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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Is Big Pharma Murdering Our Cutting-Edge Doctors? Yes, Of Course They Are... Why? They've Tried Everything Else to Control the Dialogue..

Is Big Pharma Murdering Our Cutting-Edge Doctors?

Yes, Of Course They Are...

Why?  They've Tried Everything Else to Control the Dialogue..

Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen

Saturday, September 26th, 2015

Depending on who you read, the number of cutting-edge (non-drug) health professionals dying under suspicious circumstances varies, but is rapidly increasing.  The last doctor, 59 year-old Mitch Gaynor MD, a personal friend, and regular guest interview, of TV Doctor Oz , supposedly committed suicide in his back yard of his country home.

Bullshit - Gaynor was at the top of his game.  My thinking?  Gaynor was murdered, openly, as a message for Oz.  What message?  "Shut the fuck up, or you're next."

Virtually every one of the doctors that died under "suspicious circumstances" have commonalities - the largest of which is an anti-vaccine stance. But that's not everything...

Friends and family of Jeffrey Bradstreet MD are absolutely positive that Bradstreet's death, labeled suicide by a corn-pone half-baked, average 80 IQ, police department in bum-fuck, nowhere, know better.  The family has hired an attorney and a private investigator to get to the bottom of it.  They are being blocked by that same police, in their investigation.  Are you surprised?   The local cops are probably too busy ordering their new armored vehicles, surveillance cameras, crates of automatic weapons, flame throwers, and injecting each other with the latest blue rage, "bulk-up," steroids to answer a few simple questions.

Bradstreet was, just before his murder, a guest speaker at Autism One, talking about the REAL INGREDIENTS IN VACCINES.  One-plus-one equals two.

Nicholas Gonzalez MD, my friend from New York City, died under "suspicious circumstances" at 67 years old, supposedly of a heart attack.  However, his autopsy shows no reason why he would have had any heart attack.

No reason...

Is it happening?  Yes, it is.  We all need to be on the lookout.

To read the entire article click on -

Tim Bolen

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