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Friday, May 22, 2015

Choice vs Truth

The US Centers for Disease Control – #1 Enemy of the US People – Does More Harm To US Citizens Than Terrorists – [Including Al Quaeda and ISIS Combined]

by ChildHealthSafety

The Center for Disease Control is a rogue institution engaged in the destruction of the health of the American population . . .
  1. CDC is a for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet
  2. CDC partners with big pharma
  3. CDC deceives health practitioners as well as the public
  4. CDC is rife with corruption
  5. CDC orchestrates propaganda campaigns based on nonexistent threats
  6. CDC wastes millions of dollars
  7. CDC hires researchers to create bogus studies
  8. CDC does not protect the population, but promotes whatever agenda those who control the White House [the international banksters] wish advanced
  9. CDC pays public health institutions and even has employees stationed in their state offices
  10. CDC ignores congressional reports and/or hearings
  11. CDC actively discredits/destroys reputable researchers
  12. CDC bilks insurance companies out of billions of dollars by knowingly creating disease through their massive vaccination programs
  13. CDC hires private think-tank corporations to produce phoney 'consensus' science reports
  14. CDC promotes the dumping of toxic wastes from the chemical fertilizer industry into public drinking water in the name of ‘fluoridation’ contributing to ill health
  15. CDC has a long and nasty relationship with the CIA
While most physicians and public health workers may be unaware of the depth of the cover-up regarding vaccines, the harm they are causing is incalculable and the damage being inflicted on us and our children is devastating. Since the illnesses or injuries caused by toxic vaccines frequently don’t show up for weeks or even years, the medical industrial complex maintains plausible deniability.
Many good physicians have come forward (like those affiliated with the International Medical Council on Vaccination) and exposed the dangers of vaccines as have CDC whistle-blowers. The truth is everywhere. [See: CDC Exposed]

Why would legislators trust any recommendation coming from the CDC?
They wouldn't . . .  if they were told the truth.

Which organization in this movement is willing to get past the vaccination "choice" argument and help advance the truth i.e. the CDC and their so-called recommendations cannot be trusted AT ALL!
Here is a 40 minute interview with Dr David Lewis, former CDC/EPA employee and author of Science for Sale, blowing the whistle on the CDC, et al:


AL Whitney
Retired Registered Respiratory Therapist
Former Court Appointed Special Advocate for Children
Spouse of a retired Family Practitioner
People for Safe Technologies

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