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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Organic Sulfur Protocol For Cancer A Stage III Cancer Treatment

Organic Sulfur Protocol For Cancer A Stage III Cancer Treatment

According to them, it can be done alongside other protocols.  So if one is doing the Gerson Therapy, Hulda Clark, etc... it will be fine.

I can tell that the sulfur is moving stuff out big time.  Especially, after having done a liver/gallbladder flush a couple of weeks ago.  Moving out faster since then.  We are all exposed to our daily dose of pollution, even if we refuse vaccines, drugs, fluoride, etc... we still get sprayed by chemtrails, and then there's other pollution from cars, trucks, etc...

So detoxing is ongoing...

The Protocol in .doc format:

Stop Feeding Cancer:

The Sulfur Hour +1 - Thursday

Cellular Matrix Study

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