?...

We either read or heard something about this  a couple of days ago.  I think it was on the local country music radio station.

Here is where you can see the back of head is totally bald:

I found the TikTok video of her and uploaded to Bitchute:


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Wednesday, May 26, 2021

You can push back on mandatory Covid-CCP vaccines

You can push back on mandatory Covid-CCP vaccines

Sidney Powell Update

Dear Patriots,

Are you being bullied, harassed or mandated by an employer or a university to get a vaccine for Covid-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus?

We will be presenting tips on how to deal with this situation. While we understand this is a controversial issue, we believe strongly that NO ONE should be forced, against their will, to be vaccinated. There should be no repercussions from refusing the vaccine for a virus that has a 99% cure rate.

Here are a few points. We especially wish to point out that the vaccine makers have been totally released from any liability if there is a negative side effect or death from the vaccine. BUT, note that if your employer or your university is forcing this on you, THEY have the potential of being held liable. It might be worth telling them about that!

Here are things to consider before you make an decision:
1) There are NO licensed COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S.
2) Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) only - don't believe "approval" means "licensed."
3) Your Option to Refuse is based on Federal law over EUAs.
4) Your Right to Informed Consent based on Federal law over EUAs.
5) There are NO long term studies of side effects.
6) Side effects unknown because there are no PRIOR approved mRNA vaccines in the U.S.
7) Short term evidence of severe side effects and death.
8) If you have had Covid-CCP you have immunity.
9) All vaccine makers have been totally released from ALL liability for any side effects or death.
10) There is liability potential on employers who mandate the vaccine if there are side effects or death.

Here are links to pdf forms to print out and give to your employer or to a university where your children may be attending. It makes sure that they are on record as providing the answers to questions surrounding the vaccine and potential after effects.



These forms come from, Catherine Austin Fitts website and were compiled by Corey Lynn

Look for more information about this and the forced wearing of masks. If you are dealing with these issues and would like to talk to a member of Team Kraken, send an email here and we will review it.

For more information, please go the Defending The Republic website:

1-The official "experts' claim this reaction is rare, and it may be. But that does not matter when it is you or someone you love hospitalized with heart issues due to the Covid vaccine! Remember, if you have had the Covid-CCP Virus you have immunity and most likely do not need to be vaccinated. In fact, there is scientific evidence that your own immunity is better than the vaccine.

These heart issues are short term side effects. There is absolutely NO information anywhere on the long term effects.
18 Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination Reported in Connecticut
QUOTE: A single state has recorded 18 cases of myocarditis in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. All of the cases in Connecticut required hospitalization.
Acting Health Commissioner Dr. Deirdre Gifford told reporters during a virtual press briefing on Monday that the cases have been "rare" and "mild."
But she added later when asked how many of the patients were hospitalized, "All of the cases that were reported to us were individuals that were hospitalized, the vast majority for a couple of days."


2- On Monday, Sidney and Team Kraken filed a Motion to Dismiss

On Monday, May 24, 2021, Sidney Powell, Sidney Powell, P.C. and Defending the Republic, Inc. filed a joint Reply Memorandum in Support of their Motion to Dismiss Dominion's Case against them in DC.

This filing reiterates to the Court that there is no jurisdiction over any of these defendants, that venue is improper, and that the case should be dismissed for failure to state a defamation or deceptive practices claim.
Dominion cannot prove the essential elements of its claims as a matter of law. Actual malice is a legal impossibility here.

As Sidney Powell said:
"Today's filing is yet another opportunity to demonstrate to the DC Court why there is no jurisdiction over me, my law firm, or Defending the Republic, Inc, and why Dominion fails to state any claim against any of the defendants. This case is meritless and should be dismissed in its entirety. We had and have evidence supporting all our statements about Dominion."

A copy of Monday's filing can be found here:

Thank you again for your support and prayers. Please share this information with those close to you. Sidney and Team Kraken

Follow Our Progress:

Monday, May 24, 2021

Our Spiritual World: The Wrong Solution

Our Spiritual World: The Wrong Solution: The Wrong Solution Don Bradley 5-23-21 A vax weapon vic (victim) that has realized the truth regarding the kill shot inoculation is under the most intense and severe stress beyond imaginings. They understand now that ...

From one of Tony Pantalleresco's shows, in addition to the armband nano killer.


Reduce The Intake Of Nano


Avoid Food and products that can load our body with nano.
Examples: All grains and their products (pasta, bread, pizza, rice, quinoa, etc ), surface vegetables unless from indoor cultivations

Choose Indoor cultivated and root veggies, as they are safer because they have less nano load on it.

Meat is safer than veggies as the animals have filtered a big load. BUT no consumption of animal organs, like liver, because it is also loaded.

AVOID any products that are advertised as having ingredients in NANOSIZE or ULTRAFINE.

Examples: nano silver, nano silica (silica oxide or silica dioxide, titanium dioxide, etc.). ALWAYS check the labels.

AVOID CLOTHES that can leak nano-material to the body

Reduce intake of GMO products

Utilize technologies and methods to extract nano from the body

Use anti nano bucket, triangles, & coils with EMPs
Use essential oils orally with carriers (alcohol or oil) to break the biofilm. Use 1-2 drops of any of the following or combination of two: Summer Savory, oregano, marjoram, cinnamon,wintergreen, birch, thyme. Add a shot of alcohol. Mix it really very well. More details here:

Massage skin with extra virgin olive oil with mix of essential oils (like canfor, Menthol,

Eucalyptus Oils), which will break the biofilm. Scrub skin with fingernails or blades.

Perform anti nano detox baths (see below)

Perform chelation (STS (sodium trio sulfate) with Vit C)

Daily grounding.

Expose yourself to sunlight, especially morning sun.

Use red & infrared light.

Use full spectrum lights.

The Attack To Mankind & Our Countermeasures

Shield yourself with EMF protective garments ) & your house from EMF

Use blue beam /light protective glasses

Restore the damage to DNA & other parts of the body with proper nutrients, grounding, healing lights & sounds & anything else that may be beneficial to your body, while consciously eliminating, as much as possible, nano & exposure to frequencies (WIFI, Li-Fi, blue beams/lights, mobiles etc.).

Pray to the Creator of everything and our Heavenly Father for support. With faith (knowing already even if you do not see the results yet), that He can protect and assist to our defense, the healing and eventually on His time the removal of all evil.


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The Daily Messenger: Vax Weapon Neo Mag Arm Band

The Daily Messenger: Vax Weapon Neo Mag Arm Band:  Vax Weapon Neo Mag Arm Band Don Bradley When I got the word about arm bands with mags being a solution, I immediately ordered a BUNCH of neo mags. Today they came.​ ...

LOVIMAG Strong Neodymium Disc Magnets with Double-Sided Adhesive Powerful Rare Earth Magnets, Perfect for Fridge, DIY, Building, Scientific, Craft, and Office, 1.26 inch x 0.08 inch - Pack of 20


How about you all sending him a love donation for this life saving info, eh?
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The Daily Messenger: This last week - updates

The Daily Messenger: This last week - updates: Vax Weapon Logic. Which is none at all, apparently.   This last week Don What a week. We've learned some heavy things we were expecting and just as quickly, here they are....


We have EDTA from Arizona Naturals

Niacin WITHOUT fillers (cellulose, silicon dioxide, etc...) is on Pure Bulk site.

The above product already comes in a gelatin capsule, but it is 500 MG. You can empty them out and cut it down to smaller size in empty gelatin capsules.  If you buy the bulk powder, you will have to buy the gelatin capsules, the measuring spoons and make your own.

Most of the other brands contain "Other Ingredients" such as cellulose, silicon dioxide, cellulose veggie caps (what a joke!) hypromellose capsules, etc... Because cellulose and silicon dioxide IS NANOTECH.  We want this stuff OUT of our bodies,  Taking this stuff in corrupted supplements is putting nano-tech back IN.  Get it yet?  Y'all need to listen to me on this.  I've been ranting about this for over two years now.  Please read the research that Tony, Bryan364, and others have already put out there about these nasty ingredients. Please give these guys some credit for their research.  I'm just a reposter who have heeded their warnings.

Gelatin Capsules:

Capsule Machine:
Sizes are 00 and 0.
For blends the 0 is good.  For just one thing like smaller doses of supplements, then the 00 machine and 00 gelatin capsules.
Video on how to make supplement capsules:

Measuring spoons to measure out ingredients:

It's not that difficult to do yourself.

We also use a cardio product called Cardio 4 Life and an Avacen 100 machine to dilate the capillaries aka vasodilation.


How about you all sending him a love donation for this life saving info, eh?
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Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Daily Messenger: This last week

The Daily Messenger: This last week: This last week Don What a week. We've learned some heavy things we were expecting and just as quickly, here they are. So we know the following, confirmed this week. ...


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Friday, May 21, 2021

Our Spiritual World and The Daily Messenger: A sure fire way to kill the black nanoworms

Our Spiritual World: A sure fire way to kill the black nanoworms: and
The Daily Messenger: A sure fire way to kill the black nanoworms:  A sure fire way to kill the black nanoworms by Don Bradley I've figured out a way to kill the thing, but it has to be done within a month of the vax. After that, it's spread too far. Create an arm band of largish neodymium magnets sown into cloth and wrap this around the injection site. That kills the nanobots, before they dig in and spread. ...


"Sorry for the extra sharing. Feeling too good not to."

And this is too good not to share, so I am sharing and linking to BOTH the posts. 

First, CONGRATULATIONS on ALL good things done and shared today. In these trying times, we all can always use good news, since that is few and far in between.

Second, that armband thing sounds ALOT like Michaal Chapala's neodymium wrist/leg/armband bracelet that he used to sell before he passed.  We had bought a set from him too.


Description from his website on the bracelets...

A very strong magnetic field is created at the radial pulse point with two magnets aligned to attract each other. As the blood passes between the magnets the magnetic field of the organisms is affected. The electrically based metabolism of the Morgellons organisms are disrupted and they die. The body eliminates them from the body. The heart continues to circulate more blood past this pulse point purifying it. The bracelet is worn 24 hours a day except to take a shower. Eliminates brain fog, headaches, low energy, insomnia, tooth infections, arthritis, joint pain, bronchitis and depression. You can get a bracelet(s) for the arms or legs.

I have thought about making these.  Since these are velcro, I added some packing tape around each one to keep the magnets in place.  They were $25 each, so we bought FOUR for $100.

There are TWO larger neo magnets in the about the size of a quarter. They attract to each other when the braclets fold onto itself as in attracting to each other.  They are N52 neodymium magnets, as we asked him about them.  I have been considering making these and selling them for the same price he charges, which are $25 each, and charging around $7 to ship them, as a set would fit into a flat rate envelope for shipping.

EDIT: Was told that I need 50 one inch (quarter size) neo magnets for total coverage. So that's doable.  And fyi, we are REFUSING the vax.  But still wold be good to have to wear anyway, since people will be spreading this nanotech too.

Again congratulations on a job well done, and glad to know you had a great day.  We all need more good days like these.

Love and blessings to you all.


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Monday, May 17, 2021

BUSTED: Corona vax ingredients are horrific beyond belief

From Jim Stone Freelance:

BUSTED: Corona vax ingredients are horrific beyond belief:

I guess it took something this bad to get the blood to give up its iron, and to hell with the consequences!

The Daily Messenger: They are taking down my sites

The Daily Messenger: They are taking down my sites:  Just received a notice that they are deleting videos, articles, etc. This is Googley doing this. Their excuse and open fascist censorship, is they THEY have determined my content is misinformation and has to go. ...


I have shared your posts on here, on GAB, and have mirrored some of your videos on my Bitchute.  I always wonder if I am doing enough to help others.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Daily Messenger: Vax weapon Blood Clot Worm and the Great Die Off

The Daily Messenger: Vax weapon Blood Clot Worm and the Great Die Off: The Great Die Off by Don Bradley Jeremiah 11:11 11 Therefore thus saith the Yahua , Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. 12Then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go, and cry unto the gods unto whom they offer incense: but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble. ...


This is why my hubby unfriended and blocked a cousin on one of his social media sites.  One of his sisters got the vax too, and was boasting about it in a meme'd picture.  His intention in doing it was for protection of us, as we well know that even family members will turn on us, and they know very well our stance on vaccines.  So it was in no way to be hateful at all, but for protection of us.  We do pray for all family members and friends NIGHTLY, and pray that they are covered by the Blood of The Lamb.  But if they are weak and give in to the vax, we will be unable to help them.  And we pray for them, the best we can.  I have no idea on what to do to help other than to warn in the first place.  I have one sister who listened (FINALLY!) and knows the dangers, and she, too, is also warning others. (YAY! You Go Sista!)

We've been telling them all for years, and all who know us, knows very well that we have been screaming about the dangers of vaccines, in general too.  This blog is full of info about the dangers of vaccines, as well as the above linked to blog The Daily Messenger,, and many others over the years.

If anyone gets a vax and needs help, we are unable to do so.  However, if one is simply exposed to the shedding, and has REFUSED the jab, we may can help to the best of our knowledge.

We all warned for YEARS that these things would be happening.

But many refused to listen, sadly.


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Saturday, May 15, 2021

The Daily Messenger: Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely ...

The Daily Messenger: Genetically engineered 'Magneto' protein remotely controls brain and behaviour: "Badass" new method uses a magnetized protein to activate brain cells rapidly, reversibly, and non-invasively. Researchers in the United States have developed a new method for controlling the brain circuits associated with complex animal behaviors, using genetic engineering to create a magnetized protein that activates specific groups of nerve cells from a distance. ...


From Jim Stone Freelance:






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Virus = Poison and Corona is defined as RADIATION

MessiahMews Blogs: Our Take On What We Think Covid Really Is:

Listen to this doctor saying what I've been saying for some time now.  NO ONE is listening to us what we have been saying all along.


Kerry Cassidy interviews Dr. Robert O. Young about Covid19, Bacteria, Nano and the vaccines and tests. He talks about how to deal with Covid tests, the fallacy behind social distancing, shedding and how our immune system works against the attack from a bioweapon and radiation.


Please consider supporting this blog. We have no outside jobs, and we could use a little extra support for the time put into this. Thank you.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Our Spiritual World: It's not personal...

Our Spiritual World: It's not personal...: It's not personal... by Don Bradley I've met plenty of people who had or are in the middle of a mixed relationship or marriage,...

Our Spiritual World: Happy birthday Matt

Our Spiritual World: Happy birthday Matt:   Buggle boy Matt Don, the dad unit.


Happy Blessed Birthday Matt!  Love and blessings to all of you.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Daily Messenger: Planned Gasoline shortages have begun…

The Daily Messenger: Planned Gasoline shortages have begun…: Sniffy and blo's gleeful destruction of our life and world shifts into a higher gear of desperation, death, and hopelessness. The next planned refinery fires in Texas and California, will finish off the rest of the country. ...





Got a bicycle?  Or horse?  Get to ridin' or pedaling then.
In the 80's and 90's, I had a bike with a baby seat on the back to carry my then very small cute daughter. Oftentimes, I would strap in bags of groceries in the seat, and hang lighter bags on the handlebars. I also did without cable TV, a telephone, and I survived.
What I had?... Nice toned legs and a slim stronger body.

Also posted the Twitter Video here:


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Friday, May 7, 2021

The Daily Messenger: After running out of people willing to take the COVID shot, Baltimore resorts to shaming

The Daily Messenger: After running out of people willing to take the COVID shot, Baltimore resorts to shaming:  They are resorting to that part of their vax weapon playbook by having the vaxxed publicly and loudly shame anyone who hasn't taken the Plague Kill Shot. ...

Ditto That! Same goes for us too!


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Thursday, May 6, 2021

Our Spiritual World: Does anyone know

Our Spiritual World: Does anyone know:  If the vax deaths thus far reveal any trend toward a greater percentage of first born from their respective families?


I am my mother's first born, but not my father's first born.  My father had a son from his first wife.  So an older half brother, but he passed away when he was 18.  That doesn't answer the question, sorry, but I am wondering too now.

All I know is that I and the next one after me got the worst bodies, looks and poorer constitution.  The younger ones having better bodies, better facial structures, better constitutions, better jobs, you name it.  Things came effortlessly for them, but not for us older ones.  Had to fight always and things more difficult, when the younger ones seem to have sort of a "Midas Touch", for lack of a better comparison. Sort of made me think of the Rachel and Leah thing in the Bible.  Still to this day, dunno why we can't ALL BE EQUAL  I know Our Holy Father loves us all, so I never doubted that, but would be nice if more things were fairer.  My earthly father did not like me at all.

The Daily Messenger: I was exposed to the vax weapon...

The Daily Messenger: I was exposed to the vax weapon...: As stated on April 27th, 2021.  8 days later, I"m fine. No symptoms, ailments, nothing. All good. I've read the Pfizer document I posted. I've none of the supposed tell tell signs of having breathed in vax weapon air. ...


First of all, glad you are okay. and we give thanks to Our Holy Father for your safety THANK YOU FATHER for keeping Your boy safe.

YES to the Blood of The Lamb!!!  We, too, have been saying our various prayers before going to bed.  And are praying before leaving the house.  We also use a holy anointing oil, from the recipe I posted a while back. Like the prayers you have provided for us, in addition to these I have also added...

We place ourselves under the protection of the Blood of The Lamb EVERYDAY and NIGHT.  And put on the FULL Armor of God.  The prayers below...


Father, today we put on the full armor to guard our lives against attack. We put on the belt of truth to protect against lies and deception. We put on the breastplate of righteousness to protect our hearts from the temptations we battle. We put the gospel of peace on our feet, so we’re ready to take your light wherever you send us this day. We choose to walk in the peace and freedom of your Spirit and not be overcome with fear and anxious thoughts. We take up your shield of faith that will extinguish all the darts and threats hurled our way by the enemy. We believe in your power to protect us and choose to trust in you. We put on the helmet of salvation, which covers our minds and thoughts, reminding us we are children of the day, forgiven, set free, saved by the grace of Christ Jesus. We take up the sword of the Spirit, your very Word, the one offensive weapon given to us for battle, which has the power to demolish strongholds, alive, active, and sharper than any double-edged sword.

We ask for your help in remembering to put on your full armor every day, for you give us all that we need to stand firm in this world. Forgive us Father for the times we’ve been unprepared, too busy to care, or trying to fight and wrestle in our own strength.

Thank you that we never fight alone, for you are constantly at work on our behalf, shielding, protecting, strengthening, exposing deeds of darkness, bringing to light what needs to be known, covering us from the cruel attacks we face even when we’re unaware. In the powerful name of Yeshua (Jesus Christ), Amen.

And all of your examples like these, because we need these prayers...

And these too...




So anointing ourselves with oil and praying protection over one another, and then put on the FULL armor.  The prayer above is an example, so it can be made simpler.

We ARE still going to limit our time out, get our stuff and GET OUT of whereever, and use the physical protections we already have on hand and have posted about.  So we pray, anoint ourselves, put on the armor, and place ourselves under the PROTECTION of The Blood of the Lamb, Yeshus, that was shed for us.  And carry our pocket orgone, personal ionizers, do the other things mentioned, go home, take off clothes immediate, get in shower, throw clothes in washer, turn on the ozone machines, ionizers, etc... and hope for the best.  It's all we can do.  And as said, trust HIM.  We also in our prayers state aloud that EVERY existing bad guy and the devil himself are permanently, eternally and forever BANNED from us, and from here in Yeshua's name.  And then turn around and state aloud, ONLY The Winning Team of Yeshua, is allowed, welcome and wanted around us and here, which is what I lovingly call The Father, Son, Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost, the Heavenly Host, and Earth Team, our brothers and sisters in Christ, the Elect/Bride of Christ.


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Johns Hopkins chart clearly shows covid vax disaster

From Jim Stone Freelance:


Johns Hopkins chart clearly shows covid vax disaster

No question - the current disaster in India is vax related.

I originally found a reference to this chart at Hal turner's site but there were errors in Hal's timeline that were enough to make me re-do this.


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Saturday, May 1, 2021


MessiahMews Blogs: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE: Shit in pHARMaceuticals and the same shit is also in many supplements.  Microcrystalline Cellulose!! From this radio show document transcr...


All of Tony Pantalleresco's comments on cellulose, microcrystalline cellulose, etc...

independz says:
October 2, 2016 at 7:02 pm

hi good article but you have to remember that this is not just the microcrystaline all the celluose today being used in nutreceuticals as well as pharmaceuticals are all nano~ the methods are going to a “nanodelivery” and this is also being utilized in vaccines and in alot of health supplements which when consumed aggragate and agglomerate and morph and get activated with almost any form of frequency and it begins it’s assmblying and as a result it densifies even more has several links on the topic and yes you can get this out but with great difficulty

Herein lies another problem with cellulose (also from Tony).

Nano tech utilizes the cellulose and turns it into a building block internally and over time you're breaking down at an accelerated rate. It starts with colon then reproductive then brain and then respiratory. Nanotech binding to the cellulose in the vege you will have to do your own filtering out.

Microcrystalline Cellulose is a DNA disrupter.

Cellulose - require proper bacterial presence, which is imbalanced due to dysbiosis of atrophic mucosa - fermentations and accumulations accumulations of toxic gases occur.

Getting cellulose out...

Proteolytic enzymes like Protease, serrapeptase, cellulase, and hemi-celluloase.  Cellulose and cellulase are two totally different things.  If it ends in "ase", then it's an ENZYME.

Serrapeptase is an enzyme involved in clearing the body of undesirable non-living tissue. It breaks down protein as associated with blood vessel plaque, cysts, blood clots, and scar tissue, and prevents fibrin build-up. It also works to rid the body of excess mucus, thereby making is useful as an anti-inflammatory and anti-edemic; as such. But...

But... If you're taking an enzyme encapsulated product with a cellulose capsule, then you're defeating the purpose.  That's why we RE-encapsulate the products and put into GELATIN capsules, available from PureBulk.  The protease we use already comes in a gelatin capsule, and from Nature's Sunshine, so it's okay as is.

Nature's Sunshine has a good clean protease proteolytic enzyme.

Also available from their official website:


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