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Friday, January 23, 2015

12 Reasons Parents can NOT sign a Refusal to Vaccinate Form / The Vaccination Notice

12 Reasons Parents can NOT sign a Refusal to Vaccinate Form

#1 The form attaches a child ID # that will be identifiable in the electronic records system across the country. Everyone from the school to the NSA will be able to determine who is and who is not vaccinated.

#2 The scientific term for HPV vaccine is listed to discourage parents from making the connection to the dangerous vaccine for HPV called Gardasil. [See Open Letter From a Grandmother to Her Daughters About Gardasil]

#3 Do not place any marks in any of these boxes. The physician's records will indicate which vaccines your child has received. It would be best to put a large X through the entire section.

#4 The CDC Vaccine Information Statement is pure unadulterated propaganda. The real information about vaccines was exposed in 30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards See info about the CDC - #9.

#5 Again the parent is misled to think the truth about vaccine risks is on the CDC web site.The doctor has the vaccine package inserts right in his/her office. Why is it not offered and explained to the parent? The physicians may have read them or not. However, the physicians are certainly aware that if the parents read the 'official risks' put out by the drug corporations, they would refuse the vaccines. Full disclosure is almost NEVER a part of the process.

#6 "I understand the following: The risks and benefits of the recommended vaccine(s)." This of course would be agreeing to a false statement. You cannot understand the risks without reading and understanding the package inserts.

#7 Parents are falsely told that without vaccines their children could suffer dire illnesses but are not told the dire illnesses/injuries the vaccines themselves could cause . . . including death. [See 30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards]

#8 This refers to the "herd immunity myth" of 1933, which has been proven unscientific over and over and over again. Simply put: if other children have been vaccinated - and the vaccines work - they won't contract a disease from your child.

#9 Entities are listed as "strongly recommending" the vaccine schedule. Again however, parents are NOT given full disclosure as to exactly who/what the entities are and what their motivations might be. Listed on the Refusal to Vaccinate form are the following entities and a brief description of their motivation:
The 'physician' - is rewarded for administering vaccines by higher reimbursements for his fees. His vaccine "rates" are checked to determine whether or not he/she is entitled to more money. Physicians, public health workers, and drug companies have all been given immunity from any possible lawsuits that may arise as a result of vaccine-caused injury or illness. In other words, if a vaccine harms your child or causes autism you cannot sue any of them.
The American Academy of Pediatrics which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF ILLINOIS - that receives lots of money from drug corporations for advertising in their Journal, etc. This organization relies heavily on what they believe to be a "government" health advocacy agency known as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
The American Academy of Family Physicians which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF KANSAS - that also receives lots of money from drug corporations for advertising in their Journal, etc.This organization also relies heavily on what they believe to be a "government" health advocacy agency known as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA. The CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. Repeat: the CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT! It is a private for-profit corporation that is chartered under the umbrella of the private for-profit UNITED STATES corporation with extremely close ties to the pharmaceutical companies.[See: Our Government is a Company, the Clearfield Doctrine and The Great American Adventure - Secrets of America by Judge Dale at]

Bottom line: all of the above "entities" make more money if they vaccinate our children and even more if our children get sick from the vaccines . . . including the pediatricians themselves.

#10 This is the broadest and most nefarious part of this so-called form.
"Nevertheless, I have decided at this time to decline . . . I know that failure to follow the recommendations about vaccination may endanger the health or life of my child and others . . . I therefore agree to tell all health care professionals in all settings what vaccines my child has not received because he or she may need to be isolated or may require immediate medical evaluation and tests that might not be necessary if my child had been vaccinated."
This is not only deceptive and untruthful [see numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8] it is asking you to confess that you know you are harming your child (and others) and don't care. It is asking you to agree to inform any/all people who consider themselves to be healthcare "professionals" (not defined) of your child's vaccination record. You are also agreeing to permitting undefined healthcare professionals to keep your child in isolation due to unproven or unknown exposure to a myriad of undefined communicable diseases - with or without testing.

#11 This is an admission that you understand this contractual document - and its significance - 'in its entirety'. This means that you accept the false information sited as factual, chose NOT to do what you now know to be good for your child and others (are negligent), obligate yourself to embarrass and confuse your child by tracking and reporting on the vaccines you protected your child from, and give permission for your child to be tested or removed from your care and put in isolation for any 'supposed' exposure to any 'undefined' communicable disease by anyone calling themselves a healthcare worker. [Ohio Revised Code 3701.13]

In short, the form wants you to attest to the following . . . in writing and in the presence of a witness:
You understand you are signing a contract with performance requirements
You accept false information as factual and don't care
You don't care if your child or others are harmed by your decision
You agree to volunteer to all pretend healthcare workers your child's vaccine record
You agree to allow others to test or isolate your child for unproven exposure to a disease

#12 Here is the kicker. You are asked to sign, initial and date this document in front of a witness who also dated their signature. This is called an unconscionable adhesion contract: "a legally binding agreement between two parties to do a certain thing, in which one side has all the bargaining power and uses it to write the contract primarily to his or her advantage."

Let's think . . . how much money is made by forcing all children in America to be 'fully' vaccinated? Billions or is it trillions?


Inform the nurse or doctor that since the Refusal to Vaccinate form is an adhesion contract with performance requirements, you must take it home and read it more thoroughly. No one can force you to sign a contract. It is very important that you don't allow yourself to get bullied into signing this form on the spot.
Ask for the vaccine package inserts to take with you. Explain that you always get a list of side effects from the pharmacist when you pick up a prescription - before you take it. Say you need those inserts to make an informed decision. If they ask you to accept a 'handout', say NO. Just politely repeat your request. If they still say no, just let it go.
On your next visit to the pediatrician or family practitioner, inform him or her that you are not interested in signing the Refusal to Vaccinate form because, after due consideration, you have decided that it would not be in your child's best interests . . . which it would not!



The following is not legal advice. It is merely sharing ideas, understandings and suggestions regarding ways of dealing with vaccine recommendations by the CDC and vaccine mandates by the STATE corporation.

It is time to place our position regarding vaccines on the record (and in the record) for the physician and the school system. The physician needs to have your notice regarding vaccines on file. This also protects him or her from the vaccination-business police (like public health employees) who monitor patient records.

This notice is designed to inform your doctor or your child's school of the reasons you are opposed to their administering vaccines to your child and make it perfectly clear that you are only willing to consent 'conditionally'. Consent is assumed unless non-consent is recorded. The reasons listed on the notice are easy to validate. As the conditions the notice defines will not likely be met by either the parent, the doctor or the nurse . . . in actuality it becomes a notice of non-consent.

The Vaccination Notice will be an education for all parties involved.

*Most folks don't understand that the public health department, the CDC and the state are all corporations. Basically Our Government is a Corporation.
*Most folks don't know their physician gets more money for vaccinating ALL children in his/her practice.
*Most folks don't know that all those manufacturing or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from lawsuits.
*Most folks don't know that by refusing to give the parent/guardian the package insert the parent is kept unaware of the real health risks associated with vaccines.

These facts are stated on the vaccine notice. Notices are used by many for many purposes. According to the concept of using a legal notice is critical to the integrity of legal proceedings. Due process requires that legal action cannot be taken against anyone unless the requirements of notice and an opportunity to be heard are observed.
This notice will stand irregardless of the myriad of vaccine mandates the untrained legislators decide to pass via statutes in the future. Be sure to keep a copy for your own records and note the date it was presented, and the party it was presented to!!
The vaccination notice is designed to inform your doctor, hospital or school of the reasons you are opposed to their administering vaccines to your child and that you do not consent. See Notice The reasons listed on the notice are easy to validate. This approach should help put an end to the endless pressure that pediatricians and school personnel inflict on vaccine-aware parents.

Items in red need to be personalized.
Select son or daughter as applicable.
Corporate entities need to be in all caps.
The health department of each state is listed in its corporate name in all caps on Dun and Bradstreet. This information is accessible for free online at
At the bottom of the notice is a space for the parent's signature and the signature of two witnesses. Of course the dates need to be identical. An acceptable alternative to two witnesses would be to sign in front of a notary and have them stamp it for you. Use blue ink for signatures.

This notice requires little discussion. Just hand it to the nurse, doctor or clerk, or attach it to the Refusal to Vaccinate or the PERSONAL BELIEFS EXEMPTION TO REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS forms[1]. Politely explain that you are not comfortable with the vaccine risks and wish to have this notice placed in the child's records so you don't have to bring in a new one each time your child sees the doctor or nurse. If asked where you obtained the document, simply say from another parent, which is true. Giving more information is not required and is not advisable. Citing websites or vaccine aware organizations just motivates those in the vaccination-distribution-business to track down and discredit folks that are doing their best to bring good information to the public.

Do not answer detailed questions about your objections to any vaccine or the source of your information. Just repeat what is on the notice; "I am aware of multiple scientific peer-reviewed papers that have exposed the dangers of many vaccines." Doctors and nurses are well armed with 'talking points' designed to overcome all claims you might make regarding vaccines and nearly all authors you might site. According to Russell Blaylock, MD, there are lots of peer-reviewed articles on this topic for doctors and nurses to read. It is their job to seek this information. It is not your job to provide it to them. The notice just states facts and is designed to be self-explanatory.

Should the clerk, doctor, or nurse refuse to accept your notice, politely explain that their decision to accept your notice as the "agent" is not optional as it is directed to the "principal” as well. Keep a copy for yourself and write the name of the agent, his/her position and the date on the bottom of your notice. Save the notice for your records. If there is too much resistance to placing the notice in your child's records, send it certified mail to the physician, hospital administrator or superintendent of schools.

[1] The only info the parent should provide on these forms is name of the child and "see attached addendum". Anything more can be used against the parent AND the doctor, as these forms are designed to be tracked. Although it is best not to be obligated to use their form at all. But if you happen to be coerced into doing so, make sure you boldly cross out nearly everything on the form and do NOT sign it; just put your child's name on it and attach the addendum: The Vaccination Notice.


Vaccination Notice (a) 
Notice to agent is notice to principal
Notice to principal is notice to agent

As the parent of Sally Doe, I am prohibited by law from endangering my son or daughter; therefore, I declare the following: Sally Doe's address is 2525 Maple Lane, Boise Idaho
1) I am aware that those ordering and/or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from liability should my son or daughter suffer from a vaccine-caused injury or illness. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund is not an acceptable alternative to me. (Reason listed below - #10)

2) Unless I receive the vaccine manufacturer's package inserts, I have not been given full disclosure regarding any vaccine. CDC or public health vaccine information sheets and/or websites are not acceptable alternatives. (Reason listed below - #4 & #5)

3) I am aware that vaccine schedules have been established by the CDC and are promoted by public health departments, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other organizations. I do not accept CDC recommendations as science-based. (Reason listed below - #4 & #6)

4) I do not recognize the CDC as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their corporation.

5) I am aware that physician or institutional records are frequently reviewed by HEALTH AND WELFARE, IDAHO DEPARTMENT OFa corporation headquartered in BOISE, IDAHO and listed on Dun and Bradstreet [also traded as HEALTH DEPARTMENT] that receives monetary compensation from the CDC to perform this function. Therefore, the state public health department's recommendations and actions are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their own corporation.

6) I do not recognize the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS nor the AMERICAN ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS as health advocacy organizations. They are both corporations (listed on Dun and Bradstreet) that are head-quartered in the STATE OF ILLINOIS and the STATE OF KANSAS respectively, whose monetary compensation from the vaccine manufacturers contributes to the 'fiscal' health of their corporations.

7) I am aware that many physicians are paid higher reimbursement rates for administering vaccines.

8) I am aware that LEGISLATORS for the corporation known as the STATE OF IDAHO, listed on Dun and Bradstreet, vote on statutes for the STATE OF IDAHO These include statutes mandating certain vaccines for attendance in educational institutions. As the LEGISLATORS have no medical training and can easily be influenced by drug company lobbyists and/or the CDC, I do not accept their mandates as science-based. To the best of my knowledge, I have signed no contract with these LEGISLATORS. Therefore, their corporate vaccine statutes do not apply to me or my son or daughter unless I consent to abide by them.

9) I am aware of multiple scientific peer-reviewed papers that have exposed the dangers of many vaccines as well as the "herd immunity myth" of 1933.

10) I am aware that the corporation HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF (listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in WASHINGTON DC) determines claims paid from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund via a secret administrative procedure and also profits from vaccine patents.

11) I have concluded that failure to follow CDC vaccine recommendations is less likely to endanger the health of my child or others than following their recommendations.

As parent or guardian I am prohibited by law to endanger my child. So, for the reasons I have listed and more, I deny permission for anyone to administer CDC recommended vaccines to my son or daughter unless they provide me with the vaccine package insert, allow me to determine if the health risks are acceptable, and sign a document stating that they personally, not me, (and/or my spouse) will be responsible for any injury or illness (as defined by the International Medical Council on Vaccination) the vaccine they administer might cause.

NOTE: This document can be used to protect those that administer vaccines (physicians, nurses or others) or are obliged to adhere to corporate statutes (including educational institutions) from any punitive statutory actions or penalties.

Parent/Guardian: Jane Doe           Signature:                     Date:
Parent/Guardian: John Doe          Signature:                      Date:
Witness: Richard Smith               Signature:                      Date:
Witness: Anna Thomas                Signature:                      Date:



Notice to agent is notice to principal
Notice to principal is notice to agent

As an employee or student of XYZ MEDICAL CENTER, INC, I declare the following:

My employee or school is requesting that I accept a flu shot vaccine as a condition of my employment or attendance.

1) I am aware that those manufacturing, ordering and/or administering vaccines have been granted immunity from liability should I suffer from a vaccine caused injury or illness, such as Guillian Barre. The Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund is not an acceptable alternative to me. (Reason listed below - #7)

2) I requested, received and reviewed the manufacturer's package insert for the vaccine I am being requested to take.

3) I am aware that vaccine recommendations have been established by the CDC and are promoted by state public health departments and other organizations.

4) I do not recognize the CDC as a government health advocacy organization. It is a corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, their recommendations are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their own corporation.

5) I do not recognize the HEALTH, OHIO DEPARTMENT OF as a government health advocacy organization. It is listed on Dun and Bradstreet, is headquartered in COLUMBUS OH, has strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry and receives monetary compensation to promote vaccines. Therefore, the state public health department's recommendations and actions are influenced by the 'fiscal' health of their own corporation.

6) I am aware of multiple scientific peer-reviewed papers, such as "Thevaccination policy and the Code of Practice of the Joint Committee onVaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they at odds?" which have provided proof that governments have been concealing the dangers of many vaccines as well as the truth about the "herd immunity myth" of 1933.

7) I am aware that the corporation HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF (listed on Dun and Bradstreet and headquartered in WASHINGTON DC) determines claims paid from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund via a secret administrative hearing that lacks due process and also profits by owning vaccine patents.

8) I am unaware of any state statute that grants XYZ MEDICAL CENTER, INC the authority to require employees or students to take a pharmaceutical product - that is not warranted as either safe or effective by the manufacturer - as a condition of their employment or admission. If such a statute exists, please send me the name, number and effective date.

For the reasons I have listed and more, I cannot comply with XYX MEDICAL CENTER, INC'S vaccine request unless XYX MEDICAL CENTER, INC provides me with a signed document stating that XYX MEDICAL CENTER, INC (not the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund) agrees to be financially responsible for any and all injuries, illnesses (as defined by the International Medical Council on Vaccination) or losses this vaccine might cause me.

NOTE: Please place this notice in my employee records file.

Employee: Jane Doe               Address: 2425 Maple Lane, Grove City, Ohio

Signature: Jane Doe             Date: 5-15-14

Witness: John Walton         Date: 5-15-14
Witness: Roy Rogers            Date: 5-15-14


Vaccination Notice a is where you are insisting on the vaccine package inserts. Vaccination Notice b is after you have read them and made your decision to REFUSE vaccines.


This is very easy to remedy for the most part, regarding run ins with the doctors and CPS.  

It's best to keep the children OUT of mainstream medical and hire a competent chiropractor and/or naturopath instead.   Even better to refuse signing a birth certificate (another contract) and have a marriage license (contract with the state).

The main reason people are still having pointless arguments with medical doctors who study medicine and not health is because they think they are necessary. Medical doctors are not necessary. Of course emergency room physicians and surgeons are very necessary, but unless your in danger of loosing your life why are you going to medically trained doctors? Research the history of allopathy and you may never see a medical doctor again. "Confessions of a Medical Heretic" is a great book that you can find for free online. The introductory chapter alone will begin turning you into a research machine. I also recommend the research of Eustace Mullins.

Sad to think that the beginning of our lives we are treated as a sickness. The moment most women discover they are pregnant they rush to a medical doctor. WHY? You are not sick. A baby is not a tumor. It does not need ultrasound, needles, etc.... To make sure it is healthy. What babies and adults need for health is for us to get out of nature's way. Industrialized and commercialized pharmacy has been around for no more than 90-100 years, and is making record profits above all other industries. Nature has been around since....well forever, and does not profit from your sickness. Pharmaceutical corporations need you to be sick in order to profit. If you are dead or healthy you are worthless to them. Further they cannot be successful without the protection and distance that medical doctors provide them. And lastly medical doctors are empowered by our belief in them as erroneous as it is.

A pediatrician is not an "essential" part of raising children. That is an indoctrination (Mind Control) that has been bought, lock-stock-and-barrel. For an otherwise healthy child, a pediatrician is NOT necessary - except as coach and counselor (which most are not).  Pediatric visits are at 2-4-6 months for doctor convenience (time to bully a new mom/dad into vaccinating when you're tired and still trying to "figure it out") and for insurance company planning (a way to get your child into the EHR system and tracked for life).  Use a naturopath and/or good chiropractor instead. 

The ABC (Advanced BioStructural Correction) and NRC (Neurological Relief Centers Technique) are the best forms of chiropractic, IMHO and here are their websites:

If children have severe cranial problems, then Neurocranial Restructuring (NCR) or ABC's EndoNasal Cranial Correction (ECC).  Both are the same technique of balloon inflation into the nasal passages.  Not all the chiropractors doing ABC does the EndoNasal Cranial Correction, but there are alot of them that do.  Check the above provider map and the names with a star beside them, means they do endo-nasal cranial correction.

Some chiropractors ARE naturopaths and others work with naturopaths.

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